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Probeer om jou eiendom in ’n maatskappy te registreer en jou boerdery in ’n ander maatskappy wat dan net die grond huur om jou besigheid te bedryf, is die raad van mnr. Dawie Roodt, ekonoom van Efficient Wealth, aan boere om die gevaar van onteiening teen te werk. Roodt, wat as gasspreker op TLU SA se kongres oor die impak van die regering se beleid op die ekonomie en die gevolge daarvan op boere gepraat het, het gesê só ’n struktuur maak dit moeiliker vir die staat om te doen wat hy wil. “Die kuns is om niks te besit nie, maar om alles te beheer.” “Ek glo die wetgewing gaan verander en ons sal onteiening sonder vergoeding sien, al is dit net vir die simboliese waarde wat die ANC daaruit gaan kry as op die voorblad van Beeld gewys kan word dat ’n boer se plaas afgeneem is. Dit is egter nie die groot gevaar nie. Die groot gevaar lê by hordes wat die plaas kan binneval en die polisie wat niks daaromtrent gaan doen nie.”
Die parlementêre portefeuljekomitee vir openbare werke en infrastruktuur het die onteieningswetsontwerp op 7 September goedgekeur. Die goedkeuring van die wetsontwerp moet in die lig gesien word van die mislukte poging van die ANC om in 2021 art. 25 van die Grondwet te wysig wat onteiening sonder vergoeding moontlik sou gemaak het. “Dit kom in die praktyk daarop neer dat art. 25 van die Grondwet verander word. Die enigste verskil is dat die regering net ’n gewone meerderheid nodig het om die wetsontwerp goed te keur,” sê Francois Wilken, president van Vrystaat Landbou. Die wetsontwerp, wat nou aan die Nasionale Raad van Provinsies en die Nasionale Vergadering voorgelê sal word, sal verreikende gevolge vir elke burger hê, sê Wilken. “Die vraag is, wat wil die regering doen met die mag om enige bate te onteien, sonder vergoeding?” Volgens Wilken is die wetsontwerp goedgekeur sonder om openbare insette te oorweeg. Benewens honderdduisende insette van ander organisasies en burgers is 120 000 insette danksy ’n inisiatief van VL teen die wetsontwerp ingedien. Dit is duidelik dat die regering dié kommentare op die wetsontwerp geïgnoreer het, sê Wilken. Dr. Pieter Groenewald van die VF Plus sê die onteieningswetsontwerp met al sy klousules is deur die ANC-meerderheid aanvaar en die party sal aanhou om daarteen te veg. “Die VF Plus is bereid om konstitusionele hof toe te gaan om die wet te stuit,” sê Groenewald.
Die regering en sy meelopers is blykbaar absoluut ingestel op korrupsie en het dit al deur die jare vervolmaak. Daar vind nog elke dag korrupie plaas-
Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister Thoko Didiza has described the performance of Mzansi's agricultural and agro-processing sector as ‘remarkably resilient’’. The sector posted quarter-on-quarter export growth of 12% in the second quarter of 2022. The country has exported RS1 billion's worth of maize and wheat, citrus, wine and grapes, apples and pears, dates and figs, avocados, nuts, fruit juices, sugar, wool, and some other commodities. This, despite major challenges that the export industry has had to face, including FMD-related trade bans, logistics challenges and more restrictive citrus regulations by the European Union. The minister is particularly pleased that South Africa has kept a presence in all its most important destination countries.
A new report commissioned by Fertilizer Canada and the Canola Council of Canada shows increased adoption of 4R stewardship practices could result in a 14 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogen fertilizer — approximately halfway to the Canadian government’s 30 per cent reduction target for 2030. The study, released September 6, compares the impact of 4R (right source, right rate, right time, right place) practices on emissions and farm economics, depending on the level of adoption and whether crop yields increase between now and 2030.
Dr Wong from Malaysia, is a Singapore venture capitalist/private equity veteran and investor in more than 200 companies internationally share his knowledge and experience of building businesses that matters with a selected group of CEOs only from African and the ASEAN countries. You can now become part of this Exclusive business club in South Africa- Discover the Miracles of Capital in Africa as you join our international network of more than 4 300 alumni. Raise capital on your own terms without excessive dilution of shares; Know how/when to work on your business and not in it; Safeguard and protect your business and investors' interests against undue claimants; Create a business financial roadmap and plan your personal business exit strategy; and Benefit from capital gains and grow personal wealth. An international association of CEOs, founders, company directors and investors who are passionate about growing their businesses. We invited Dr Jeh Shyan Wong from Malaysia, a Singapore venture capitalist / private equity veteran and investor in more than 200 companies internationally, to South Africa, to share his knowledge and experience of building businesses that matters with a selected group of CEOs only from African and the ASEAN countries. Get all the details HERE
Cilo Cybin to list Africa’s first Cannabis focused SPAC on Main Board of the JSE and opens opportunities for the agriculture sector -Cilo Cybin Holdings Limited (Cilo Cybin) has received the go-ahead to list Africa’s first Cannabis focused Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) on the Main Board of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). Get all the details here -
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We almost ready to present a list of EXCLUSIVE FARMS that is "FOR SALE" but not available on the open market
Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards -
Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards.
The Agricultural sector is critical in helping create a better future for all South Africans and the purpose of this competition is to encourage accurate storytelling and relaying of information within this sector. The competition seeks to create a platform where students of agriculture or journalism can publish their work and get a taste for communicating to the public and industry stakeholders and stand the chance to win some nice cash prizes.There are two sections to the competition, one for journalism students and another for students of agricultural disciplines. The latter includes scientists and economists.The competition closes at the end of October 2022 and the winners will be announced at an event held at the historical Villa Arcadia in Parktown in November. Villa Arcadia is the home of Hollard and we look forward to presenting this event at this special place.
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Wat gaan gebeur die dag as Internasionale Internet verbindings totaal en al ineenstort-
Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world. - Our Advertisers are leaders in their field with a professional way in marketing and delivering their services to Farmers and their families. We only post Professional Articles in script, Video and Audio. Independent, Informed and in Tune. We know what farming is all about.
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News stories on AGRI NEWS NET
The cactus fruit is indeed full of valuable substances for our body and exceptionally sweet and tasty. The plant that produces it, is a prolific one that produces many fruits from every single shovel: the Opuntia ficus-indica.
Just for the record. Andre De Ruyter didn't break Eskom. He inherited it from a line of ANC cadres who one after the other, stole the SOE blind. If Jan Oberholzer wasn't in charge of operations whilst Cadres looted, we'd have blacked out years ago. No maintenance were done- its all about taking whatever you can out of a huge state owned company that were working like a clock in 1994.
Volgens 'n verslag van die Wêreldbank is Suid-Afrika die meeste ongelyke land in die wêreld, met ras wat 'n bepalende faktor in 'n samelewing speel waar 10% van die bevolking meer as 80% van die rykdom besit.
Die vernietiging van vleilande veroorsaak dat naaldekokers wêreldwyd al minder word. Dit is volgens die Internasionale Unie vir Natuurbewaring se jongste rooilys van bedreigde spesies ná sy omvattende ondersoek oor hierdie kleurvolle groep insekte.
It’s a viral disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals, such as cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, and wild animals such as buffalo. The disease is caused by foot-and-mouth disease virus. The virus is extremely contagious; it can travel on air currents and infect animals many kilometres away from the source
In 2021, the less than 50 HP segment accounted for the largest share due to its compact size and flexible operational capabilities. North America accounts for almost 11% of the global agriculture tractor market in terms of volume.
The United Nations Organization anticipated that the world’s population will reach 9.7 billion people by 2050. Feeding such a considerable population may be a frightful issue to settle. We are losing arable land every year due to industrial development and urbanization. The Earth had lost one-third of its arable land over the previous 40 years. We have no idea how much more we will lose in the next 40 years.
Waterstres, versengende hitte wat met langdurige droogtes gepaardgaan en vernietigende vloede slaan harde houe na Afrika se gemeenskappe, ekonomieë en ekostelsels. So lui die verslag State of the Climate in Africa 2021, wat die Wêreldmeteorologiese Organisasie (WMO) Donderdag in Maputo, hoofstad van Mosambiek, uitgereik het.
Direktoraat veeartsenydienste in die Namibiese landbou-ministerie en die Vleisraad van Namibië, in samewerking met die res van die bedryf, is op ‘n hoë gereedheidsgrondslag om alle moontlike stappe te neem om te voorkom dat bek-en-klouseer vanaf buurlande die land binnekom.
Why do we have this biodiversity crisis? The UN report on biodiversity broke it down into five main factors. You’ll see that while the biodiversity crisis is related to, and fueled by, the climate crisis, it’s also distinct from it.
Bacteria have a remarkable ability to adapt, evolve and survive by developing resistance to therapeutic compounds. This ability is also shared by otherpathogenic agents such as viruses, fungi, and parasites.
Die bestuurshoof van Sake-eenheid Suid-Afrika, Cas Coovadia, sê Suid-Afrika se beleggingsklimaat is tans swak. Dit geld vir sowel binnelandse as buitelandse beleggers. Coovadia sê die regering sal sy sokkies moet optrek om oplossings te vind vir die talle uitdagings wat die land ondervind en om investering te stimuleer.
Urea prices in some major markets saw small reductions at a local level – Brazil saw prices drop around $20/t on the back of very slow trading. Half-year trade data to Brazil shows that nitrogen imports have dropped almost 20% year-on-year, which indicates that the high urea inventory situation should be starting to unwind. This will be good news for producers targeting Brazil.
The dairy industry is being impacted negatively by the lower demand by cash-strapped consumers, which is leading to a decline in six out of nine dairy product categories. A recent report issued by NielsenIQ showed that between June 2021 and June 2022, retail sales volumes of fresh milk, flavoured milk, yogurt, cream cheese and cream had declined.
Positive development regarding the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) situation is that the ban on movement on cattle across the country has been lifted after the 21-day ban.
Moed opgee en hoop verloor mag nie deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse boer se DNS wees nie. Dít is die boodskap van Mnr. Henry Geldenhuys wat by die jaarlikse TLU SA Kongres as President van TLU SA herverkies is.
UC Riverside scientists are on the hunt for a chemical called pheromone that disrupts “evil” weevils’ mating and could prevent them from destroying California’s supply of avocados.
AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -4th September 2022
Suid-Afrika is ’n bietjie soos ’n huwelik. ’n Mens raak nog net in ’n stryery betrokke as jy iets wil red. Dit is wanneer jou gade stil raak en nie meer wil redekawel nie, dat jy moet begin worry. So ook met die land.
Gesonde grond kan lei tot vrugbare grond, wat onder meer voordelig vir aanplantings is. Dr Elmarie Kotzé, senior lektrise van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat se Departement van Grondgewasse en Klimaatswetenskappe, sê om grondgesondheid te meet kan moeilik wees, maar dat daar verskeie maniere is om vas te stel of grond gesond is of nie
Die meeste boere streef na die groei wat doeltreffender besighede bring. Skaalekonomie is egter nie altyd die oplossing wat dit beloof om te wees nie. Dit is allermins ’n skakelaar wat na willekeur aan- en afgeskakel kan word. Dit is dus eerder belangriker om deur noukeurige bestuur op die sewe maer jare voor te berei, om só skaalekonomie op ’n verantwoordeliker manier na te streef.
The Citrus Growers Association of South Africa (CGA) and the Fresh Produce Exporters' Forum Boards have taken the decision to voluntarily close the export of Valencia oranges from Citrus Black Spot (CBS) affected areas in South Africa to the European Union (EU) starting from 16 September 2022.
Agribank sê daar was ‘n toename in bemarkingsyfers vir skaap in Julie vanjaar. Daar was 100 persent meer diere gedurende die maand bemark, met net meer as 53 000 diere teenoor die amper 26 500 in Julie verlede jaar. Agribank sê die syfers sal verder verbeter wanneer die Farmers Meat Market-abattoir in Mariental in September 2022 heropen.
Researchers have found that sugar content is the most important factor for people when making healthy food choices - overriding fat and salt. A team from the University of Nottingham's Division of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics carried out a choice-based survey with 858 participants using the traffic light labelling system (TLL) to select healthy foods.
Die Namibiese Statistieke Agentskap het erken dat hulle ‘n fout geïdentifiseer het met betrekking tot die Julie Handelstatistiek Bulletin wat op Dinsdag, 6 September vrygestel is. Die verslag het aangedui dat Namibië tamaties ter waarde van 24,6 miljoen Namibiese dollar gedurende daardie maand ingevoer het.
Nothing unites South Africans like a braai and good meat. But how does our love of meat stack up in comparison with the rest of the world?- According to the data‚ SA had the eighth-highest consumption of poultry‚ with 38.7kg per capita.
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AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd- 7dae per week- 365 van die jaar- No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week.
Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.
Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.
So eet jy 'n eier- stukkie vir stukkie
Egg-eating snakes (genus Dasypeltis) live in Africa and feed on bird eggs. Watch one swallowing a egg bigger than its head breaking its shell with its cervical vertebrae. The entire process took 2 hours [full video, Living Zoology: https://t.co/FsVxRiX4WN]pic.twitter.com/Via2LZ1QF7
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) September 8, 2022
Moenie met olie mors nie.
REVERSE…REVERSE!!! 😳😬🐘 pic.twitter.com/BnZapKA0oI
— Fred Schultz (@FredSchultz35) September 9, 2022
So brei landbou uit-
New #Farmland ia coming in Bagé, Rio Grande Do Sul State.
— SLE Farms🇧🇷22 (@StaLuziaEsteio) September 10, 2022
Roughly #Brazil🇧🇷 has:
70 million hectares of farmland.
180 million hectares of pastures
15 million hectares of forestry
560 million ha of#WildBrazil🇧🇷
30 million ha of cities/construction#OAgroNãoPara#Agro never stops pic.twitter.com/cx3iISjiml