AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 14th November 2021

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This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the news stories of this week-,

Oor die afgelope 70 jaar het die openbare gesondheid se gevestigde orde in Westerse lande ‘n aantal dieetreëls uitgereik met die algemene tema dat die natuurlike bestanddele wat bevolkings regdeur die wêreld vir eeue lank geëet het, soos vleis, suiwel en eiers sowel as sekere kompenente daarvan, naamlik versagdigde vet, gevaarlik is vir menslike gesondheid. 

Biodynamics has continued to develop and evolve since the 1920s through the collaboration of many farmers and researchers. Around the world, biodynamics is alive in thousands of thriving gardens, farms, vineyards, ranches, and orchards. The principles and practices of biodynamics can be applied anywhere food is grown, with thoughtful adaptation to scale, landscape, climate, and culture.

Die onafhanklike landbouweerkundige, Johan van den Berg, meen dat op die kort termyn min reën oor die grootste deel van die somerreëngebied verwag word, terwyl die kwik tot op 30°C en hoër sal styg.

‘n Namibiese ekoloog het gereageer op die Kavango-Zambezi Oorgrensbewaringsgebied, Kaza, wat volgende jaar met sy olifant-lugsensus gaan hou om te bepaal hoe groot die olifantbevolking werklik in die gebied is. Die regerings van Namibië, Botswana, Angola, Zambië en Zimbabwe, wat deel is van Kaza, gaan in Julie 2022 met die lugsensus begin wat vir vier maande gaan duur.

Did you know that honeybees are responsible for $30 billion a year in crops, and they pollinate 70 of the around 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world? Yes, these humble bees have high significance to the environment and human nutrition – not for their honey production, but for pollination

Agbiz welcomes the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, which showed continuity between former Finance Minister Tito Mboweni and his successor Enoc Godongwana. “Growth and reforms” was a key theme of Minister Godongwana’s statement. The National Treasury expects the South African economy to grow by 5,1% in 2021, from a 6,4% contraction in 2020

South Africa maintained a strong trade balance in the second quarter of 2021, with a surplus of R163 billion, a substantial increase from the roughly R30 billion reported in the second quarter of 2020. The large surplus is mainly the outcome of a surge in mineral prices for ores and platinum.

Special recognition was given to Chris du Toit at the Agricultural Writers SA Awards evening. Chris received the Agricultural Personality of the Year Award in recognition of his continuous contribution towards the broader agricultural sector over many years.

By 2030, the United Kingdom plans to outlaw the sale of petrol and diesel-engined vehicles. In preparation for this, carmakers are pivoting away from the combustion engine with a keen focus on electrifying their ranges.

Die wynbedryf se “komplekse en delikate” verhouding met die regering is een waaraan daar gewerk moet word. Hoewel die wynbedryf se verhouding met die regering veral sedert die begin van die covid-19-inperkings “kompleks en delikaat” is, moet daar in die toekoms aan hierdie verhouding gewerk word aangesien dié twee entiteite mekaar nodig het.

The demand for skilled artisans such as carpenters, toolmakers, fitters, joiners or mechanics grown in South Africa, despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, says Arjun Khoosal, co-founder of Kandua an online marketplace for home services.

Latest reports on the international markets indicate demand pressures for various commodities including citrus which has so far placed downward pressure on prices. In Europe, the Spanish citrus season began on a softer note with pedestrian sales amid increased availability of product.

The estimated global warming from pre-industrial times till today, is about 1.2°C. Over the interior regions of southern Africa, temperatures are rising at about twice the rate of global warming, however. This is due to southern Africa’s location in the subtropics and its unique regional climate. That is, in cities such as Johannesburg and Pretoria, winters are today already more than 2°C warmer than a hundred years ago.”

The future is in Cellulose and Paper Pulp from plant Stover. Hemp wich we all know and Bamboo. Bamboo if implemented correctly with corporate partners like Exxaro, Glencore, Bhp, Anglo, Sasol, PSG Group etc to mention only a few, can come with a plan to the table so that we can invest billions into processing plants and create jobs, all inline with UN goals.

'n Internasionale navorsingstudie wat die beduidende toename in byevrektes aan 'n blootstelling aan landbouchemikalieë toeskryf laat die vrese opnuut ontstaan dat voedselsekerheid én natuurlike ekostelsels daadwerklike bedreiging in die gesig staar.

Italian pasta makers are fearful of a substantial supply squeeze in the coming months after this summer's durum wheat price shock, as the market runs out of ways to offset a dire harvest in top exporter Canada.


This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE , when you download the APP.

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

So word beeste se horing gebrand

Al is dit nat- kan die wind in die Vrystaat nog steeds waai

Daaglikse stappie in die natuur-

So werk jy met 'n aartappel

Dis hoe jy met die skurke meot afreken- totaal verwyder uit die samelewing.

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