AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 19th September 2021

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‘Raisins South Africa’, the organisation representing 700 growers, aims to communicate the many benefits of their world-class product through a UK promotional campaign.

By the year 2050, U.S. growers will need to reach an impressive level of food production to help feed a growing world population. Fewer in number, they will operate multifaceted businesses with stunning new technology to increase efficiency on farms. These predictions come from experts who study food and farming trends. Here’s a look at what they think life on the farm will look like in 33 years.

“The economic growth prospects for this year of 5% and higher, which are cited by different commentators for various optimistic reasons,1)2) are not realistic,” says Fanie Brink, an independent agricultural economist.

The 2021 edition of the BFAP Baseline, generated by the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) system of economic models, presents an outlook of agricultural production, consumption, prices and trade in South Africa from 2021 to 2030. The analysis is based on assumptions about various factors such as weather conditions, the macroeconomy and global markets.

n Groep pekanneutboere in die Jacobsdal-omgewing in die Vrystaat het hande gevat om hul eie pekanneutprodukte te verpak, te verwerk en uit te voer. Volgens Jan Cloete, hoof uitvoerende beampte van Gariep Pecans, stel die vorming van die maatskappy hulle in staat om meer wins te maak.

Indien wynprodusente hul voorraadsurplus teen Desember vanjaar tot 650 miljoen liter wil verminder, sal hulle 77 miljoen liter wyn per maand moet verkoop. Indien wynprodusente hul voorraadsurplus teen Desember vanjaar tot 650 miljoen liter wil verminder, sal hulle 77 miljoen liter wyn per maand moet verkoop.

Agriculture has a vital role to play in SA’s economic reconstruction and recovery path after the Covid-19 shock. The government appreciates the potential of this sector, and has thus partnered with the private sector in drafting an Agricultural & Agro-Processing Master Plan.

The use of drones has become increasingly widespread, especially in the agricultural industry. It is a growing trend, although in its infancy in South Africa, for farmers to integrate the use of drones to assist with crop management, production, and fighting the effects of climate change.

Twee opeenvolgende wolveilings is hierdie week na afloop van ’n week se reses gehou. Die 2021/22-wolseisoen is op 14 September met die vierde veiling van die seisoen hervat. Veiling vier het uit ’n klein aanbod van 3 747 bale bestaan.

South Africa's biggest blueberry exporter started its season earlier than ever this year with first pick for local supply beginning in April. Global soft fruit producer BerryWorld expects exports to rise by a quarter this year as the group continues to make "significant strides" towards year-round supply of the fruit.

New findings share how prescribed fire and no-till management impact soil microbes.-Using no-till and prescribed fire management are two potential ways to manage crop residue. Both practices help keep organic matter and nitrogen in the soil. However, research was needed to understand how these two practices can affect long-term soil health.

Post forecasts that chicken meat production will increase by five percent in 2022 on industry investment and lowered input costs. Chicken meat consumption is forecast to strengthen by three percent due to economic recovery and rising costs of substitute proteins.

Volgens die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling het Suid-Afrika se totale landbouskuld einde 2020 sowat R190 miljard beloop. Dit neem jaarliks met gemiddeld 10% toe. Dit het oor ’n dekade meer as verdubbel van die R79 miljard wat dit in 2011 was.

Biosecurity remains a challenge across the world livestock value chains and trade with the most prevalent outbreaks in recent years being the African Swine Fever (ASF), Food and Mouth Disease (FMD), and the Avian Influenza (AI).

Rabo Bank, the Netherland-based cooperative bank that is also present in a number of our neighbouring countries and elsewhere in Africa, has expressed their appetite and conditions for expansion into the South-African agricultural market. Over the longer term the dream of setting up a cooperative bank in South-Africa, that will belong to the farmers themselves, will probably gain traction.

Verreweg die grootste deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking is verstedelik. ’n Sterk kommersiële landbousektor is noodsaaklik om te verseker dat die stedelinge voldoende en bekostigbare voedsel het. Daar is gereeld debatte oor die grootte van boerderye en die bydrae van verskillende boerderye tot die totale landbouproduksie en dus voedselvoorsiening aan die stedelike bevolking.

Sorghum acres in the United States in 2021 are estimated to increase 24% from the previous year to 7.3 million, the highest planted area since 2015, according to the US Department of Agriculture’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report.

RECENT revelations by the Competition Commission that nearly 3 000 milk producers have disappeared in South Africa, is one of the matters that will dominate discussions at today’s board meeting of Milk South Africa.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

So word daar geplant

Backout at it today this time drilling Kws Tardis from Agrii master seeds 3rd season for this field into full No till, 8th season no insecticides on farm to no detriment. let's see how we can further synthetic input reduction. @KWSUKLtd @AgriiUK @AgriiMasterSeed

— Ian wilkinson (@The_wilk79) September 12, 2021

Sonneblom stroop in Amerika 

So word die nuwe seisoen se lande voorberei.

So skiet jy met 'n haelgeweer

Olifante van Afrika 

So word daar "Breakfast gemaak"

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