AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 28th February 2021

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Die R9,3 miljard wat deur Tito Mboweni, minister van finansies, begroot is om 1 409 grondeise af te handel, skiet ver tekort, sê dr. Theo de Jager, voorsitter van die landbou-organisasie Saai. Hy sê dié grondeise sou in 2014 al afgehandel gewees het. “Teen die huidige gemiddelde tempo van afhandeling sal dit dekades neem, tensy die administratiewe proses geprivatiseer word.

South Africa -Smugglers of illicit tobacco products are dancing in the street following finance minister Tito Mboweni’s announcement of an 8%- increase on excise charges, tobacco heavyweights believe. (BATSA) says it was shocked by the double inflation increase in tobacco sin tax, especially while they are still reeling from the aftermath of the Covid-19 lockdown sales ban.

Die Oesskattingskomitee se hersiene oppervlakte-skatting vir mielies is 2 750 900 ha, wat 5,37% meer is as die 2 610 800 ha van verlede seisoen en 0,92% minder as die voorlopige oppervlakteskatting van 2 776 500 ha soos vrygestel in Januarie 2021.

Braai is 'n sosiale tradisie waartydens kos (gewoonlik vleis) op 'n rooster of braaier oor vuurwarm kole gaargemaak word. Die tradisie het oorspronklik by die Afrikaners in Suid-Afrika begin, maar het sedertdien na die res van Suidelike Afrika versprei, insluitend: Botswana, Namibië, Lesotho, Zimbabwe en Zambië.

Daimler Trucks’ shift to zero-emission vehicles will lead to thousands of job losses at the company’s German powertrain plants by 2033, its chairman said on Thursday, adding cuts would be gradual and achieved via retirements and voluntary packages.

Luidens Statistiek Suid-Afrika se nuutste werkloosheidsyfer vir die vierde kwartaal van 2020, het die Covid-19-pandemie en gepaardgaande inperkings 1,397 miljoen mense hul werk gekos. Dié kommerwekkende statistiek toon dat die land se amptelike werkloosheidskoers vir die vierde kwartaal van 2020 tot 32,5% opgeskiet het, teenoor die aangetekende 30,8% in die voorafgaande kwartaal.

Suid-Afrikaanse boere word daagliks deur plaasaanvalle bedreig. Hoewel die nuutste syfers, soos elke jaar, skokkend is, weier die regering steeds om plaasaanvalle en -moorde as prioriteitsmisdade te hanteer. AfriForum dryf in 2021 ’n verskerpte veldtog teen plaasmoorde wat bewusmaking-, veiligheid-, voorkoming- en ondersteuningsprojekte op plaaslike, nasionale en internasionale vlak insluit.

The latest data on fruit exports shows a good start to the 2021 export season for South Africa’s apples. This follows an excellent export season for the citrus commodities during 2020. Apple exports for week 7 of the 2021 export season were up 8% year-on-year (y/y) at 337,708 cartons (12.5kg). This brought the cumulative total for the year to week 7 to 1.18

South African motorists are set to be hit with yet more steep fuel price hikes going into March, the (AA) warns. Commenting on unaudited month-end fuel price data released by the Central Energy Fund, the association said although the rand performed well against the US dollar during February, gaining around 14 cents, it was far below what was needed to offset the climb in oil prices.

Hoewel President Cyril Ramaphosa se staatsrede die klem op ekonomiese groei en werkskepping gelê het, het die landbousektor waarskynlik die grootste uitdaging gekry. Ramaphosa wil die afhanklikheid van invoer oor die volgende vyf jaar met 20% verminder.

Millennials will make up more than 50% of the workforce by 2025. These people live in their world with their own demands. Millennials (also known as Generation Y, Digital Natives, Generation Me, Generation Rent and Echo Boomers) are generational cohort born roughly between 1980-2000.

Demand for dairy products is high, despite four quarters of negative economic growth in the third and fourth quarters of 2019, and the first and second quarters of 2020, and the pandemic. The industry was holding its breath in anticipation of how this may affect demand, but, surprisingly, demand increased with solid growth percentages during this time.

As daar nie Suid Afrika soveel korrupsie, moord, doodslag en allerhande ander slegte nuus was nie, het die meeste radiostasies, televisie kanale en gedrukte en internet media niks gehad om oor te berig nie.Daar is werklik min Radio stasies in Suid Afrika wat goeie positiewe nuus uitsaai. Hulle nuusbulletins is oortrek van negatiewe nuus en geen suksesvolle mens kan daarna luister nie.

There’s just not been strong demand from any market in the Far East for table grapes, traders say, and in China they’re hoping the many containers of Chilean cherries that went unsold before Chinese New Year will have been absorbed by the end of February

South Africa’s new minimum wage of R21.69 for each ordinary hour worked will officially take effect on Monday (1 March 2021). Sector-specific changes will also be introduced on the same day, including: Farmworkers are entitled to a minimum wage of R21.69 per hour;

Macadamia nuts are the most expensive nuts in the world. A one pound bag can cost around $25, almost twice as much as other nuts like almonds, and they've been breaking price records year after year.Considered a high-quality dessert nut because of its rich, buttery flavor, macadamia nuts are a popular treat and a trendy import in countries like China and the United States.

Die eerste sooi van Terugploeg se nuwe verpakkings-, verwerkings- en verspreidingsfasiliteit is gespit. Die ontwikkeling is strategies langs die N4-hoofweg geleë, naby die Cullinan/Rayton-afrit. Die gesellige sooispitseremonie is deur verteenwoordigers van Terugploeg se stigterorganisasies, Atterbury Trust, Vibro Bricks en WeBuyCars, sowel as ’n aantal donateurs, boere en konstruksiespanne, bygewoon.

Agriculture is an industry which is built on continuous improvement, despite the seasonal effects of weather and the markets deviating and slowing progress. Many farmers past and present are constantly looking for areas in which they can improve - increasing yields, reducing weed pressure, upgrading machinery.

Grond met 2% of meer organiese koolstof word as 'vrugbaar' beskou. Suid-Afrika is 'n droë land en gronde het lae organiese koolstofvlakke (65% van gronde het koolstofvlakke van minder as 0,5%, terwyl net 4% van gronde 2% of meer organiese koolstof bevat. 46% van natuurlike koolstof in grond verlore gaan as gevolg van bewerking.

Global property consultancy group Knight Frank has published its 2021 Wealth Report, showing how wealth is set to grow in countries around the world over the next five years. The group’s model predicts that the global population of ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) – someone with a net worth of over $30 million (R447 million) – will grow by 27% over the next five years.

A rather unique week at Australian wool auctions whereby the Australian dollar prices faltered but the US dollar prices kicked up. This was almost wholly due to the foreign exchange (forex) rate moving 2.8% stronger.

Cherry pits- You would not be able to chew a cherry pit anyway. However, you could swallow one, and that is something we advise you not to. Cherry pits or and any fruit stones, for that matter, are packed with a highly toxic agent called hydrogen cyanide.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Uniqeu PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE at

No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week. 

Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering. Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep. Met 25 jaar praktiese boerdery ondervinding weet ons wat landbou en sy mense is.

NUUS- NEWS- Video and Audio Presenter- 

CRA Group skep gereeld nuwe geleenthede in landbou media. Ons landbou mediums Farmingportal en Agri News Net benodig die deeltydse dienste van dinamiese Video and Audio nuus aanbieder. Kennis van landbou en sy mense asook die natuurlike aanleg vir nuus en media aanbieding is 'n vereiste. As jy beskik oor die vermoee om vinnig en op jou voete te dink op jou eie kan werk onder druk en die geskikte stem en aanbiedingsvermoee het, wil ons graag van jou hoor. Ons verwag ook dat jy gemaklik sal wees voor 'n Kamera en mikrofoon . Kennis van video en audio produksie met die jongste rekenaar tegnologie sal aanbeveelbaar wees. Ons gaan jou ook die nodige opleiding gee. Stuur vir ons 'n kort video "clip" waarin jy ons meer vertel van jouself. Nie langer as 3 minute nie. Ons verkies iemand wat voltyds in die landbou betrokke is en op 'n plaas bly of op universiteit is en wat plaaslewe ken. Vlot Engels en Afrikaans sprekend lees en skryf is vereiste.Stuur video na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -met kontak besonderhede. 

Die Natuur het geen perke nie- 

Bull and cow love- 

John Deere Tractor

As groot manne nog nie groot geword het nie.

Amerika se platteland is baie vriendelik

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