AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 10th January 2021

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Suid Afrika -Net sowat R3 miljoen van die R100 miljoen wat die minister van landbou in September verlede jaar via die Landbank opsygesit het om kleinboere te help wat finansieel sukkel weens die uitwerking van Covid-19 is teen einde Desember al uitbetaal.

UK- As 2020 drew to a close last week, it is time to review the numbers of cattle that passed through Irish processing plants last year. Reflecting back on the prices achieved by beef farmers in the last few months, these had witnessed a rise of close to 20c/kg for both steers and heifers when compared to 2019 levels – as they received quotes of €3.70-3.75/kg and €3.75-3.80/kg, respectively.

Die ouditeur-generaal se verdoemende verslag oor die stand van Landbank se finansiële volhoubaarheid vra vir dringende ingrypings. Wie ook al verantwoordelik is vir die finansiële verliese van R2,8 miljard sal moet verantwoording doen.

The SA Canegrowers' Association has announced the arrival of its 'Home Sweet Home' campaign in Gauteng. The campaign, launched in KwaZulu Natal last month, encourages South Africans to buy local sugar products in order to help safeguard the one million livelihoods the industry supports.

Traditional Agriculture can be defined as a primitive style of farming that involves the intensive use of indigenous knowledge, traditional tools, natural resources, organic fertilizer and cultural beliefs of the farmers. It is noteworthy that it is still used by about 50% of the world population.

Waterlogging can also indirectly impact cereal growth by affecting the availability of nitrogen in the soil. Excessive water can leach nitrate nitrogen beyond the rooting zone of the developing plant, particularly in well-drained lighter textured soils. In heavier soils, nitrate nitrogen can be lost through denitrification.

Global food prices reached a six-year high in December and are likely to keep rising into 2021, adding to pressure on household budgets while hunger surges around the world.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse wildbedryf moes die afgelope vier jaar verskeie uitdagings die hoof bied, waarvan die effek van die koronaviruspandemie sonder twyfel die uitdagendste was.'n Onlangse markverslag deur African Wildlife Auctions (AWA) bied 'n waardevolle oorsig oor die groei- en bloeityd van dié bedryf. Die volledige verslag is reeds verlede week op geplaas.

New-vehicle sales in SA plummeted 29.1% to 380,449 units in 2020, from 536,612 sales in 2019, due to the crippling effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. In a heavy blow to an industry that contributes 6.4% to GDP, it was a drop back to sales levels of two decades ago, said the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of SA (Naamsa).

The African continent is home to an estimated 65% of the world’s uncultivated arable land, an abundance of fresh water and about 300 days of sunshine each year, according to the World Economic Forum. However, the reality is that the agriculture industry is mostly made up of the older African generation — who often discourage their children from working with the land.

Volgens Stefan Jordaan, senior landbouspesialis by Raisins SA in Upington in die Noord-Kaap, kan goeie voorkomende praktyke gevolg word om reënskade te verhoed. Jordaan se kommentaar volg ná onlangse wydverspreide reënval in die provinsie.

Boere in Namakwaland en Boesmanland in die Noord-Kaap sê dat reën in hierdie gebied baie nodig is aangesien die streek nog onder erge droogtetoestande gebuk gaan. Die provinsie het sedert die begin van die nuwe jaar wydverspreide reën in groot dele ervaar.

A free tool that will help farmers and pastoralists across Africa to predict and control locust behaviour has been launched. Kuzi— the Swahili name for the wattled starling, a bird renowned for eating locusts — is an Artificial Intelligence-powered tool that generates a real-time heatmap of locusts across Africa, shows all potential migration routes, and gives a real-time locust breeding index.

Hierdie jong man het uit "Facebook" een van die wereld se rykste jong manne geword- tans besit hy ook "Whatsup" die wereld se mees gebruikte kommunikasie medium. "Money", "power" asook "greediness" het hom oorweldig- Kyk gerus na die video en besluit self of jy nog deel wil wees van die man se rykdom- Hy wil jou beheer- en jou vryheid ontneem. Dis tyd om "Facebook en Whatsup" te verlaat.

So far in the 2020/21 crop year, the US has sold 11.6 million tonnes of corn to China, an unprecedented amount, with an additional 7.4 million tonnes sold to “unknown” destinations, most of which is likely destined to China. In addition, China announced plans to increase corn acreage in 2021, reversing several years of acreage declines.

Drones, with specialty spraying technology, was deployed for a recent sugarcane ripening trail in South Africa, showing an evident increase in the amount of sugar extracted from these canes. This might signal a potential improvement in profit margin for the cane growers, who have been incurring loss from the country's ailing sugar industry.

Geen ander vuur maak 'n skaaptjoppie so volmaak gaar, met die vet wat totaal en al lekker uitgebraai is nie. Stronke word baie gou baie warmer as enige ander vuur en jy moet jou braai kan braai. Dis ook die enigste vuur saam met regte kameelhout uit die Kalaharie wat 'n lekker bees of Gemsbok "steak" volmaak kan sag braai, sonder om van sy geur en sappigheid prys te gee.

Prof du Plessis,goes on to say that farmers should not get ‘worked up’ about the amendment. She doesn’t see it affecting working farms – although elsewhere she refers to the fact that the government’s 700 000-hectare redistribution programme has targeted a number of these. The Expropriation Bill and the associated moves on property rights constitute a seminal peril to the country.

Vinpro, die bedryfsliggaam van wynprodusente wat 2 500 wynprodusente en kelders verteenwoordig, sê hy win regsadvies in oor die verbod op binnelandse wynverkope. Dit volg nadat die bierreus SAB vandeesweek ’n aansoek teen die regering gebring het om die grondwetlikheid van die derde verbod op drankverkope te betwis.

Die Toyota Hilux is sedert sy 1969 met ons en is is sekerlik Suid-Afrika se suksesvolste voertuigverkoper nog. Selfs te midde van die COVID 19-pandemie het verkope nie net konstant gebly nie, maar selfs toegeneem. As daar dus enige nuwe ontwikkelings op die Hilux gedoen word, moet Suid-Afrinaners daarvan kennis neem.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET- 

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