AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 3rd January 2021

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Die leemtes in Suid-Afrika se stelsel vir naspeurbaarheid en biosekerheid wat met die laaste uitbreking van bek-en-klouseer blootgelê is, moet reggeruk word indien die land ten volle deel wil wees van die groot geleenthede wat die uitvoer van rooivleis bied.

What if we stopped hunting? - Experts agreed that hunting plays a crucial role in the management of game and wildlife. Statistics from South Africa where 28 million hectares are currently under management for wildlife. Only six million of that are in National Parks.

Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye het 1 Januarie onder twee nuwe handelsooreenkomste begin handel dryf waarvan een die langverwagte vryehandelsooreenkoms vir Afrika is. Ebrahim Patel, minister van handel, nywerheid en mededinging, noem dit ’n historiese oomblik vir handel in Afrika.

Suid Afrika-Dwarsoor die wereld drink mense meer Koffie- en soos wat die lus toeneem kom daar al hoe meer soorte koffies op die mark en al hoe duurder. Die slim mense se koffie is nie gesond vir jou- en ander slim mense se weer drink en geniet. Koffie kos tussen R20 en R40 per koppie/houer. Die Chinese het hulle Tee opsy gestoot en drink nou meer koffie.

Digital Field helps farmers reduce production costs through the use of precise planting tools. Researchers are designing comprehensive production approaches using innovative equipment, which is offered to Ukrainian farmers.

Wetenskaplikes het ‘n molekulêre analise van ‘n deel van die virus wat bek-en-klouseer veroorsaak onderneem in ‘n poging om te bepaal waarom die patogeen so aansteeklik is. Bek-en-klouseer is ‘n hoogs aansteeklike besmetting van diere met ‘n gesplete hoef wat ‘n impak op produksie en kuddevrugbaarheid het.

USA Congress passed a $900 billion COVID-19 stimulus package with much-needed financial relief for agricultural producers, funding for food assistance programs, enhancements to the Paycheck Protection Program and funding for enhanced broadband access, as well as additional financial resources for agricultural research and farmer stress assistance programs, among others.

Wind power will play a major role in South Africa’s transition to renewable energy sources – which are expected to contribute a total of 14.4GW to the grid by 2030. This is according to South Africa Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) CEO Ntombifuthi Ntuli, who was referring to the 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) published by the Department of Energy.

Researchers from the two organisations reviewed almost 150 scientific studies investigating diseases in African lions. They identified 63 pathogens (including bacteria, parasites, and viruses) affecting lions; some of which can be passed from lions to other animals, and some to humans. They also listed 83 diseases and clinical symptoms associated with these pathogens.

Hollard Insure together with and AGRI NEWS NET, invites submissions for the Young Agri Writers competition. This is an opportunity for aspiring writers under the age of 28 to be published and win prizes for their efforts. Competition is open to any young writers under the age of 28. Learners, students, postgraduates, and those already employed are encouraged to take part.

Dit het op baie plekke in die Wes Vrystaat die afgelope week tot soveel as 200mm gereen. Water loop sterk strome uit die lande en van die jonger mielies staan onderwater. Tussen Bultfontein en Hoopstad het dit in 4 dae amper200 mm en meer gereen. Tussen Wesselsbrom en Makwassie meer na Bothaville se kant het dit ook 200mm gereen. Van die mielies in die gebiede staan al skouerhoogte.

This soil protein extraction procedure is a cost-effective, rapid method that could readily be adopted by commercial soil testing labs. It is possible, however, that some specific protein types may not be recovered by this method. More research on that point would be useful.

The combination of very high resolution and very high cadence creates a strong mechanism for surveillance or even forensics in case one wants to build evidence for misconduct. So, satellite data becomes a key asset for administrations to identify compliance with regulations and schemes. And because of the open and free data policy, these capabilities are not restricted to governments.

If we consider the numbers, the 70% of South Africans who live in urban areas occupy less than 5% of the land. As a result, land reform will always be measured against progress in the transfer of agricultural land. Of the 100-million hectares of agricultural land in SA, about 85-million are commercially farmed, and 14-million lie within “communal” farming areas.

The South African wine industry expects a promising 2021 wine grape harvest, according to the industry’s first crop estimate. The industry bodies SAWIS (South African Wine Industry Information and Systems) and Vinpro said in early estimates that a wine grape crop bordering on the 2020 figure of close to 1,3 million tons was expected at this early stage.

Nuwe navorsing van die Davis Universiteit onderstreep die deurslaggewende rol wat diereproteïene in die voeding van families in ontwikkellende lande speel.Bykans 50 miljoen kinders in die wêreld ly aan vertraagde groei, ‘n toestand wat met chroniese wanvoeding verbind word en verhoed dat mense hul fisiese, geestelike en sosiale potensiaal bereik.

By the end of November, South Africa's main budget balance had a deficit not far under R440 billion, new figures published show – an increase of 77% over the year-to-date deficit at the same time in 2019.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-