AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 22th November 2020

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Terwyl daar meningsvormers is wat glo dat die ANC regering onder leidings van die huidige president, Cyril Ramaphosa, met nuwe oë kyk na die voordele van 'n gesonde landbou, is daar ernstige vrae wat onbeantwoord bly. Die ANC kyk nie met nuwe oe na die landbou nie, maar hy kyk na die langtermyn toekoms waar die swart opkomende boere die land se voedsel produsente gaan wees.

The ever-increasing electricity costs threatens the sustainability of affordable food production. This was the warning Free State Agriculture gave to NERSA today. Dr Jack Armour, Operations Manager of Free State Agriculture (FSA), addressed NERSA over Eskom’s proposed plans to further increase the price of electricity.

The average temperature for the entire Earth rose gradually from the 1880s until the early 1940s. At that time, a cooling trend suddenly set in which is continuing today.… The amount of dust and other particulate matter in the atmosphere has increased dramatically in recent decades, a change that could counteract the thermal effect of carbon dioxide buildup.

Suid-Afrika se verbruikers van landbouprodukte is gehul in buitengewone ekonomiese omstandighede wat nog nie voorheen in dié geslag se bestaan beleef is nie. Die toename in die totale regeringskuld van lande wat deel vorm van ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende ekonomie is ysingswekkend.

Mielies word elke dag duurder en dit gaan net so groot invloed he op Afrika se stapelvoedsel wat hoofsaaklik mieliepap is. Alle aanduidings is dat vanjaar se kanola-oes selfs groter gaan wees as die 2014-rekord. Dié rekord sal na verwagting met 29% oortref word en word toegeskryf aan die ideale produksie-omstandighede van die afgelope seisoen.

Die tekens van klein hoeveelhede watermolekules op die maan was wel al geruime tyd aan ruimtewetenskaplikes bekend. Maar nou het dit meer as net molekules geword: Dit is water. Nou nie poeletjies of lopende water nie, maar bevrore water in hoeveelhede wat ons nooit voorheen vermoed het nie.

LEES OOK- AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 15th November 2020

Business Unity SA het dié week ’n 37-bladsye-dokument uitgereik wat wys staatsamptenare het tussen 2006 en 2019 verhogings van meer as 4% bo inflasie per jaar gekry. “Daar’s geen aanduiding dat hoër produktiwiteit die styging in gemiddelde vergoeding regverdig nie. ’n Kritieke punt is dat die styging in betaallyskoste die groeikoers van die ekonomie oorskry het,” dui die dokument aan.

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa is making inroads with his crackdown on corruption that became endemic during his predecessor’s almost decade-long rule, according to the continent’s biggest bank. “I’m very confident that he is winning the battle,” Lungisa Fuzile, the chief executive of Standard Bank Group Ltd.’s South African unit, said in an interview with Bloomberg TV.

A rural community in the Eastern Cape is pinning its hopes on the outcomes of a land audit to see whether the farms they have lived on for “over a century” will be transferred to them. They are up against a local clan, which counts former deputy finance minister Mondli Gungubele as a member, that wants to be recognised at the rightful owners of the land.

The combine harvester is a very old invention, first appearing over 180 years ago. Yet more than a century passed before the unwieldy early machines gave way to the self-propelled combines we know today. In this article, we explore the history of one of farming’s greatest labour savers.

Suid Afrika se edelagbare President en sy meelopers moet kennis neem van Suid Afrika se landbouers en ander gemeenskappe wat genoeg gehad het van aanvalle, moorde en diefstal. Wees verseker dat ons boere gerat is om op te tree teen hierdie lafhartige jong krimenele wat daarop uit is om voor die voet te vernietig en daarby saam gedryf word deur een of ander groep wat eersdaags in die lig sal kom.

Die einde van die tjekboek-era is in sig. Vanaf 31 Desember 2020 sal tjeks nie meer in die nasionale betalingstelsel gebruik word nie. Dié nuus is luidens 'n gesamentlike verklaring van die Finansiëledienstesektor se Gedragsowerheid (FSCA), die Reserwebank, die Bankvereniging van Suid-Afrika (Basa) en die Betalingsvereniging van Suid-

Environmental Minister Barbara Creecy has moved to veto an amendment to the existing Meat Safety Act, which would allow for the commercial sale of lion meat in South Africa. The changes were initially proposed by Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza, but the Cabinet now face a battle amongst themselves on this issue.

In light of the news that the Western Cape is expecting one of the largest winter grains and oilseeds crops in recent history, Western Cape minister of agriculture Dr Ivan Meyer, executive mayor of the Overberg District Municipality, Sakkie Franken, and mayor Paul Swart of the Cape Agulhas Municipality, recently visited the grain farming enterprise Agri Dwala in Napier in the Overberg region.

"Die gradering van die land se kredietstatus deur Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings (S&P) en Fitch Ratings het reeds totaal irrelevant geraak omdat hulle klaarblyklik geen begrip daarvoor het dat die haglike toestand van die ekonomie en die staat se finansies die direkte gevolge van die vernietigende ideologie van die ANC-regering is.

The United Nations estimates that mining of sand and gravel may exceed 40 billion tonnes a year. Sand is used in our daily life in numerous ways: houses, skyscrapers, bridges, airports and sidewalks are all partially comprised of sand. Sand is also the source of a variety of other products such as to produce glass, cleaning products, manufacturing the microchips inside our computers and smartphones.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has been accused of breeding and selling animals to be shot and killed from his Phala Phala wildlife breeding operation. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), a non-profit American animal rights organisation, said in a statement on Friday a secret investigation revealed that Ramaphosa also owns a stake in a hunting company called Tsala Hunting Safaris

Farmed livestock are responsible for 14.5% of all emissions related to human activity, and cows make up the largest proportion of that. Although vegan diets are on the rise in countries like the UK and US, and meat alternatives are increasingly available, cattle farming is still widespread. Attention has turned to putting a cork in the volume of methane cows produce, by targeting their gut microbes.

Minister van Finansies, Tito Mboweni het die land se verdere kredietafgradering deur Moody’s en Fitch as pynlik bestempel en sê dit gaan die fiskale raamwerk striem en die koste om geld te leen sal die hoogte inskiet. Mboweni sê in ‘n verklaring dat die regering dringend sy strukturele ekonomiese hervormings sal moet implementeer om te verhoed dat die situasie nog verder versleg.

In the future, we are likely to witness technologies that minimise human interaction and reliance on manual labour within the food supply chain. In the case of restaurants, the return to normalcy entails, among other things, eating at our favourite spots, while catching up with loved ones, watching TV, or listening to music.

Grain planting in the summer grain production region of South Africa is well underway, with planting in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal nearing completion, according to Grain SA’s latest production survey. The survey indicated, however, that in some areas in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal the planting process had been delayed due to wet conditions.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-