Agricultural education and training - AGRIBOOK

Agricultural education and training - AGRIBOOK

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1.   Overview

The challenges facing the country include low literacy levels, which hinder the development of agricultural and other basic vocational skills. The skills we need in agriculture include:


... literacy and numeracy skills

... basic decision-making and problem-solving

... technical and vocational skills in agriculture, and land and water management

... leadership, planning and management skills

... social, interpersonal and communication skills

... negotiation and facilitation skills

... the critical thinking that is necessary for fostering innovation and change

... food preservation and processing skills

... marketing skills

... business, income-generating and entrepreneurial skills

... the awareness of social, political and legal institutions that is necessary for effective participation in civil society

 Conservation Agriculture (CA) - AGRIBOOK - Exclusive


Many of these skills could be considered the building blocks for success in the modern world and should be gained through primary and secondary education. Unfortunately, this has not been the case as the education system has failed many youngsters, especially in rural areas.


The provision of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) is a cornerstone in the work of the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs). Certainly generating literacy amongst farm workers remains one of the greatest challenges to our investment in people. 


Along with the provision of skills and the capacity to perform, the spin-offs of education and training go beyond the workplace and staff morale: people become agents of change and positive participators in the development of their communities.

2.   National strategy and government contact

The National Development Plan (NDP) placed agriculture firmly on the agenda for the 15 years to follow (NPC, 2011). Specifically, and in relation to Agricultural Education and Training (AET), the NDP called for:


The creation of an additional one million jobs in the agriculture, agro-processing, and related sectors.

... Increased investment in agricultural technologies, research, and the development of adaptation strategies.

... Expanding the college system with a focus on improving quality.