The Top Ten tractors 2023: the definitive rankings

The Top Ten tractors 2023: the definitive rankings

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The “Bestseller Award” rankings relate to the most registered vehicles in 2023 . They are based on data from the Civil Motorization Office. They are therefore not awards given from above on the basis of decisions taken by more or less competent and reliable juries in their judgments, but derive from objective data .

To the side are the rules according to which each vehicle is assigned to its own class. It should be noted that in the classes in which there are tractors with the same registered volumes, the same tractors are offered in alphabetical order of brand.

Top Ten 2023 tractors: the definitive rankings

In this article the Top Ten 2023 and, for each, the related commentary also based on the trends of the national market. In relation to the rankings, it is important to point out that of the one hundred tractors on the list , around 80 percent are represented by the same machines, obviously revised and updated in their contents and perhaps also updated in their name acronyms, which have dominated the Top Ten for years. The confirmation of an undeclared traditionalism that permeates the sector and which is certainly also one of the factors behind the slowness with which the sector incorporates the technical innovations that manufacturers make available to it.

Top Ten 2023 tractors: the definitive rankings


2023 market leader New Holland “T5.120”, tractor which ranked tenth in the 2021 overall ranking and second place in 2022 . Continuous growth therefore, confirming the validity of a design formula that has allowed New Holland to include three of its machines in the most coveted Top Ten . However, there is no doubt that the surprise is the Solis “26”, a compact of Indian origin described in the following pages which has been appreciated for its good balance between performance, quality and price. Compared to 2022, the 2023 ranking also sees the confirmation of the Fendt "Vario 211 F" and John Deere "6120 M" models against the entry of Same "Frutteto 080", Deutz-Fahr "5105 Df" and Antonio Carraro "Tigre 3200 ”.

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As has already been written several times, the class of compact tractors with a power output of less than 60 horsepower was once dominated by Italian vehicles and is the one that has been most disrupted by the arrival on the market of Asian, Chinese, Indian and Korean machines. Suffice it to say that of the 935 registrations totaled by the ten most registered compact vehicles in Italy, 719, just under 77 percent, were induced by Asian tractors, including Japanese Kubota tractors among these. The class therefore sees the Italians in decline due to the unattainable price/performance ratios of the Asians, machines that cannot even be defined as "low quality " in light of the fact that some vehicles, suitably refurbished, are also sold by national manufacturers. It is easy to predict that as soon as the Asian brands have organized themselves in terms of distribution, their diffusion will increase further, also starting the entry of the brands into the higher categories as demonstrated by the presence of Kubota tractors in the "B" and "C" classes.


Utility tractors are tractors with power between 60 and 110 horsepower and weighing no more than 25 quintals. These parameters give rise to agile and dynamic vehicles as well as characterized by a high versatility of use. It is no coincidence that the registered class compared to 2022 is one of the few to have grown, around seventy more cars almost all of which are the prerogative of New Holland which places five models in the ranking, also taking the first two positions as its own. It should also be noted that out of ten models, eight are the same ones that were present in the 2022 ranking and for many also in those of previous years, confirming a rather pronounced market loyalty. In fact, the only classy new entry is represented by a John Deere tractor which placed in seventh place, a presence which together with that of Kubota can be interpreted as a crack in a leadership that until yesterday was the prerogative of the manufacturers.


From one thousand and 321 registrations to one thousand and 178. A drop in registrations proposed by the Top Ten of approximately 12 percent which closely follows the more general trend of the market, also highlighting how from 120 horses upwards the preferences of Italian farmers and breeders move from national brands to foreign ones. Out of ten models, nine actually come from beyond the Alps and even if the category leadership is firmly in the hands of New Holland, we must ask ourselves how long the company will be able to hold on to this position. Also in this case it should be noted that out of ten machines in the ranking, eight were also present in the past Top Ten and of the two new entries only one, the Valtra "A 105" tractor , introduced a brand into the ranking that was previously out. It should be noted, however, that last year the Scandinavian tractor placed itself in eleventh place and therefore its entry cannot be considered a surprise but rather the confirmation of growth.


The "D" class tractors, the one that offers tractors with powers between 110 and 180 horsepower and empty masses oscillating between 23 and 28 quintals, together with the "C " class corporate tractors and the specialized ones are the machines that make the most important volumes on the market, also being characterized by interesting margins. It's a shame that starting from class "D" it becomes clear how little national tractors are popular on the market. If we exclude a couple of models proposed by New Holland, it is in fact the foreign brands that dominate, with Deutz-Fahr, John Deere and Fendt leading the way but seeing themselves undermined by Valtra with its "N" and "G" models ”. It should be noted that in this class the John Deere "6120 M" model has been leading the way for years with a volume of 217 machines which alone covers more than 21 percent of the category. Adding to this volume that proposed by the "6100 M" model, the Cervo's class share reaches almost 30 percent.


A category of machines whose performance in Europe is considered to be of medium magnitude while in Italy they represent the top elements of their respective machine fleets for many companies. As can be seen from the table, the class is almost monopolized by John Deere and in particular by the "6100" and "6R" series tractors which cover the first four positions. Behind them, five brands all present with a single car, confirming how competitive the segment is. Also in this class there is also a strong market loyalty towards some models of proven reliability, so much so that the real new entries in the class are only two, Valtra "T 175" and Deutz-Fahr "6230".


Out of ten tractors in the ranking, the "F" class features eight already in the ranking in past years with a podium that copies that of the Top Ten 2022. An unmistakable sign that companies think twice before investing tens of thousands of euros in a tractor times and in the end the choice falls on machines that have proven themselves to be reliable and safe over time. John Deere and Fendt are the most popular brands, but with New Holland's "T7" defending themselves well and Case Ih's "Puma" confirming their position together with Claas' "Axion" . Deutz-Fahr made its debut in the category with an "8280" and the drop in class volumes should be noted. In 2022, there were 527 registrations relating to the top ten tractors in the category, while last year the registrations dropped to 447 machines with a loss of approximately 15 percent, in line with the decline of the entire market.


The so-called "super-tractors" are those with a power output exceeding 300 horsepower, a performance which until five years ago represented the pinnacle of the sector, but which today has been largely surpassed. It is essential in the future to take this reality into account and adapt the classes, also taking into account the fact that "super-tractors" include half-tracked or tracked models which by their very nature cannot compete with traditional models in terms of volumes. However, the class offers the same machines in the first three positions, two Fendts and a New Holland, which had already made them their own in 2022, sees the Claas "Axion 870" tractor show strong growth, from eighth to fourth place, but also highlights a larger presence of John Deere machines compared to 2022. Also in this case, category volumes are decreasing, 244 registrations in 2022 compared to 218 last year , confirming the difficult moment that the sector has gone through and is still going through.


A class of machines dominated by national tractors but within which foreign brands are also making their way. The leadership of New Holland and Landini, who have been fighting for first place for years, is in fact increasingly being undermined by Fendt, now about ten machines away from the top of the rankings. Followed by another "foreigner", Deutz-Fahr "5105 Df", even if only in terms of brand, being to all intents and purposes a Same, a brand which also in the overall ranking is overtaken by its cousin in green. There was a significant drop in class registration volumes compared to 2022, one thousand and 650 cars compared to the two thousand and 54 of the previous year , a trend that closely reflects the trends of the national market which saw the specialized cars go from six thousand and 244 registrations of 2021 at five thousand and 54 of 2022 at three thousand and 918 last year.


A practically single-make class as nine out of ten positions go to Antonio Carraro . This year too, however, the Campodarsego company sees its absolute leadership called into question by a Ferrari "Thor 085" placed in seventh place in the category, a position that would go up a step if those of its cousins ​​could be added to the volumes of "Thor". with Bcs and Pasquali brands. Returning to Antonio Carraro, it should be noted that he is also present in the overall ranking with two models, confirming the degree of appreciation that the market has towards the company. Like specialist tractors, isodiametric tractors have also seen their registrations decline in the last three years , going from three thousand and 215 units in 2012 to ten thousand and 603 in 2022 and two thousand and 320 last year.


Volumes in sharp decline for tracked vehicles. In 2021, one thousand and 337 machines were registered, which became 972 in 2022 and only 671 in 2023. This trend is also confirmed for class registrations, which went from 688 units in 2022 to 401 in 2023. In fact, a type of tractor that the market seems to have been confined to very specific areas of use and which are therefore on the way to becoming niche media . Only two brands are competing for the ten available positions , Landini, which confirms itself as the leader, and New Holland, which stands out in terms of number of presences. All the other brands have left the scene, including Lamborghini , present in ninth place in 2022 and currently absent from any ranking.