UN study throws out vegan health claims

UN study throws out vegan health claims

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The study, which has been described as the ‘most comprehensive yet’ and is based on evidence from more than 500 scientific papers and some 250 policy documents, also revealed that essential proteins and vitamins found in meat and dairy could not be replicated by plant-based alternatives.  

It read: “Meat, eggs and milk provide a range of important macro-nutrients such as protein, fats and carbohydrates and micro-nutrients that are difficult to obtain from plant based foods in the required quality and quantity.”

 The latest report supports a growing number of scientists who have questioned 2020’s Global Burden of Disease study that said eating red meat was responsible for more than 890,000 deaths worldwide.

The study, published in medical journal The Lancet, has been quoted by countless organisations across the UK as a reason for embarking on an anti-meat path. It was also referenced by so-called ‘Food Tsar’ Henry Dimbleby when drawing up the Government’s National Food Strategy.

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However, opposition to the findings has been growing and AHDB was one of three industry bodies, alongside AIMS and BMPA, to write to The Lancet demanding the GBD study be removed.

Chief executive Tim Rycroft said it was ‘encouraging’ that the science was now supporting what the industry had long championed.

Mr Rycroft said: “The momentum behind this evidence is growing and AHDB recently openly called for the withdrawal from the public record of flawed data in the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study.

 "We will continue, on behalf of levy payers, to ensure that the evidence on red meat and dairy’s nutritional role (as well as their place in sustainable farming systems) is well understood.” 

A spokesperson for AIMs also welcomed report and said: “Meat and Dairy play a huge role in the diets of the world’s population. The UN’s latest report supports this view and we urge The Lancet to act as we have asked or believe that they could face some reputational damage.”


Some people decide to limit their meat consumption for ethical or health reasons, but meat actually provides important nutrients that can be difficult to obtain from vegetarian sources. Meat can be part of a healthy diet, especially if you select meat from grass-fed animals raised humanely instead of the commercial meat that comes from confined animal operations. Choosing ethically raised meat helps you get all the advantages of meat without negatively impacting the health of the planet.One of the most common disadvantages of not eating enough meat, especially for women of child-bearing age, is the development of iron-deficiency anemia. This condition causes fatigue, dizziness, headaches, pale skin and concentration problems that can greatly affect your overall quality of life. Red meat and liver are the best sources of heme iron, the most easily absorbed and usable form by your body. Although leafy greens and enriched grain products contain some iron, it is the non-heme variety, which is not as bioavailable for your body. Most of them are SICK and they don't admire that- but most of them are only informed by "mr Google" people who think they know. 

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