How to Avoid Cross-Pollination With Genetically Modified Crops?

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These companies create versions of plants of all kinds. And hold the patent on their creations. If your neighbor has genetically modified plants in his or her garden and those plants are pollinated by yours, you and/or your neighbor could be in big trouble.

This is because the people who plant genetically modified seeds are under contract with the seed manufacturer. They are not allowed to save the seeds or share them with others. This is a significant change in the world of food growing, as seed exchange is an age-old tradition, but it cannot be practiced with GM seeds. GM seed producers want to keep control of all available seeds and make a profit from them.

The fact that bees and other pollinators are not under the control of these companies can lead to complications. A bee or butterfly moving from plant to plant cannot tell the difference between a genetically modified plant and a naturally inherited plant. If the pollinator brings GMO pollen into your traditional garden, your plants will be genetically modified. This could cause you many problems. Not to mention the introduction of unknown substances into your natural products. This point is important because some of the things that happen with genetic modification are pretty scary. Such as programming plants to generate pesticides as they grow.

Pollinators are not insects. Don’t forget that plants can also be pollinated by wind. That’s why it’s very significant that you become familiar with your environment. To avoid GMO cross-pollination, you may need to move a half-mile to five miles away from any GMO crops that may be in your area.

Besides knowing what is already in your immediate environment, you can help prevent GMO crop encroachment in your area by practicing the well-known tradition of seed sharing. If you have good traditional crops and seeds, be sure to share them with your gardening neighbors. Explain to your neighbors the many benefits of choosing traditional seeds. These benefits include better flavor and nutrition, greater hardiness, and more cheap planting.

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When you choose heirloom seeds and plants over genetically modified ones, you choose food and financial independence. With heirloom plants, you own the seed. You can save the best seeds from the best plants and improve your own crops year after year. Your plants will adapt to the environment and conditions you provide. And they become better producers of more nutritious products than any commercial options available today.

Right now, the best way to avoid cross-pollination of your crops with genetically modified crops is to stay as far away from them as possible. And to check your local environment to prevent GMO encroachment. People around the world are protesting the rapid spread of genetically modified plants and seeds. You, too, can do your part by protecting your plot of land, and encouraging the growth of traditional varieties.