Regenerative Agriculture- 2020

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The loss of the world’s fertile soil and biodiversity, along with the loss of indigenous seeds and knowledge, pose a mortal threat to our future survival. According to soil scientists, at current rates of soil destruction (i.e. decarbonization, erosion, desertification, chemical pollution), within 50 years we will not only suffer serious damage to public health due to a qualitatively degraded food supply characterized by diminished nutrition and loss of important trace minerals, but we will literally no longer have enough arable topsoil to feed ourselves. Without protecting and regenerating the soil on our 4 billion acres of cultivated farmland, 8 billion acres of pastureland, and 10 billion acres of forest land, it will be impossible to feed the world, keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius, or halt the loss of biodiversity.

The key to regenerative agriculture is that it not only “does no harm” to the land but actually improves it, using technologies that regenerate and revitalize the soil and the environment. Regenerative agriculture leads to healthy soil, capable of producing high quality, nutrient dense food while simultaneously improving, rather than degrading land, and ultimately leading to productive farms and healthy communities and economies. It is a dynamic and holistic, incorporating permaculture and organic farming practices, including conservation tillage, cover crops, crop rotation, composting, mobile animal shelters and pasture cropping, to increase food production, farmers’ income and especially, topsoil.

We are at the most critical moment in the history of our species, as man-made changes to the climate threaten humanity’s security on Earth. But there is a technology for massive planetary geo-engineering that is tried and tested and available for widespread dissemination right now. It costs little and is adaptable to local contexts the world over. It can be rolled out tomorrow providing multiple benefits beyond climate stabilization. 


Organic matter affects both the chemical and physical properties of the soil and its overall health. Properties influenced by organic matter include: soil structure; moisture holding capacity; diversity and activity of soil organisms, both those that are beneficial and harmful to crop production; and nutrient availability. It also influences the effects of chemical amendments, fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This chapter focuses on those properties related to soil moisture and water quality, while Chapter 6 focuses on those related to sustainable food production.


Drylands may have low crop yields not only because rainfall is irregular or insufficient, but also because significant proportions of rainfall, up to 40 percent, may disappear as runoff. This poor utilization of rainfall is partly the result of natural phenomena (relief, slope, rainfall intensity), but also of inadequate land management practices (i.e. burning of crop residues, excessive tillage, eliminating hedges, etc.) that reduce organic matter levels, destroy soil structure, eliminate beneficial soil fauna and do not favour water infiltration. However, water “lost” as runoff for one farmer is not lost for other water users downstream as it is used for recharging groundwater and river flows.

Where rainfall lands on the soil surface, a fraction infiltrates into the soil to replenish the soil water or flows through to recharge the groundwater. Another fraction may run off as overland flow and the remaining fraction evaporates back into the atmosphere directly from unprotected soil surfaces and from plant leaves.

The above-mentioned processes do not occur at the same moment, but some are instantaneous (runoff), taking place during a rainfall event, while others are continuous (evaporation and transpiration).

To minimize the impact of drought, soil needs to capture the rainwater that falls on it, store as much of that water as possible for future plant use, and allow for plant roots to penetrate and proliferate. Problems with or constraints on one or several of these conditions cause soil moisture to be one of the main limiting factors for crop growth.

The capacity of soil to retain and release water depends on a broad range of factors such as soil texture, soil depth, soil architecture (physical structure including pores), organic matter content and biological activity. However, appropriate soil management can improve this capacity.

Practices that increase soil moisture content can be categorized in three groups: (i) those that increase water infiltration; (ii) those that manage soil evaporation; and (iii) those that increase soil moisture storage capacities. All three are related to soil organic matter.

In order to create a drought-resistant soil, it is necessary to understand the most important factors influencing soil moisture.

There is a growing realization worldwide that biodiversity is fundamental to agricultural production and food security, as well as a valuable ingredient of environmental conservation. Yet predominant patterns of agricultural growth have eroded biodiversity in, for example, plant genetic resources, livestock, insects and soil organisms. This erosion has caused economic loss, jeopardizing productivity and food security, and leading to broader social costs. Equally alarming is the loss of biodiversity in “natural” habitats from the expansion of agricultural production to frontier areas. The conflicts between agriculture and biodiversity are by no means inevitable. With sustainable farming practices and changes in agricultural policies and institutions, they can be overcome.