The World of Wines in Facts and Numbers

The World of Wines in Facts and Numbers

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  • Area under vines 2022: 103,391 ha (-30 ha compared to 2021)
  • Harvest volume 2023: 8.8m hl
  • Export value 2022: €370m (net export)
  • Export volume 2022: 3.5m hl (1.17m hl net export)

“In view of the continuing rise in costs, the pressure on German wine producers has intensified further. Their profitability is under threat. Is a major upheaval imminent?”

“The growing areas are developing differently. While the largest growing area in Germany, Rheinhessen, continues to grow, the area  under vines in Württemberg and Baden is shrinking. What needs to change?”

“The development of the German market in 2023 was difficult. Wine consumption decreased for the second year in a row. However, increasing average prices suppressed the loss in value. The turnover in sparkling wines remained constant. How can wine makers get their customers back?


  • Area under vines 2023: 44,537 ha
  • Volume produced 2023: 2.3m hl
  • Export value 2022: €232m
  • Export volume 2022: 0.68m hl


“Austria is debating possible standardised classification of vineyards nationwide. Many traditional wineries are in favour of this, but newcomers are putting up opposition. Where is the journey of origin headed?”

“The turnover is decreasing, even in the otherwise stable wine-drinking country of Austria.The marketing organisation, ÖWM, is therefore becoming more active in foreign markets. Is that the right strategy?”



  • Volume produced 2023: 45m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 796,000 ha
  • Export value 2023: €11.9bn
  • Export volume 2023: 12.77m hl

“France is suffering more than almost any other wine-producing country, from the effects of overproduction and the drop in sales of red wines in particular. Should they now be putting as much emphasis as possible on white wine?”

“Uncomplicated wines in the entry-level segment, labelled with just the grape variety, are currently popular with consumers. Have seemingly complicated AOP wines outstayed their welcome?”


  • Area under vines 2022: 678,059 ha (+4,029 ha compared to 2021)
  • Harvest volume 2023: 38–40m hl
  • Export value 2022: €7.87bn (Prognosis 2023: €7.6bn)
  • Export volume 2022: 22m hl


“After many record-breaking years, 2020 excluded, Italy’s wine industry is now facing declining export values. Losses in the most important markets, namely the USA and Canada, are weighing particularly heavily on the balance sheet. Europe remains within the positive range (+ 1%). Will 2024 bring the turnaround?”

“Italy doesn’t plan to tackle overproduction with the reduction of viticulture areas. Instead, they want to allow the sale of planting rights only in particularly suitable areas and to favour market-relevant varieties or origins. Are they on the right track?”



  • Area under vines 2022: 637,000 ha,
    thereof approx. 96,000 ha for wine production
  • Harvest volume 2023: 1.6m hl
  • Export value 2022: approx. €99m
  • Export volume 2022: approx. 0.29m hl

"In 2023, the grape harvest in Greece was a nightmare. Will the Greek suppliers be able to deliver, or will there be problems with the supply?"

"The names of Greek grape varieties are often strange and unpronounceable for Central Europeans. How can I explain the indigenous grape varieties to my customers, and which ones will convert them into fans of Greek wines?"


  • Area under vines 2023: 954,724 ha
  • Harvest volume 2023: 35.7m hl (-12% compared to 2022)
  • Export value 2022: €2.98bn (net export)
  • Export volume 2022: 20.9m hl


“For a long time, Spain has made a living from the production of large quantities of wine at favourable prices. How long will they maintain this strategy and what could happen next?

“The demand for white wines is increasing worldwide, but the most important white wine regions in Galicia are still primarily producing for the domestic market. Are we missing out on an opportunity?”

The world has too much wine, and Australian farmers are ripping up vines



  • Area under vines 2022: 190,981 ha
  • Harvest volume 2023: 7.4m hl
  • Export value 2022: €938m
  • Export volume 2022: 3.2m hl

“The indigenous grape varieties are one of the country’s most important USPs, but they nevertheless still have to be explained laboriously in a competitive market. Should Portugal be focusing more on international varieties instead?”

“It has become evident that more and more producers in the Douro Valley are giving up because they can no longer cover the costs of working the steep slopes. Is the centralised regulation of the grape price, which also applies to port, a good solution?”


  • Area under vines 2023: 390,000 ha (USA) 
    249,000 ha (California)
  • Harvest volume 2023: 3.67m t (California)
  • Export value 2022: €1.34b (USA)
  • Export volume 2022: 3.72m hl (California)


“The US American wine market is the biggest in the world, but even this enormous market is weakening. Should exporters start relying less on this market?”

“The problem of overproduction has now reached California too. How should the US American wine industry and politics deal with it?”



  • Volume produced 2023: 9.64m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 146,244 ha
  • Export value (10/2022–9/2023): €1.1bn
  • Export volume (10/2022–9/2023): 6.04m hl

“Australia’s red wine stocks have grown immensely due to China’s punitive tariffs – apparently the tariffs are now likely to be cancelled. Is 2024 the last chance for buyers from Europe to purchase high-quality red wines at bargain prices if China waives the tariffs?”

“Tasmania is currently making a name for itself in the fine wine scene. Is scorching Australia going to become a cool-climate source?”

New Zealand

  • Area under vines 2023: 41,860 ha
  • Harvest volume 2023: 3.6m hl
  • Export value 2023: €1.36bn
  • Export volume 2023: 3.1m hl

New Zealand

“How do you see the free trade agreement between the EU and New Zealand?
Will the New Zealand market soon be swamped with German Riesling?”

“New Zealand’s wine makers are in the more favourable position in that their wines are established in the higher-priced segment, yet they match the contemporary spirit perfectly. In which direction should and could the country’s wine industry develop?”

South Africa

South Africa

  • Area under vines 2022: 89,384 ha (-1,128 ha compared to 2021)
  • Harvest volume 2023: 9.35m hl (-14.2% compared to 2022)
  • Export value 2023: €496m
  • Export volume 2023: 3.06m hl (-17%)

“South Africa anticipates a slightly larger grape harvest in 2024 than in the previous year, which yielded less than 10m hectolitres. Will this put pressure on the prices?”

“The wine-growing area in South Africa continues to shrink. Within 10 years, it has decreased by 10%. How can this decline be stopped?”


  • Area under vines 2022: 207,047 ha
  • Harvest volume 2023: 11.4m hl
  • Export value 2022: €751m 
  • Export volume 2022: 2.6m hl


“The new President, Milei, has caused a massive devaluation of the peso. Will this help Argentinian wine producers with exports?”

With 72% remaining on the domestic market, a relatively large amount of wine is still available. Can Argentina’s winegrowers, particularly the smaller ones, survive on this basis?



  • Area under vines 2022: 129,016 ha
  • Harvest volume 2023: 10.0m hl
  • Export value 2022: €1.75bn
  • Export volume 2022: 8.9m hl

“Chile has benefited from exports to China during the tariff disputes with Australia, having exported wine to the value of about €280m to China during that time. What does the fact that China and Australia are patching things up mean for Chile?”

“Last year, Chile was hit by forest fires and flooding. How can the Chilean wine industry contribute to sustainability and self-protection against natural disasters?”

Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe

“German consumers are often quite unaware of indigenous varieties, such as Fetească Neagră, Vranac, Rkatsiteli or Žilavka, even if they have been to Eastern Europe on holiday. Is there a market for those varieties in Northern and Western Europe, beyond the gastronomy and speciality retailer niches?”  

“Good quality varieties like Pinot Grigio and Primitivo are grown and produced in countries like North Macedonia and Moldovia, often even in barrels. Can these wines compete with the ‘originals’ from Italy on the international market?”


  • Volume produced 2023: 2.5m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 61,283 ha
  • Export value 2022: €140m
  • Export volume 2022: 1.25m hl



  • Volume produced 2023: 0.9m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 65,261 ha
  • Export value 2022: €27.8m
  • Export volume 2022: 0.33m hl



  • Volume produced 2023: 4.4m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 187,934 ha
  • Export value 2022: €34.33m
  • Export volume 2022: 0.18m litres


North Macedonia

  • Volume produced 2022: approx. 0.9m hl
  • Area under vines 2021: 23,776 ha
  • Export value 2022: €56.4m
  • Export volume 2022: 0.66m hl

Source: OIV,, State Statistical Office MAKSTAT


  • Volume produced 2023: 0.4m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 22,142 ha
  • Export value 2022: €18.8m
  • Export volume 2022: 0.046m hl



  • Volume produced 2023: approx. 0.6m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 17,789 ha
  • Export value 2022: €21.6m
  • Export volume 2022: 0.062m hl



  • Volume produced 2023: 1.5m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 49,450 ha
  • Export value 2022: €232m
  • Export volume 2022: 1.02m hl



  • Volume produced 2023: 1.3m hl
  • Area under vines 2022: 122,000 ha
  • Export value 2022: €116.5m
  • Export volume 2022: 0.97m hl

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