NUTRITION MATTERS: Tips for safe tippling

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SUMMER means more time spent outdoors having braais with friends. Add to that your usual business lunches, farewell parties, nights on the town, and the looming holiday season, and there will be more occasions that call for you to have a drink or two  or more. While a tot or two or three can lift your spirits, it can also drag your health down.

Here's how to enjoy alcoholic beverages without ending up with a beer boep or suffering other adverse health effects:

Be moderate

Use alcohol in moderation. It is much better to have a drink or two every other day than to "save up" your drinks and have a binge session on a Friday night. Your liver can metabolise up to two units of alcohol a day, no more. If you have more than that in a 24-hour period, you will be putting your liver under severe strain (and probably end up with a horrible babbelaas too).

Keep track of your kilojoules

Diluted kilojoules still count. It's easy to consume extra kilojoules when you're having a few while watching the Springboks on TV. But before you open another beer, think about this: one 330ml bottle of beer contains 520kj. That is equal to one-and-a-half slices of white bread  if you drink a six-pack, you're essentially eating nine slices of bread. So if you are looking for that six-pack, you need to lose the six-pack. And don't think you can drink double because it's a "lite" version! Light beers contain only up to 30% less kilojoules, not 50% less as some may assume.

Wine isn't innocent either. A large glass of wine contains 600kj  as much as two slices of white bread. And if you're trying to shake some extra weight, steer clear of paper umbrellas and fancy cocktails. A tall cocktail made with three tots of alcohol and fruit juice or a mixer can contain more than 1,000kj.

If you have to have something with an umbrella in, why not opt for a mocktail? You'll save on the kilojoules the alcohol usually provides and, if you ask for your drink to be made with a sugar-free mix, you can satisfy your craving without the guilt.

Eat before you drink

And no, not a "big, greasy meal or a peanut butter and jam sandwhich to line your stomach". Eating something sensible before you go out will stabilise your blood sugar and keep you from eating too much junk later. Remember, alcohol stimulates your appetite and lowers your inhibitions. This means that if you start boozing on an empty stomach you are less likely to say no to that double-decker man-sized burger with fries on the side as the night wears on.

More quick tips

 Whenever possible, choose a single tot of alcohol with a sugar-free mix.

 If you're in the mood for beer, mix it with sugar-free lemonade to create a shandy.

 When drinking white wine, you can mix it with soda water to make a spritzer, or just keep adding ice to make the drink last longer.

 Red wine can be diluted to make a Catemba or spritzer using a sugar-free mixer or soda water, making two drinks instead of one. Alternatively, keep adding lots of ice to your glass instead of more wine.

 When drinking alcohol, compensate for the extra kilojoules by having little or no starch with your (next) meal.

Don't chase. Yes, having shooters at the bar may be fun, but they are also going wreak havoc on your kilojoule consumption. Rather sip your drink slowly and pace yourself (one drink per hour or two is a good measure).

How to hit that hangover

Even when starting out with the best of intentions, you sometimes get swept up in the moment and end up having a few too many. And then you suffer the consequences: the dreaded babbelaas. When your mouth is as dry as a riverbed in the Namib and the world is spinning nonstop, you will probably be willing to try anything to cure the hangover. But before you go the Irish route and bury yourself up to your neck in sand, try these sensible tips:

 Resist any temptation to treat your hangover with more alcohol. It'll only make you feel worse.

 Drink lots of water as this will rehydrate your system. Some drinkers swear by sports drinks such as Energade.

 Stay away from coffee as it is a diuretic. Additionally, caffeinated beverages may make you think you're alert when you're really not.

 Take vitamins. Booze drains your body of vitamin C. So does smoking, for that matter  even passive smoking.

 Do a bit of exercise, like a brisk walk in fresh air.

 Eat properly. Opt for a healthy breakfast if you can face it as opposed to a full fry-up. If you are feeling nauseous, nibble on some dry toast or crackers with honey.

 Be patient. This too shall pass.

And finally, cheers: remember that enjoying an occasional drink can be part of a healthy eating plan and lifestyle if it is done responsibly and mindfully. Whether sharing a bottle of wine with family during Sunday lunch, having an after-work drink with colleagues or simply relaxing with a book and a good Scottish whiskey, always take time to find delight in your drink