Homeopathy: For Healthy Liver Function

Homeopathy: For Healthy Liver Function

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Your liver is probably one of the most overworked organs in your body. It takes a beating every single day as it works tirelessly to filter your blood before passing it on to be recirculated, and also detoxes your body, and metabolize any drugs—prescription or otherwise—you may be taking.

Your liver also secretes bile which is passed back to your intestines and makes the proteins your body needs for blood clotting and myriad other processes. Healthy liver function is thus a necessity for your continued survival.

Unfortunately, although your liver is extremely robust, healthy liver function is often compromised, either by factors we can control or others we cannot. The end result could be any number of health conditions, a few of which may even be life-threatening.

Among the many conditions your liver is susceptible to are cirrhosis, cancer, liver failure, gallstones, and hepatitis, to name but only a few. Interestingly, liver function seems to be directly linked to the adrenal glands and cortisol production.

Looking at Liver Issues From a Holistic Standpoint
Homeopathy is a safe and gentle, yet very effective, means of dealing with health issues, including a compromised liver. Most health conditions start at the cellular level, and this is the level at which homeopathic remedies work. Because of this, homeopathic remedies can be effective in removing toxins, viruses, and bacteria (and other pathogens) from your body, while stimulating cellular activity at the same time. In this way, you are addressing your health issues at the root cause.

When it comes to liver support, the aim of homeopathic remedies is to create a healthy environment allowing for optimal liver function by means of detoxification, aiding in liver rejuvenation, and even helping out with your liver’s metabolic processes. But keep in mind, once again, that all this takes place at the cellular level.

When using these remedies, don’t expect miraculous improvements overnight. Your liver dysfunction probably didn’t happen overnight but is the result to years of neglect. Homeopathic remedies don’t just target a single organ, but have a systemic effect, therefore, it may take a while before you see any concrete improvements in your liver health.

Of course, this differs from person to person, since the root cause of every condition is different, and the remedies used will also differ. This is especially true if your liver has become compromised while suffering from advanced Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS).

The Liver-Adrenal Gland Link
Your cortisol levels are higher during the initial stages of Adrenal Fatigue. Higher cortisol levels correspond to an increase in the occurrence of fatty liver and are thus a hallmark of non-alcoholic fatty liver.

The reason for this is simple. During times of stress, your adrenals are stimulated via chemical messengers from the brain as part of the hypothalamic-pituitary (HPA) axis. The HPA axis makes more sugar available to your body by tapping into your liver’s protein reserves in a process known as gluconeogenesis. This extra sugar gives you more energy so your body is ready to either face the stressor or flee, and is controlled by your body’s automatic NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response.

Once the stressful situation has passed, your system returns to normal. However, long-term stress can result in consistently elevated cortisol levels and corresponding high blood sugar levels. Your body is now at risk of developing diabetes and insulin resistance—the latter occurs because elevated cortisol levels inhibit insulin function.
After a while, your cells begin to crave glucose, and these newly developed cravings can lead to overeating. Since unused glucose is stored as fat, this may cause liver dysfunction.

   Detox Your Liver Successfully: 10 Proven Ways

Stress and the corresponding increase in cortisol production may also result in other body functions being either slowed down or paused altogether if deemed unnecessary for immediate life. This can include liver function, which often becomes more sluggish.

One of the liver functions required in the digestive process is the production of bile, which also facilitates the removal toxins from the liver. When the liver becomes sluggish, bile production is reduced leading to digestive issues. At the same time, fewer toxins are flushed from your liver. Thus, Adrenal Fatigue reduces healthy liver function resulting in the buildup of toxins while having a negative impact on your gut health.

A number of symptoms can result from a sluggish liver and the accompanying toxin build-up and are synonymous with the initial stages of Adrenal Fatigue. Symptoms may include

Skin issues such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema
Joint and muscle pain
PMS and/or irregularities in your menstrual cycle
Brain fog
As your Adrenal Fatigue becomes more advanced, cortisol production will decrease since your adrenals cannot keep up with the demand. At first, this may sound like a good thing, but the reverse is actually true. Low cortisol levels affect gallbladder function by reducing the bile recycling process. As a consequence, less fat is metabolized as your liver struggles to keep up with the increased workload. The detoxification process slows down even more, resulting in even more toxic build-up in your liver and the rest of your body.

Your overloaded liver, like your adrenals, may reach a point where normal functions becomes increasingly difficult, leading to a number of liver disorders.

Although your overall condition may improve by simply addressing the root causes of your Adrenal Fatigue, there are a number of supplements and remedies that can promote healthy liver function.

The following Remedies May Aid Healthy Liver Function
Beta vulgaris
Beta vulgaris (beetroot) contains betaine. This is a hepatotropic and lipotropic amino acid, which means that it can help to protect and restore healthy liver function while at the same time encouraging the metabolic breakdown of fat. Betaine also intervenes in the methylation process in the liver—the process through which methyl groups are added to your DNA. Betaine is an important participant in the liver regeneration process.

Beta vulgaris has many beneficial properties, however, although not considered dangerous, it can discolor stools and urine. Moreover, it contains relatively high levels of nitrates which could lower your blood pressure. This is a major disadvantage if you already have low blood pressure. Beta vulgaris is also rich in oxalates, which are associated with the formation of kidney stones.

If you suffer from digestive issues, it may better best to consider an alternative, since Beta vulgaris may aggravate these issues and can cause diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, and bloating.

Carduus marianus
Carduus marianus or more commonly milk thistle contains flavonolignans including silymarin, which helps restore healthy liver function. Silymarin also possesses fever-fighting properties.

Furthermore, due to its hepatic restoring function, Carduus marianus acts as an antioxidant to fight free radicals, has anti-inflammatory properties, helps fight tumors, and may prevent gastric ulcers by reducing histamine levels.
All these properties are hugely beneficial if you’re suffering from Adrenal Fatigue.

Carduus marianus is commonly used for restoring liver function as well as fighting liver cirrhosis and hepatitis. Although there is nothing toxic in Carduus marinus, it does contain tyramine, which can raise your blood pressure, and is not recommended if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

Taraxacum officinale
Taraxacum officinale, the common dandelion, has many medicinal and culinary uses. This herb has long been used as a remedy for healthy liver function and a natural means of helping improve cirrhosis, jaundice, and other liver disorders.

The many vitamins and minerals—including B vitamins, as well as C—in Taraxacum officinale will also help your liver with its detoxification function. Taraxacum officinale contains manganese and zinc to further aid your liver with detoxification.

Although there are no poisons present in Taraxacum officinale, caution is still required when using this remedy as it can have a diuretic effect and may not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Taraxacum officinale may also intensify the sugar-lowering abilities of certain diabetic medications and taken in large quantities, may cause skin rashes, stomach discomfort, and even diarrhea. It’s best to avoid this remedy if you have any gallbladder issues.

Another function of the liver is to produce and subsequently eliminate cholesterol. One of the most common liver ailments is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and one of its symptoms is high cholesterol levels. Cholesterinum tends to lower cholesterol levels, thereby aiding in your recovery and promoting healthy liver function.

Cholesterinum may also be effective against liver cancer— hepatic carcinoma—which is thought to be associated with alcoholic cirrhosis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hemochromatosis, alpha 1 antiprotease deficiency, and long-term use of medications.

Although Cholesterinum has no known contraindications, it’s not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Fel tauri
Fel tauri, also known as ox gall, supports healthy liver function by addressing cholesterol issues. In addition, it can improve a sluggish liver while playing a role in the fat metabolism and elimination.

The remedy is useful in dealing with instances of jaundice, Biliary calculi, and the obstruction of gall ducts. At present, there are no known contraindications for using this remedy.

Chelidonium majus
Chelidonium majus or greater celandine is an herb that is part of the poppy family of plants and has a multitude of properties that aid in healthy liver function.

Its depurative properties help to purify and cleanse the liver, and it can be effective as part of a detoxification program, as it can help to eliminate waste and toxins from your system. Chelidonium majus also protects and supports a healthy liver while protecting it from damage. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, may help prevent jaundice, and can also treat fibrosis.

Chelidonium majus promotes gallbladder function and aids digestion, in addition to stimulating the production and flow of pancreatic enzymes and bile. Therefore, it may help to prevent conditions such as hepatitis, which have severe and lasting negative effects on the liver.

This remedy can have a number of side effects if not used correctly including nausea, fever, dizziness, and fatigue. It could also adversely affect your heart. Please do not embark on a course of Chelidonium majus without first consulting a qualified healthcare practitioner.

Lycopodium clavatum
Research has suggested that Lycopodium clavatum may be an excellent option for supporting your liver and aiding in recovery after liver failure, especially due to drug-induced hepatitis, which is often the case with paracetamol overdose. This remedy may also be effective in cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease—in many instances, the reason these conditions develop is unknown.

Types of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease include

Nonalcoholic fatty liver – an excess of liver fat without any complications;
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis – a condition in which the fat in your liver causes inflammation thereby impairing function and may lead to scarring (cirrhosis);
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease-associated cirrhosis – inflammation leads to scarring of your liver tissue and over time may lead to liver failure.
There are usually no side effects if this remedy is taken according to instructions and at the correct dosage. Side effects may include digestive issues such as acid reflux, diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner if you’re considering using this remedy.

Natrum sulphuricum
Natrum sulphuricum is a tissue salt found in the water at many spas and works in your body at a cellular level. One function is to rid your body of excess fluids and it’s considered an excellent remedy for healthy liver function.

In addition to helping your liver get rid of toxins, Natrum sulphuricum may aid in recovery from jaundice, cirrhosis, and hepatitis, stimulate a sluggish liver, help prevent gallstone formation, and reduce cholesterol.

Although generally considered safe to use, do not use Natrum sulphuricum while breastfeeding or pregnant.

General Safety of Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic remedies are generally prescribed on the principle of like treats like. Sometimes, substances that may be harmful to your health are used in their preparation. However, these substances are diluted to such a degree that the chances of them causing you any harm whatsoever are negligible.

There are a number of things you need to remember. First and foremost is that each person is an individual. This means that the cause of one person’s condition is not necessarily the cause of the same issue in someone else. Therefore, a remedy that works for one person may not necessarily work for another. To this end, consulting a trained homeopathy professional is always the best route, not only to determine the right remedy for your particular case but to receive advice on dosage as well.

Based on your medical history, a trained healthcare professional should be able to determine the best remedies for you. If you choose to self-medicate, there’s a change you may inadvertently select a remedy that doesn’t work or may even worsen your condition.