• Saai (Southern African Agri Initiative) will support South African farmers that lost their farms in Zimbabwe to receive compensation. Saai is also busy assisting Zimbabwean farmers that retreated to South Africa with compensation claims thanks to its network of partner organisations.

    In a dramatic turn of events, the Zimbabwean government recently announced that farmers who lost their farms due to land reforms since 2000, will be compensated. As a first step, an amount from this year’s budget has been provided to be divided between farmers who are financially distressed.

    This offer by the Zimbabwean government comes on the eve of the World Bank’s Spring Meeting, of which Zimbabwe is extremely dependent for soft loans to get its economy back on track. The international condition of compensation to farmers who were deprived of their farms since 2000 under the so-called “accelerated land reform programme”, as well as the sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe as a result, are currently hampering economic growth in this country.

    Saai wants to call together the 800 South African victims of Zimbabwe’s disastrous land reform programme and is planning on discussing the process, administration and future of compensation with affected farmers in Pretoria in cooperation with the leadership of the Commercial Farmers’ Union (CFU) – representing 4 500 Zimbabwean commercial farmers – and a legal team led by Willie Spies (of Hurter Spies Inc.).

    Details for the gathering during which Saai, Agri All Africa, the CFU and the legal team will share information on the process, procedures and strategy are as follows:

    Date: 23 April 2019

    Time: 19:00

    Venue: Silver Lakes Golf Estate Clubhouse, Pretoria

    For more information, don’t hesitate to contact Saai at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


    Saai (Suider-Afrika Agri Inisiatief) gaan Suid-Afrikaanse boere wat hulle plase in Zimbabwe verloor het, bystaan om vergoeding te ontvang. Saai is ook besig om Zimbabwiese boere wat na Suid-Afrika uitgewyk het met vergoedingseise by te staan danksy sy netwerk van vennootorganisasies.

    In ’n dramatiese wending het die Zimbabwiese regering onlangs aangekondig dat boere wat sedert 2000 hulle plase weens grondhervorming verloor het, vergoed gaan word. As eerste stap is ’n bedrag uit vanjaar se begroting voorsien om tussen boere te verdeel wat finansieel swaarkry.

    Dié aanbod deur die Zimbabwiese regering kom op die vooraand van die Wêreldbank se Lenteberaad, waarvan Zimbabwe uiters afhanklik is vir sagte lenings om sy ekonomie weer op dreef te kry. Die internasionale voorwaarde van vergoeding aan boere wat sedert 2000 onder die sogenaamde “versnelde grondhervormingsprogram” van hulle plase ontneem is, asook die sanksies wat daaroor teen Zimbabwe ingestel is, kniehalter tans ekonomiese groei in dié land.

    Saai wil die 800 Suid-Afrikaanse slagoffers van Zimbabwe se rampspoedige grondhervormingsprogram byeenroep en beplan om saam met die leierskap van die Commercial Farmers’ Union (CFU) – wat 4 500 Zimbabwiese kommersiële boere verteenwoordig – en ’n regspan onder leiding van Willie Spies (van Hurter Spies Ing.) die proses, administrasie en toekoms van vergoeding met geaffekteerde boere in Pretoria bespreek.

    Besonderhede vir die byeenkoms waartydens Saai, Agri All Africa, die CFU en die regspan inligting oor die proses, prosedures en strategie sal deel, is soos volg:

    Datum: 23 April 2019

    Tyd: 19:00

    Plek: Silver Lakes Gholflandgoed se Klubhuis, Pretoria

    Vir meer inligting, kontak Saai gerus by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..