NAMPO Kaap bevorder belangstelling in landbou deur Overberg Streekjeugskou

NAMPO Kaap bevorder belangstelling in landbou deur Overberg Streekjeugskou

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“NAMPO Kaap skep geleenthede vir die jeug om nie net die toekoms van landbou raak te sien nie, maar om ook aktief betrokke te wees deur Jeugskou.

Leerders kry die kans om landbou eerstehands te ervaar. Om met diere te werk is 'n voorreg, want dit leer verantwoordelikheid en bevorder emosionele groei. Kinders se veiligheid en gevoel van onafhanklikheid word albei verhoog deur die skakel wat tussen mens en dier ontwikkel,” sê Madeline Kriel, koördineerder van die Overberg-streekjeugskou.

Overberg Streeksjeugskoukompetisie
Die Overberg Streeksjeugskoukompetisie wat op Saterdag, 16 September 2023 plaasvind, is een van agt streekkompetisies in die Wes-Kaap waaraan leerders deelneem om vir die Wes-Kaapse Jeugskoukampioenskappe te kwalifiseer. Tydens die WP-kampioenskappe word 'n span gekies om aan die Nasionale Jeugskou-kampioenskappe deel te neem.

Seuns en dogters tot die ouderdom van 17 kan aktief aan die Jeugskou-kompetisies deelneem. Die drie ouderdomskategorieë is: Junior-juniors (ouderdom 5-10), Juniors (ouderdom 11-14) en Seniors (ouderdom 15-17). Die 14 klasse waaarvoor ingeskryf kan word sluit in: melk- en vleisbeeste; wol- en vleisskape; Angora-, vleis- en melkbokke; pluimvee; perde; wedvlugte en sierduiwe; konyne; jong afslaers; kulinêre kuns en suiwelbereiding. Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is 30 Augustus 2023. Om in te skryf kontak Madeline Kriel by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of 071 280 0239.

Pierre Human, ondervoorsitter van die Wes-Kaapse Jeugskouvereniging, en ’n jeugskouafrigter, sê dit is belangrik om veral van jongs af die jeug by die landbou te betrek. "Ons het gevind dat jeugskou baie gewild is, veral onder leerders wat nie gereeld toegang tot landbou het nie. Dit is van kardinale belang om hul blootstelling en deelname aan landbou te ontwikkel en aan te moedig vir 'n volhoubare toekoms."

Agri Expo Jeugskou opleidingsessie by NAMPO Kaap
“Die twee jaar van geen Jeugskou-aktiwiteite weens die COVID-19-pandemie nie, het ’n nadelige uitwerking op die deelname van jonger leerders gehad. Ons het 'n afname in die aantal inskrywings van jong en nuwe Jeugskou-deelnemers gesien. Met die ondersteuning van Agri Expo is ons in staat om vir eerstekeer-deelnemers van 5 – 13 jaar 'n opleidingsessie in alle klasse by die Overberg Sreeks jeugskou aan te bied. Deelnemers sal belangrike vaardighede aanleer om hul Jeugskou-loopbane van stapel te stuur,” verduidelik Madeline Kriel.

“Jeugskou behoort 'n groter rol in die Suid-Afrikaanse Landbousektor te speel. Jeugskou is 'n bron van toekomstige landbouleiers, en dit kan gesien word in die prestasies van voormalige Jeugskou-mededingers in tersiêre opleiding en die professionele wêreld. Ons verwelkom hierdie geleentheid om ook leerders met gestremdhede en leerders uit benadeelde agtergronde bloot te stel aan die voordele van jeugskou,” sê Breyton Milford, voorsitter van die Wes-Kaapse Jeugskouvereniging.

Die opleidingsessie vir alle klasse vind op 16 September van 08:00 tot 09:45 plaas. Vir meer inligting, of om in te skryf, kontak Madeline Kriel by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of 071 280 0239.

Borge ondersteun Jeugskou
'n Kompetisie soos hierdie sou nie moontlik wees sonder die ondersteuning van borge nie. “Ons is dankbaar vir die borgskappe van Neptun, BKB, Hollard, Wes-Kaapse departement van landbou, Voermol, ARDS, Agri Expo en Varsmark Bredasdorp vir hul ondersteuning. Hulle is deurslaggewende vennote van Overberg Jeugskou en deel die liefde vir landbou,” sluit Me. Kriel af.

Sien jou daar!
Registrasie vind vanaf 8:00 by Hek C, BKB Lewendehawesentrum plaas en inskrywings moet teen 30 Augustus ingedien word. Vir meer inligting kontak Madeline by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of 071 280 0239. Toeskouers is welkom om die gees van Jeugskou en wat die kompetisie behels op die 16de September 2023 vanaf 10:00 te ervaar. Die diere sal by die BKB Lewendehawesentrum vertoon word, en die kulinêre kuns en suiwelbereiding sal in die Distinctive Choice-tent voor die BKB-gebou wees.

Toegangskaartjies is aanlyn beskikbaar by Pryse is R80 vir volwassenes en R40 vir skoolgaande kinders. Voorskoolse kinders kom gratis in. Daar sal kaartjies te koop wees by die hekke, teen R90 vir volwassene. Die ekspo duur van Woensdag, 13 tot Vrydag, 15 September van 08:00 tot 17:00 en Saterdag, 16 September van 08:00 – 15:00. Besoekers kan die Kaap Agulhas Toerismekantoor kontak vir verblyf by 028 424 2584 / 082 896 2225 of Vir meer inligting oor NAMPO Kaap 2023, besoek, kontak Chrystal van Wyk by 028 050 1385 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NAMPO Cape elevates interest in agriculture through Overberg Regional Youth Show

“NAMPO Cape creates opportunities for the youth to not only see the future of agriculture but to also be actively involved through Youth Show. Learners are given the chance to experience agriculture. Working with animals is a privilege because it teaches responsibility and promotes emotional growth. Children's safety and sense of independence are both increased by the link that develops between humans and animals,” says Madeline Kriel, coordinator of the Overberg Regional Youth Show.

Overberg Regional Youth Show Competition
The Overberg Youth Show Competition taking place on Saturday, 16 September 2023, is one of eight regional competitions in the Western Cape in which learners participate to qualify for the Western Cape Youth Show Championships. During the WP championships, a team is selected to participate in the National Youth Show championships.

Boys and girls up to the age of 17 can actively participate in the Youth Show competitions. The three age categories are: Junior-juniors (ages 5-10), Juniors (ages 11-14) and Seniors (ages 15-17). The 14 classes which can be entered include: dairy and beef cattle; wool and mutton sheep; Angora, mutton, and dairy goats; poultry; horses; racing and fancy pigeons; rabbits; young auctioneers; culinary art and dairy products. The closing date for entries is 30 August 2023. To enter contact Madeline Kriel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 071 280 0239.

Pierre Human, Deputy Chairperson of the Western Cape Youth Show Association, and a youth show coach, says that it is important to involve the youth in agriculture especially from a young age. "We have found that youth show is quite well-liked, particularly among students who do not regularly have access to agriculture. It is crucial to develop and encourage their exposure and participation in agriculture for a sustainable future.”

Agri Expo Youth Show training session at NAMPO Cape
“The two years of no Youth Show activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has had a detrimental effect on the participation of younger learners. We have seen a decline in the number of entries of young and new Youth Show participants. With the support of Agri Expo, we are able to offer first-time participants aged 5 – 13 years a training session in all classes at the Overberg Youth Show Competition. Participants will acquire crucial skills to launch their Youth Show careers,” explains Madeline Kriel.

“Youth Show ought to play a bigger role in the South African Agriculture Sector. Youth Show is a source of future agricultural leaders, and it can be seen in the achievements of former Youth Show competitors in tertiary training and the professional world. We welcome this opportunity to also expose learners with disabilities and learners from disadvantaged backgrounds to the benefits of youth show,” says Breyton Milford, Chairperson of the Western Cape Youth Show Association. The training session for all classes will take place on 16 September from 08:00 till 09:45. For more information, or to enter contact Madeline Kriel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 071 280 0239.

Sponsors support Youth Show
A competition like this would not be possible without the support of sponsors. “We are grateful for the sponsorships from Neptun, BKB, Hollard, Western Cape Department of Agriculture, Voermol, ARDS, Agri Expo and Varsmark Bredasdorp for their support. They are crucial partners of Overberg Youth Show and share the love of agriculture,” concludes Ms Kriel.

See you there
Registration will take place from 8:00 at Gate C, BKB Livestock Centre and entries must be submitted by the 30th of August. For more information contact Madeline at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 071 280 0239. Spectators are welcome to experience the spirit of Youth Show and what the competition entails on the 16th of September 2023 from 10:00. The animals will be shown at the BKB Livestock Centre, and the culinary arts and dairy products competition will be in the Distinctive Choice Tent in front of the BKB Building.

Entry tickets are available online at Prices for online tickets are R80 for adults and R40 for school-age children. Pre-schoolers get in for free. There will be tickets available at the gates at R90 for adults. The expo runs from Wednesday, 13 to Friday, 15 September from 08:00 to 17:00 and Saturday, 16 September from 08:00 to 15:00. Visitors can contact the Cape Agulhas Tourism Office for accommodation on 028 424 2584 / 082 896 2225 or For more information about NAMPO Cape 2023, visit, contact Chrystal van Wyk on 028 050 1385 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..