TLU SA maak beswaar teen staking van veilings

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TLU SA vind dit onaanvaarbaar dat veilings in terme van die aangepaste vlak vier van die inperking gestaak word.

“Die president het Sondagaand beklemtoon dat alle ekonomiese aktiwiteite so ver as moontlik moet voortgaan en dat mense wel by hulle plek van werk mag aanmeld indien dit nie moontlik is om van die huis af te werk nie,” sê mnr. Henry Geldenhuys, die president van TLU SA. “Dit is dus vir ons onverstaanbaar waarom veilings in hierdie stadium gestaak word.”

Die regulasies wat vandeesweek hieroor gepubliseer is, verwys net na veilings en dit is nie duidelik of dit na die veilings van vaste eiendom verwys en of dit lewende hawe ook insluit nie.

“Veilings is baie belangrik vir die landboubedryf en die verspreiding van voedsel,” verduidelik mnr. Geldenhuys. “Dit is veral die kleiner boere wat hulle in ‘n baie moeilike situasie vind wanneer veilings nie voortgaan nie. Hulle het geen ander maniere om hulle lewende hawe te verkoop nie.”

Die geleenthede word vooruit beplan en die boere wat more by geskeduleerde veilings sou deelneem moet dringend, ten minste voor 14:00 vanmiddag weet of die reëlings aangepas moet word.

“Dit is vir ons onaanvaarbaar dat die president, die regeringsdepartemente en die ANC bykans nooit uit dieselfde mond praat nie. So kan ‘n land mos nie funksioneer nie.”

TLU SA objects to suspension of auctions

 TLU SA finds it unacceptable that the government suspended auctions in terms of the adjusted regulations of level four of the lockdown.

“The president on Sunday evening emphasised that all economic activities must continue as far as possible and that people should go to their place of work if they cannot work from home,” says Mr Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. “Thus, we are struggling to understand why they suspended the auctions now.”

The regulations published this week only refers to auctions and does not specify if it excludes livestock and only applies to fixed property.

“Auctions are essential to the agricultural industry and the distribution of food,” explains Mr Geldenhuys. “It is the smaller farmers, especially who find themselves in a difficult situation when there are no auctions. They have no other way of selling their livestock.”

The organisers plan the events ahead of time. Farmers who would have attended the scheduled auctions tomorrow must know urgently, at least before 14:00 today, if they have to adjust their plans.

“It is unacceptable that the president, government departments and the ANC rarely gives the same message. A country cannot function like this.”