Staan saam en tree op, versoek ad hoc groep oor vuurwapenwetgewing

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Die tyd het aangebreek vir organisasies om saam te werk om Suid-Afrika te versterk. Dit was die boodskap wat deur bykans alle rolspelers tydens gister se vergadering van die ad hoc-groep vir die beskerming van eiendomsreg bevestig is.

Dié groep (waarvan TLU SA deel is) het besluit om alle belanghebbende groepe byeen te roep om die omstrede wetsontwerp oor vuurwapens te bespreek. Dié wysigings kom neer op ‘n vorm van onteiening van eiendom, waarteen die groep adviseer.

Die ad hoc-groep vir die beskerming van eiendomsreg is ʼn informele groepering van organisasies, georganiseerde landbou en landbouverteenwoordigers, burgerlike en burgerregte instellings, opposisiepartye en akademici sowel as geloofsinstellings. Die groep vergader gereeld om enige beleidsraamwerke wat eiendomsreg mag skaad of ondermyn, te bespreek en onderlinge standpunte, aksies en inisiatiewe te oorweeg.

“Dit was goed om ‘n uiteenlopend groep organisasies byeen te hê,” sê mnr. Henry Geldenhuys, die president van TLU SA. “Wat baie duidelik na vore gekom het uit die groepe wat die byeenkoms bygewoon het en uit die kommentaar van mense wat dit deur sosiale media gevolg het, is dat daar nou daadwerklik opgetree moet word om te voorkom dat hierdie tipe wetgewing deurgevoer word.

“Ons ervaar ernstige probleme met die administrasie en uitvoerbaarheid van bestaande wetgewing. Dit is dus belaglik om te dink nuwe wetgewing wat baie meer administrasie gaan verg, sal suksesvol geïmplementeer kan word.”

TLU SA en die Vryheidsfront Plus het bevestig dat hulle die wetsontwerp totaal afkeur en hulle nie daaraan sal onderwerp nie.

Die groep stem saam dat die wetsontwerp nog deur die parlementêre proses moet vorder, maar dat daar nou reeds voorsiening gemaak moet word vir komende regsaksies.

“Intussen doen ons ‘n dringende beroep op alle Suid-Afrikaners om nie apaties te staan teenoor belangrike sake soos hierdie wat die basiese vryhede soos dié van keuse, aan bande lê. Raak betrokke, laat jou stem hoor, wees bewus van jou veiligheid en wat jou te doen staan.”

Die groep het ook gemaan dat mense nie roekeloos moet optree nie, maar deel moet word van ‘n gekontroleerde plan om hierdie wetgewing teen te staan.


Stand together and act now, asks ad hoc group on firearm legislation

The time has come for organisations to work together to strengthen South Africa. That was the message of all the roleplayers who attended yesterday’s meeting of the ad hoc group for the protection of property rights.

This group (TLU SA is a member) decided to convene all interested parties to discuss the controversial firearm legislation. The group is opposed to the suggested amendments, which comes down to the expropriation of property.

The ad hoc group for the protection of property rights is an informal gathering of organisations, organised agriculture and agricultural representatives, civilians and civil rights groups, opposition parties, academics and religious groups. The group regularly meets to discuss policy frameworks that might jeopardise or undermine property rights and consider opinions, actions, and initiatives.

“It was good to see such a diverse group of organisations gathered together,” says Mr Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. “The thing that stood out from the groups who attended the meeting as well as from the comment on social media is that we should act swiftly to prevent the legislation from being implemented.

“We have serious problems with the administration and execution of existing legislation. It is ridiculous to think the new legislation – which will have ever more administration – will be implemented successfully.”

TLU SA and the Freedom Front Plus confirmed that they do not accept the proposed amendments and that their members will not subject to it.

The group agreed that the proposal must still proceed through the parliamentary processes but that they will have to prepare for legal action.

“In the meantime, we urgently call on South Africans to not be apathetic to important issues which limits your basic freedoms, like those of choice. Get involved, say your say, be aware of your safety and know how to react.”

The group warned that people should not be reckless but should form part of concerted efforts to object to the legislation.