Saai to present resolution for protection of family farmers to UN

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Saai announced today that the agricultural interests network will draw up a family farmer resolution that will be presented to the United Nations (UN) in 2020. This forms part of a larger campaign to continuously place crimes against family farmers on the international agenda.

In May this year Saai attended the launch of the UN’s Decade of Family Farming (2019 – 2028) in Rome. During the event, which serves as a framework to mobilise the international community to implement pro family farming policies, Saai specifically raised the issue of farm murders and the safety of family farmers.

“The interests and safety of our family farmers have to be protected, because these people are the backbone of our society. For this reason Saai has decided, with the assistance of academic and legal professionals, to write a resolution for the protection of family farmers,” says Francois Rossouw, Chief Executive of Saai.

The resolution aims at securing the commitment of state institutions worldwide to regard the safety of family farmers as a priority. In the next 11 months Saai will therefore visit several governments and agricultural organisations around the world to get support for the resolution. If the resolution garners enough support, it will be presented at the UN’s General Assembly in September 2020.

“The UN and its agencies realise that family farmers are in the best possible position to take on the challenges of famine, unemployment and migration. However, the world can’t expect family farmers to carry this huge responsibility when their own governments aren’t even willing to prioritise their safety,” concludes Rossouw.

Saai’s family farmers resolution is available at

Saai wil resolusie ter beskerming van familieboere aan VN voorlê

 Saai het vandag aangekondig dat dié landboubelangenetwerk ’n familieboerresolusie gaan opstel om in 2020 voor die Verenigde Nasies (VN) ter tafel te lê. Dít vorm deel van ’n groter veldtog om misdade teen familieboere deurlopend op die internasionale agenda te plaas.

 Saai het in Mei vanjaar die bekendstelling van die VN se dekade vir familieboere (2019 – 2028) in Rome bygewoon. By hierdie geleentheid, wat as raamwerk dien om die internasionale gemeenskap te mobiliseer om pro-familieboerbeleide te skep, het Saai spesifiek die kwessie van plaasmoorde en die veiligheid van familieboere geopper.

 “Die belange en veiligheid van ons familieboere móét beskerm word, want hierdie mense is die ruggraat van ons samelewing. Daarom het Saai besluit om saam met verskeie akademici en regslui ’n resolusie vir die beskerming van familieboere te skryf,” sê Francois Rossouw, uitvoerende hoof van Saai.

Die resolusie wil staatsinstellings wêreldwyd verbind om die veiligheid van familieboere deurlopend as prioriteit te ag. Saai sal daarom oor die volgende 11 maande verskeie regerings en landbou-organisasies regoor die wêreld besoek om steun vir dié resolusie te werf. Indien dit genoeg steun geniet, sal die resolusie by die VN se algemene vergadering in September 2020 ter tafel gelê word.

“Die VN en sy agentskappe besef dat familieboere in die beste posisie is om die uitdagings van hongersnood, werkloosheid en migrasie aan te pak. Die wêreld kan egter nie van familieboere verwag om hierdie reuseverantwoordelikheid te dra as hul eie regerings nie bereid is om hul veiligheid te prioritiseer nie,” sluit Rossouw af.

 Saai se familieboerresolusie is by beskikbaar.