TLU SA launches new image – Confirms plans and vision for future

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‘Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their ideas, cannot change anything - George Bernard Shaw’.

TLU SA today took the first step to a new, confirming approach to progress in the agricultural industry.

The organisation has been a beacon for South Africa’s commercial farmers since September 1897. Since its inception the view point has been to take a strong stand on behalf of the farmer, despite government or other role-players’’ agendas.

“We are proud to be the only agricultural organisation who acts from the farmer, for the farmer to serve the interests of the farmer,” says Mr. Louis Meintjes, the President of TLU SA. “We acknowledge foremost the indispensable blessing of God in any undertakings of the individual farmer and the agricultural industry in general.

“These two viewpoints are our grounding principles over which we will never negotiate.”

With progress there are, however, some things which will inevitably change and it is also the case in agriculture. Technology has changed the layout and way of farming completely. TLU SA is continuously busy presenting the newest methods, resources and skills related to agricultural technology to our members.

Technology has also changed the way of communication forever. With a growing interest of especially younger farmers and supporters who are not farmers, in TLU SA, it was decided to renew the brand and approach. We want to create a bigger digital presence with our brand-new user-friendly website and participation on the biggest social media platforms. These are launched today.

The policy and laws in a changed South Africa have a direct influence on agriculture and farmers. It is the challenges regarding responsible economic principles, the safety of farmers and the right to private ownership which are on the foreground and on which TLU SA is focussing.

“It is worrying that the role-player’s in the industry does not approve of the ANC government’s direction, from private ownership and the free market system to socialism and communism – spelled out clearly in the Freedom Charter, the National Democratic Revolution and the Strategic and Tactical document – but, goes along with it anyway,” says Meintjes. “TLU SA is honest about this approach and the effect it has and will have on agriculture and farmers.”

TLU is of the view that this approach can be rectified, to the benefit of agriculture, South Africa, and finally the entire population, by implementing the following: 1.Keep our faith;
2.Be honest about the direction the ANC is moving toward and the results it will bring;
3.Stand by the principles which can save South Africa: private ownership and the free market system;
4.Communicate purely around that which is right and do not simply echo the decisions of the ANC;
5.Be careful to not just manage that which is wrong;
6.Do proper research about safety, economic sustainability, property rights and water affairs; and
7.Work positively to fix investor’s trust in South Africa, sustainably.
“We believe the chain of role-players and input suppliers to farmers and the consumer has the power to change the direction of short-sighted radical transformation back to economy,” says Meintjes. “This, however, means that these role players should stand up and support the principles of TLU SA.

“Our goal will always be to protect and keep the commercial farmer on their land sustainably.”

Issued by: TLU SA

Enquiries: Mr Louis Meintjes, President TLU SA,
Cell.: 082 461 7262

Mr Bennie van Zyl, General Manager TLU SA,
Cell.: 082 466 4470

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