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The significant increase in farm attacks and murders since 2012, and especially following the national elections, is a source of grave concern for TLU SA. According to Henry Geldenhuys, Vice President of TLU SA, this development, particularly regarding the inhuman torture of the victims, can no longer be accepted.

“The national murder figure of about 53 people per day is unacceptable for us as an organisation as well as for our members. During May alone, there were 46 attacks and 7 murders on farms. June is barely 3 days old and already 5 attacks and 1 murder have been carried out on farms and smallholdings. This excludes towns and cities,” Geldenhuys said.

The agonising question of when the government, SAPS, and NPA will take concrete action to halt the undeclared war that is being waged on South Africa’s farmers, remains unanswered. Daily statements that farmers - who produce food for all inhabitants of South Africa - have stolen their land, are made from political platforms. Yet the President, the entire cabinet and especially the Minister of Police remain silent about the attacks and murders that escalate daily. Is it possible that their deafening silence, in fact, condones this unacceptable situation?

“This situation can certainly no longer continue! TLU SA challenges the government, SAPS, and NPA to implement an effective and workable solution to these tragic events within the next month. The foundation of their plan must be the effective, unbiased implementation of the laws of this country. It remains the legally binding duty of the SAPS to protect private property, combat terrorism, arson, trespassing, murder, rape, and incitement. The collapse of the rule of law in our country can no longer be accepted. The government has to take urgent action to prevent the total collapse of society.”

He strongly urged farmers, both black and white, to sharpen up their security measures and to strategically include farm labour. “Arm yourself, know how your firearm works and use it within the framework of the law to protect yourself and your family. If you are not yet part of a Security structure, we would admonish you to urgently join up.”

TLU SA directed an invitation to all agricultural organisations, agri suppliers, security companies and all organisations involved with Rural Safety to bring pressure to bear on the government and their various structures to work toward combatting this scourge.

Geldenhuys also requested agri suppliers to contribute to TLU SA’s various security campaigns. “Without farmers, there is no food on our tables, you as an agri supplier will no longer exist and large areas of rural South Africa will be permanently ruined. This is truly how serious this situation has become as a result of the ever-growing wave of attacks and murders. This all while farmers in large parts of South Africa are struggling to survive amidst an ongoing drought of disastrous magnitude while simultaneously battling epidemic levels of theft of livestock and agricultural products. The demand on our finances for assistance from numerous sectors is great. "

He warned that this state of affairs can no longer continue and that there is a very real danger of the situation coming to a head in the near future.

Uitgereik deur: TLU SA

Navrae: Mnr Henry Geldenhuys, Adjunk-President TLU SA,
Sel.: 083 560 1273

Mnr Bennie van Zyl, Hoofbestuurder TLU SA,
Sel.: 082 466 4470

Die aansienlike toename in plaasaanvalle en moorde sedert 2012, en veral na die onlangse verkiesing, is vir TLU SA 'n groot bron van kommer. Volgens Henry Geldenhuys, Adjunk-President van TLU SA, is dié toedrag van sake, veral in ag genome die gepaardgaande barbaarse marteling van slagoffers, skrikwekkend.

“Die nasionale moordsyfer van ongeveer 53 mense per dag, is vir ons en ons lede totaal onaanvaarbaar. In Mei-maand alleen, was daar 46 aanvalle en 7 moorde op plase. Junie 2019 het skaars begin en daar is reeds 5 aanvalle en 1 moord op plase en plotte, stede en dorpe uitgesluit,” het Geldenhuys gesê.

Die ope vraag bly, wanneer gaan daar op Regeringsvlak, van die SAPD en die NVG konkrete werk daarvan gemaak word om die onverklaarde oorlog wat teen landbouers gevoer word, te stuit? Daagliks word van politieke verhoë uitsprake gemaak dat boere die grond waarop hul kos vir alle inwoners van Suid-Afrika produseer, gesteel het. Op hierdie stadium swyg die President sowel as die hele kabinet en veral die minister van SAPD oor hierdie aanvalle en moorde wat onverpoosd voortgaan. Die vraag kan tereg gevra word of hulle stilswye gesien kan word as kondonering van hierdie onaanvaarbare situasie.

“Dit kan beslis nie so aangaan nie! TLU SA daag die Regering, SAPD en NVG om binne die volgende maand 'n doeltreffende en werkbare oplossing te implementeer. Die fondament hiervan moet wees dat die wet doelgerig en dringend toegepas word. Dit is die SAPD se plig om wette soos die beskerming van eiendom, die bekamping van terrorisme, brandstigting, betreding, moord, verkragting, die aanhits van geweld pligsgetrou toe te pas. Die totale verval van wetsgehoorsaamheid in ons land kan nie langer met gevoude hande aanskou word nie. Daar moét eenvoudig opgetree word."

Hy het landbouers, swart en wit, sterk aangeraai om hulle veiligheid op te skerp en hulle plaaswerkers strategies in te sluit. "Dra u wapen, weet hoe dit werk, en gebruik dit waar nodig binne die wet om uself en u gesin se lewens te beskerm. As u nog nie deel van 'n Veiligheidstruktuur is nie, beveel ons aan om baie dringend daarby betrokke te raak."

TLU SA rig 'n uitnodiging aan alle landbouorganisasies, insetverskaffers, sekuriteitsmaatskappye en almal betrokke by Landelike veiligheid, om dringend saam te werk om druk op die regering en hulle strukture uit te oefen.

Geldenhuys het gevra dat landbou insetverskaffers ook finansieel tot TLU SA se sekuriteitsveldtogtoë bydra. "Sonder boere is daar nie kos op ons tafels nie, gaan u as insetverskaffer ook nie meer kan bestaan nie en gaan groot dele van die platteland totaal tot niet gaan. Dit is hoe ernstig die situasie is in die lig van die enorme groei in aanvalle en moorde tans. Dit terwyl groot dele van die land se boere onder ’n vernietigende droogte gebuk gaan en het hulle te kampe met deurlopende diefstal van landbouprodukte en vee. Die druk op ons finansies om op talle gebiede bystand te verleen is baie groot."

Hy het gewaarsku dat sake nie langer so kan dit nie aangaan nie, en dat daar ’n werklike gevaar is dat die pot in ons land gaan oorkook.

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