Huidige situasie Bek en Klou in Suid Afrika / Current situation Foot & Mouth in South Africa

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Na aanleiding van onlangse inligting deur Cape Wools SA (CWSA) rakende die Bek en Klou situasie in Suid Afrika, het die nasionale voorsitter, Guillau du Toit die volgende boodskap vir produsente :

1. Produsente moet kennis neem dat die afhandeling van die proses om die Bek en Klou situasie tot normaal terug te bring, tyd gaan neem weens onderhandelinge tussen die regerings van Suid Afrika en China.
2. Indien moontlik moet produsente poog om die wol so lank moontlik op die rug van die skaap te hou, indien korter as 65mm vetwol geskeer word.
3. Dit is veral kortwol wat onder prysdruk verkeer.
4. Bespreek die opsies met jou makelaar
Guillau du Toit is tans in die buiteland en is alleenlik beskikbaar op Whatsapp 083 561 6325 vir enige verdere navrae en kommentaar-

Following most recent information by Cape Wools SA (CWSA) regarding the Foot and Mouth situation in South Africa, the national chairman, Guillau du Toit has the following message for producers:
1. Producers need to take cognisance of the fact that negotiation to restore the status of Foot and Mouth disease in SA is a timeous process between South Africa and China governments.
2. If at all possible, producers must attempt to rather keep wool on sheep instead of shearing wool shorter than 65mm greasy.
3. It is the short wool in particular that is currently under pressure in the market.
4. Discuss all the options with your broker.

Posbus / PO Box 34291, Newton Park, 6055
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