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Expectations are positive for Agrishow 2019 – 26th International Fair of Agricultural Technology in Action, which will take place between April 29th and May 3rd in Ribeirão Preto, in the interior of São Paulo.

The event should be attended by more than 800 national and international exhibition brands and should gather more than 150 thousand qualified visitors from Brazil and abroad in 520 thousand square meters.
"It is important that all exhibitors and visitors schedule their visits to Agrishow, since it will host the greatest launches of machines, equipment and supplies in the world," says Francisco Matturro, president of Agrishow 2019."Overall, the year is very positive. Prices are good, commodities are in good demand, farmers are producing very well in the country as a whole, with some regional exceptions. The reading we have to do in relation to the expectations for Agrishow should be based on other signs. And, from an institutional and political point of view, signals are highly positive, not only for agribusiness, but for the economy as a whole," he adds.
As the fair that drives agribusiness in Brazil, Agrishow 2019 confirms two attractions that are considered by the visiting public as differentials of the event: the Knowledge Arena and the Field Demonstration Arena. A stage to show new technologies, knowledge, and trends, the Knowledge Arena will feature content events that will bring relevant information to day-to-day and business of professionals in the field. The Field Demonstration Arena will offer to the visitors the opportunity to see Coopercitrus planting and horticultural crops, as well as other technology demonstrations. In this edition, a new feature will be the Innovation Arena, with the participation of 10 startups and the Artisan Producer Arena.
"This is the eighth edition that Coopercitrus is exhibiting at Agrishow and we are very pleased with the results, because, year after year, the number of visitors to our booth increases. We have evolved in the business carried out during the fair and, since it is a central area of the region where the cooperative operates, Agrishow is an event where our members are present. Every year, the cooperative invites 10,000 cooperative members to visit the fair, where we have the opportunity to show some services that are carried out and guide the producers on the best practices in agriculture. In addition, sharing the fair with the largest manufacturers in equipment and supplies from Brazil and the world is very important. So, for a cooperative that has as innovation the vanguard and the search for integrated solutions, being at the fair is a source of satisfaction and pride," says Fernando Degobbi, CEO of Coopercitrus.
Leading Latin American industry fair, the 26th Agrishow is already with its tickets on sale. To purchase the ticket, go to this link and follow the information and instructions for buying online. The event is an initiative of the main agribusiness entities in the country: Abag – Brazilian Agribusiness Association, Abimaq – Brazilian Machinery and Equipment Industry Association, Anda – National Association for Fertilizer Dissemination, Faesp – Agriculture and Cattle Federation of Sao Paulo, and SRB – Brazilian Rural Society, and is organized by Informa Exhibitions, member of the Informa Group, one of the biggest fair, conventions, and training promoters world-wide with publicly traded capital.
More Information:
AGRISHOW 2019 - 26th International Fair of Agricultural Technology in Action
Date: April 29th to May 3rd, 2019
Location: Rodovia Antônio Duarte Nogueira, Km 321 - Ribeirão Preto (SP)

Hours: from 8am to 6pm
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Informa Exhibitions, Informa PLC's global exhibitions division, enables communities around the world to engage, experiment, and do business by providing them with powerful platforms to connect to key regions and vertical markets. Industry knowledge combined with an innovative and customer-centric approach gives Informa Exhibitions customers and partners the opportunity to create business advantages and access the markets, both digital and face-to-face, 365 days a year.
About Informa PLC
Informa PLC is a leading international group of intercompany information services operating in more than 30 countries. We have created business-based fairs, content-based events, expert data, intelligence, and marketing services products, as well as academic research and reference-oriented expert academic content. Our products and services help companies and professionals connect, learn, do business and gain an edge over the competition. Informa is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a member of the FTSE 100.
Agrishow 2019 Press Office
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