December 2018: TRACTOR and COMBINE HARVESTER SALES - South Africa

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Retail sales of agricultural equipment during December 2018 were as follows:

December tractor sales of 434 units were four units down on the 438 units sold in December last year. On a calendar year basis tractor sales in 2018 were approximately 4% up on those in 2017. December combine harvester sales of six units were two units more than the four units sold in December last year.

Calendar year combine harvester sales in 2018 were three units up on 2017. Current summer cropping conditions are very difficult to interpret. Reasonable rains, although patchy, in the east have resulted in most of these areas having been planted. In the west, however, the rains have been very late and there have been some very late plantings of summer crops. As always at this time of the cropping season, follow-up rains are vital for the success of the harvest.
As matters stand at present, industry forecasts are that calendar year 2019 equipment sales will be similar to those of 2018. It is, however, very early in the year to be making predictions for the full year and we will have to see how matters unfold later in the year.
Greg Cadman
Chairman: South African Agricultural Machinery Association
Contact: Mr. Greg Cadman (084) 511-0647 or Dr. Jim Rankin (011) 453-7249