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Grain SA's 56th NAMPO Harvest Day, which was presented from 14-17 May 2024 on NAMPO Park just outside Bothaville, is considered a great success by all accounts.

A record number of 86,474 visitors over the four days - as well as 865 exhibitors - confirms the trade fair's popularity among farmers, exhibitors, opinion makers and everyone in society who has a heart for agriculture.

"It is a great privilege for Grain SA to host NAMPO. The real success of NAMPO is about the close partnerships and collaborations we establish in the industry - such as producers who have stronger partnerships with their suppliers and customers and who can make better plans to do even better next year," said Dr Tobias Doyer after his first NAMPO as CEO of Grain SA.

A new record attendance on a single day in a normal year was recorded this year on Wednesday, 15 May, with 25,505 visitors. Thursday's attendance was a short head behind the previous day with 24,021 visitors, while the Tuesday and Friday each received good traction. NAMPO Park's airfield hosted 290 fixed-wing aircraft and 82 helicopters during the show days.

“A noticeable calm prevailed at NAMPO Park throughout the week, and everything flowed as it should without any serious incidents on the park. We were blessed with a good NAMPO," said Dr Dirk Strydom from Grain SA and main organiser of NAMPO. "With lovely sunny weather, it was the warmest NAMPO in years, which certainly also contributed to the good attendance," he added.

Danie Minnaar, chairman of Grain SA's NAMPO Harvest Day Committee, says the feedback he has received from exhibitors is that they are very satisfied with the business conducted at NAMPO. He is also satisfied that visitors had the opportunity to fully experience NAMPO. "The overall friendliness and spontaneity of exhibitors and visitors that you noticed everywhere on the site was just nice," he said.

The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, paid a quick visit to NAMPO on Wednesday, May 15. As usual, Minister Didiza had a few key conversations with partners, but above all thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality and atmosphere of the NAMPO Harvest Day.
NAMPO - A national asset

"NAMPO is a national asset in which the entire agricultural sector participates. It's a wonderful opportunity where leaders can rub shoulders and build relationships that will carry us through the next year's decision-making and work together to make agriculture successful as a whole," Doyer continued.

“Producers must be focused all the time because there is little room to stumble. After a challenging production season and with a national election imminent, NAMPO helps create an atmosphere of optimism, but with realistic plans to carry it out.
"This year's NAMPO theme, Agriculture in a digital era, has come into its own, because agriculture is at a turning point of great things to come. I am amazed at what producers today have at their disposal to control matters at production level - from genetic and chemical technology to an immense amount of data thanks to the automation of agriculture."
Stay tuned
The NAMPO app, which gave visitors the opportunity to search for exhibitors, navigate to stalls and research products and special offers, will be live from 1 July with relevant exhibitor information, as well as virtual tours of the 2024 NAMPO exhibitors.
NAMPO Cape & ALFA next
Grain SA is further looking forward to NAMPO Cape which will be presented at Bredasdorp from 11-14 September and NAMPO ALFA, the Livestock, Hunting & Outdoor expo which will be presented from 17-19 October at NAMPO Park. Come enjoy and use NAMPO; it is nice if you come and farm with us on this site.
2025 NAMPO Harvest Day
NAMPO's dates for next year have been set for 13 - 16 May 2025 at NAMPO Park, outside Bothaville. Visit for more information or follow us on social media platforms.

Graan SA se 56ste NAMPO Oesdag wat van 14-17 Mei 2024 op NAMPO Park net buite Bothaville aangebied is, word allerweë as ‘n groot sukses beskou. ‘n Rekordgetal van 86 474 besoekers oor die vier dae – asook 865 uitstallers – bevestig die handelskou se gewildheid onder landbouers, uitstallers meningvormers en almal in die samelewing wat ‘n hart vir landbou het.

“Dit is vir Graan SA ‘n groot voorreg om NAMPO aan te bied. Die werklike sukses van NAMPO gaan oor die noue vennootskappe en samewerking wat ons in die bedryf vestig – soos produsente wat sterker vennootskappe met hulle verskaffers en afnemers het en beter planne maak om volgende jaar beter te doen,” het dr Tobias Doyer na afloop van sy eerste NAMPO as HUB van Graan SA gesê.

‘n Nuwe rekordbywoning op een dag in ‘n normale jaar is vanjaar op Woensdag, 15 Mei, aangeteken met 25 505 besoekers. Die Donderdag se bywoning was ‘n kortkop agter die vorige dag s’n met 24 021 besoekers terwyl die Dinsdag en Vrydag elk goeie aftrek gekry het. NAMPO Park se vliegveld het 290 vastevlerkvliegtuie en 82 helikopters gedurende die skoudae ontvang.

“‘n Merkbare rustigheid het die hele week op NAMPO Park geheers en alles het gevloei soos dit moet sonder enige ernstige voorvalle op die terrein. Ons was geseënd met ‘n goeie NAMPO,” het dr Dirk Strydom van Graan SA en hooforganiseerder van NAMPO gesê. “Met heerlike sonskynweer was dit die warmste NAMPO in jare, wat beslis ook tot die goeie bywoning bygedra het,” het hy bygevoeg.

Danie Minnaar, voorsitter van Graan SA se NAMPO Oesdagkomitee, sê die terugvoer wat hy van uitstallers ontvang het, is dat hulle baie tevrede is met die besigheid wat hulle by NAMPO gedoen het. Hy is ook in sy skik daarmee dat besoekers die geleentheid gehad het om NAMPO volwaardig te ervaar. “Die algehele vriendelikheid en spontaneïteit van uitstallers en besoekers wat ‘n mens oral op die terrein opmerk, is sommer net lekker,” het hy gesê.

Die Minister van Landbou, Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling, Thoko Didiza, het NAMPO vinnig op Woensdag, 15 Mei besoek. Oudergewoonte het Minister Didiza ‘n paar sleutelgesprekke met vennote gevoer maar bowenal die atmosfeer van die Oesdag terdeë geniet.
NAMPO! ‘n Nasionale bate
“NAMPO is ‘n nasionale bate waaraan die hele landbousektor deelneem. Dit is ‘n heerlike geleentheid waar leiers kan skouers skuur en verhoudings gebou word wat ons gaan dra deur die volgende jaar se besluitneming en saamwerk om landbou in geheel suksesvol te maak,” het Doyer verder gesê.

“Produsente moet deurentyd gefokus wees, want daar is min spasie om te struikel. Ná ‘n uitdagende produksieseisoen en met ‘n nasionale verkiesing op hande, help skep NAMPO ‘n atmosfeer van optimisme, maar met realistiese planne om dit uit te voer.

“Vanjaar se NAMPO-tema, Landbou in ‘n digitale era, het tot sy reg gekom, want landbou is op ‘n draaipunt van groot dinge wat kom. Ek is verstom oor wat produsente vandag alles tot hul beskikking het om sake op produksievlak te beheer – van genetiese en chemiese tegnologie tot by ‘n geweldige hoeveelheid data danksy die outomatisering van landbou.”
Bly ingeskakel
Die NAMPO-toep, wat besoekers die geleentheid gebied het om uitstallers te soek, na stalletjies te navigeer en produkte en spesiale aanbiedinge na te vors, sal vanaf 1 Julie lewendig wees met relevante uitstallersinligting, sowel as virtuele toere van die 2024 NAMPO-stalletjies.
NAMPO Kaap & ALFA volgende
Graan SA sien ook uit na NAMPO Kaap wat op Bredasdorp aangebied word vanaf 11-14 September en NAMPO ALFA, die Lewende Hawe, Jag & Buitelewe ekspo wat vanaf 17-19 Oktober op NAMPO Park aangebied word. Kom geniet en gebruik NAMPO; dit is lekker as julle saam met ons op dié werf kom boer.
2025 NAMPO Oesdag
NAMPO se datums vir aanstaande jaar is reeds vasgestel op 13 - 16 Mei 2025 op NAMPO Park, buite Bothaville. Besoek vir meer inligting of volg ons op sosiale media platforms.

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