Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  11th October 2023  (2)

Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 11th October 2023 (2)

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

South Africa's consumer food inflation slightly slowed to 8,0% in September 2023 from 8,2% in the previous month. The product prices underpinning this deceleration are mainly bread and cereals; oils and fats; sugar, sweets and desserts; and vegetables. Our view of the path forward remains unchanged from what we have consistently communicated over the past few months.

Suid Afrika - Byna 40 000 werksgeleenthede in die tabakbedryf het reeds van 2019 tot 2022 verlore gegaan, hoofsaaklik weens die vinnige groei van die onwettige sektor, wat nou 63% van sigaretverkope uitmaak. Volgens die Oxford Economics-navorsing het onwettige sigaretverkope verlede jaar alleen meer as R20 miljard van die nasionale fiskus afgerokkel, en R72,2 miljard van 2020 tot 2022.

South Africans might have to grow their own mushrooms as the country is believed to be grappling with a shortage of fresh mushrooms. This shortage is leaving chefs, food enthusiasts, and estaurants scrambling to find alternatives to this popular ingredient. Debonairs have taken to using canned mushrooms instead of fresh mushrooms due to the shortage. The country has had several mushroom shortages in the past. In April, the mushroom shortage was caused by the shutting down of private mushroom farms and Denny's operations in Durban having been destroyed by a fire in September last year. As it stands, there are only about 18 mushroom farms left in the country. The shortage can also be largely attributed to none other than load shedding. 

Low price supermarket group Shoprite, has offered government tips on how to reduce food insecurity in the country. The retailer marked Marked World Food day on Monday with the launch of their Food Index, which revealed that almost half of the countries population will face food insecurity in 2025. Shoprite already does its part in fighting hunger by subsidising one million R5 bread loaves per week including selling R5 meals.  The retail group says the government can make two immediate tangible steps to reduce food insecurity: Exempt food retailers from the Road Accident Fund levy on diesel used for generators, and Consider zero VAT on certain key commodities to further prioritise relief for citizens. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO) describes food insecurity as the lack of consistent access to food. People and households who have gone a day without food once or a few times a year have food insecurity.

Half of South Africa’s population will be food insecure by 2025, with 48.96% of the population potentially not having enough to eat. Today, on World Food Day, 1 in 5 of the country’s households do not know where their next meal will come from. According to retail group Shoprite’s Food Index, which tries to understand food security in South Africa better, 70% of children are born into poverty in the country. By age five, 1 in 4 suffers from stunted cognitive and physical development due to malnutrition. The index uses data on food insecurity from the World Data Lab.

As jy nie na jou liggaam en gesondheid omsien nie, dit nie instand hou nie- verkeerde ongesonde kos eet en drink wat jy wil- rook en drankmisbruik- dwelms gebruik- nie slaap nie- nie oefening doen nie- oorgewig is - onverantwoordelik is oor jou gesondheid, denke en gedrag - is jy SELFSUGTIG  teenoor die mense wat lief is vir jou waarmee jy saamleef en bly. Daar is niks so vervullend as om 'n gesonde Pappa en Mamma te he en daarmee saam 'n gesonde Oupa en Ouma nie. Dit is wat waarde toevoeg tot jou menswees. Net so wil ouers ook sien dat hulle kinders gesond oud word.  READ MORE 

Africa’s food and agriculture market could more than triple in size by the end of the decade, analysts have said in an upbeat assessment of the continent’s prospects as a possible net exporter of food. But they have highlighted a wide range of reforms, including streamlining supply chains, clamping down on corruption and improving finance options, that are needed if it is to achieve this transformation READ MORE 

The government has already identified nine key hydrogen projects, which are being fast-tracked. These include the Prieska Power Reserve in the Northern Cape, the Sasolburg Green Hydrogen Project in the Free State, a green ammonia plant in the Eastern Cape, and the Atlanthia Green Hydrogen Project in the Western Cape. The Prieska Power Reserve alone is expected to create about 10,500 jobs during its initial construction and operation phase. READ MORE 

Smart farming is a relatively new concept of advanced farm management. Smart farming in agriculture involves using various software and equipment to optimize and automate routine processes. With the spread of the Internet and mobile devices, such technologies have become available not only for large companies but also for small private farms. It helps growers optimize production and compete with larger agro companies.  READ MORE

CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums.  Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neem. Ons internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums.  Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme-  Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort.  Ons sal eersdaags ons nuwe Ekonomiese afdeling in plek.


HURRY UP - its almost the end of 30th November  2023 - We awaiting your  VIDEO

Agri X en CRA MEDIA - will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions

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ONS BOERE-  ONS LANDBOUERS van Suid Afrika is die prooi van lafhartige barbare wat geen reg het op bestaan agv van hulle haat en vernietiging nie-  Mense wat geen respek het vir enige mens se lewe nie  Die mense word opgestook deur militante sogenaamde leiers wat nog nooit iets gebou of ontwikkel het nie. Hulle is net daarop uit om te buit en om te vernietig. Meeste van hulle is uitstekende buite band aanstekers. Inteendeel dis dalk al wat hulle suksesvol kan doen. Die barbare weet dat hulle nie die vermoe het om enigsins 'n bydrae te lewer tot Suid Afrika en sy mense nie- en daarom vernietig hulle liewers alles soos in die res van Afrika. Die oorgrote meerderheid van Suid Afrikaners wil werk, wil bou en in liefde en vrede lewe. Daar is plek vir elkeen onder die son.   "  Wees wakker - wees paraat - moenie terugstaan nie -Verdedig julleself en pas julle gesinne op. 


 Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards. Our 3rd year  READ MORE 

TAKE a look at our Previous winner for 2021 - 2022 

Die begrip billike handel (“fair trade”) beteken dat produsente wêreldwyd hul goedere  teen ’n regverdige prys kan verkoop. Maar dit was nie altyd die geval nie. Om billike  handel  in alle lande te bewerkstellig, is ’n wêreldwye beweging, The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) gestig met die uitsluitlike doel om boere en vervaardigers te help wat in lande bly wat nie ekonomies ontwikkeld is nie. Hierdie lande (wat nie so ryk is soos, byvoorbeeld, die Verenigde State van Amerika nie), noem ons ontwikkelende lande. 

Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET  - 50 nuus artikels per dag-  VOLG die AGRI NEWS NET hooftrekke op

On October 16 we celebrated World Food Day, commemorating the founding of the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation in 1945. This day is also an opportunity for countries to reflect on their food security conditions and efforts to boost agricultural production.


Burgemeester van Kaapstad, Geordin Hill-Lewis, is vasbeslote om die Passasierpoortagentskap van Suid-Afrika (Prasa) oor te haal om beheer van die spoorwegdiens aan die munisipaliteite oor te dra. Hy het ‘n hofaansoek deur die burgerlike samelewing organisasie, Unite Behind, verwelkom wat beoog om die stad en Prasa te dwing om ‘n diensvlakplan vir die spoorwegsisteem te vestig.


Die Wes-Kaapse regering sê 80 persent van paaie en infrastruktuur wat tydens die onlangse oorstromings in die provinsie beskadig is, is herstel. Die provinsiale minister van Infrastruktuur, Tertius Simmers, sê van die 151 paaie wat beskadig is, moet 30 nog herstel word.


Die impak van die vloede op wyn- en tafeldruiwe bly onseker, met tuinboukundiges wat die lande aktief beoordeel. Vroeë aanduidings toon skade aan bergingsfasiliteite en saailande in die suidelike dele van die Wes-Kaap. Die oormatige reën kommer laat ontstaan het oor moontlike impakte op die opbrengspotensiaal van wintergewasse soos koring, gars en kanola.


Forty nine percent of the South African population will go to bed hungry by 2025. This is according to the Shoprite Food Index compiled by the World Data Lab launched on Monday to mark World Food Day. However, despite the bleak forecast, the index shows that the incidence of people escaping food insecurity is improving. In August, food inflation in the country slowed to 8.2 % from 10 % the previous month.


Transnet SOC Ltd., South Africa’s state-owned ports and freight rail company, is seeking private investors to build and operate an export terminal at its Durban port to export citrus and other fruit.


Global table grape exports declined last season, but the industry remains on an upward growth trajectory according to a recent report by Rabobank.


Boere in Suid-Afrika staar ’n aantal groot uitdagings in die gesig. Hier is ’n paar van die grootste uitdagings: Droogte: Suid-Afrika is ’n droë land en boere is afhanklik van goeie reënval om hul gewasse te kan produseer.


The world's most precious yet undervalued resource lies at the heart of a mounting global crisis that threatens both human and planetary health, warns a new report that was published on October 16 by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

 To read this and more real and updated Farming and Agriculture NEWS  7 days a week and 365 days of the year-

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 Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-  

 Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op



Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

White maize

R 3 954,00

per Metric Ton


-0.90 %

R 3 990,00

Yellow maize

R 3 760,00

per Metric Ton


-1.70 %

R 3 825,00


R 9 030,00

per Metric Ton


-0.24 %

R 9 051,40

Sunflower seed

R 8 525,00

per Metric Ton


0.00 %

R 8 525,20


R 6 200,00

per Metric Ton


0.00 %

R 6 200,00

Sorghum (IPP)

R 6 303,00

per Metric Ton


-2.63 %

R 6 473,00

Groundnuts (IPP)

R 36 386,00

per Metric Ton


-2.93 %

R 37 486,00


R 13 086,00

per Metric Ton


-1.96 %

R 13 348,00

Soy Meal

R 7 968,00

per Metric Ton


-0.45 %

R 8 004,00

Lusern (Grade 1)

R 3 450,00

per Metric Ton


0.00 %

R 3 450,00

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 12,83

per Kg


6.12 %

R 12,09


R 11,25

per Kg


3.97 %

R 10,82


R 7,23

per Kg


14.58 %

R 6,31


R 19,48

per Kg


-0.76 %

R 19,63


R 58,03

per Kg


-37.94 %

R 93,50


R 6,52

per Kg


-32.85 %

R 9,71


R 11,47

per Kg


9.97 %

R 10,43


R 12,02

per Kg


26.26 %

R 9,52


R 50,86

per Kg


4.05 %

R 48,88


R 5,11

per Kg


5.14 %

R 4,86


R 41,98

per Kg


-15.80 %

R 49,86


R 8,30

per Kg


0.36 %

R 8,27


R 69,08

per Kg


-20.46 %

R 86,85


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 121,60

per 10Kg


-4.44 %

R 127,25


R 14,62

per Kg


20.93 %

R 12,09


R 4,18

per Kg


7.18 %

R 3,90


R 5,14

per Kg


3.21 %

R 4,98


R 1,94

per Kg


-6.73 %

R 2,08


R 83,31

per Kg


-1.35 %

R 84,45


R 2,26

per Kg


8.13 %

R 2,09

Sweet Potatoes

R 9,39

per Kg


2.29 %

R 9,18


R 21,03

per Kg


-8.33 %

R 22,94


R 10,81

per Kg


-11.10 %

R 12,16


R 12,18

per Kg


9.73 %

R 11,10


R 103,31

per Kg


15.92 %

R 89,12

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Sheep A2/3

R 83,01

per Kg


-0.29 %

R 83,25

Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose)

R 38,59

per Kg


0.86 %

R 38,26

Sheep AB2/3

R 72,26

per Kg


-3.25 %

R 74,69

Sheep B2/3

R 59,60

per Kg


-5.08 %

R 62,79

Sheep C2/3

R 59,18

per Kg


-1.82 %

R 60,28

Ave Wool - Non RWS

R 150,08

per Kg


-1.72 %

R 152,71

Ave Wool - RWS

R 165,39

per Kg


-1.18 %

R 167,36


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Beef A2/3

R 54,07

per Kg


2.17 %

R 52,92

Weaners (200-250kg)

R 33,44

per Kg


0.72 %

R 33,20

Beef AB2/3

R 51,95

per Kg


-0.25 %

R 52,08

Beef B2/3

R 48,80

per Kg


2.72 %

R 47,51

Beef C2/3

R 46,92

per Kg


2.89 %

R 45,60

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Kids (under 30kg)

R 63,11

per kg


1.58 %

R 62,13

Medium (30-40kg)

R 53,54

per kg


6.12 %

R 50,45

Large (above 40kg)

R 46,67

per kg


-4.64 %

R 48,94

Ewes (Goats)

R 50,97

per kg


21.88 %

R 41,82


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Poultry Frozen

R 36,98

per Kg


0.93 %

R 36,64

Poultry fresh

R 36,95

per Kg


0.57 %

R 36,74

Poultry IQF

R 33,17

per Kg


0.67 %

R 32,95

Poultry Average

R 35,70

per Kg


0.73 %

R 35,44

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Pork Porkers

R 37,65

per Kg


-0.45 %

R 37,82

Pork Baconers

R 36,90

per Kg


-1.02 %

R 37,28

Pork Sausage

R 27,02

per Kg


-1.57 %

R 27,45

Pork Average

R 36,54

per Kg


0.30 %

R 36,43