Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary 3rd April 2024

Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 3rd April 2024

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse/Engelse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

Weekly summary of some News in the  Agri and Farming media.   GET YOUR MARKETING on this Page - 

Die Onteieningswetsontwerp wat vandeesweek deur die Nasionale Vergadering aanvaar is, is erg omstrede en kan mense verwar, veral omdat dit dikwels vir politieke doeleindes misbruik word. Bennie van Zyl, hoofbestuurder van die landbou-organisasie TLU SA, meen dit is allermins simplisties en daar is baie uiteenlopende menings en vertolkings. “Daarom moet ’n mens baie versigtig wees om te sê: ‘Dit sal gebeur.’ Dit is nie noodwendig altyd só nie.” Daar moet verder onthou word dat alle wetgewing onderhewig aan die Grondwet is. Prof. Elmien du Plessis  sê benewens die belyning van wetgewing met die nodige artikels in die Grondwet ter wille van duidelikheid, moet daar ook ’n definisie van onteiening verskaf word. Dit is een van die aspekte van die wetsontwerp wat tot die meeste omstredenheid lei. Mense moet weet wat hul regte is wanneer hul eiendom onteien word. Onteiening is baie meer as net om ’n eiendom te bekom, sê Du Plessis. “Enige inbreuk op iemand se reg kom ter sprake.”

The sustainable food revolution: Future-proofing the world’s food supply, considers several levers that the food industry can pull to meet the expected future demand for nutrition in a sustainable way without significantly increasing food prices. These include 1) the avoidance of food losses in the supply chain, 2) cleaner/greener methods of food production, and 3) food substitutions at consumption level. Organic farming: Moving towards more diverse and less intensive forms of food production comes with profit potential. A recent academic study on the performance of 55 crops grown on five continents showed that, despite higher labour costs and lower yields, organic farming is up to 35% more profitable than conventional high-intensity farming due to the premium price organic products command.  Agricultural Technology (AgTech) and precision agriculture: Agricultural production will increasingly be supported by technology like artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, allowing farmers a more focused and precise application of inputs such as water, light, fertiliser, pesticides and other soil treatments.

Ivory Coast's President Alassane Ouattara will increase the official cocoa farmgate price to 1,500 CFA francs ($2.47) per kg from Tuesday, 2 April 2024, from the current 1,000 CFA, sources at five different export companies said.  The sources, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said they were citing a decision at a government meeting on Saturday. Earlier in the day, Ouattara had validated a proposal for a price of between 1,100 and 1,200 CFA francs per kg before reversing his decision and asking that the price be even higher, the sources said. The government and the cocoa regulator the Coffee and Cocoa Council (CCC) could not be reached for comment on Sunday.

Die feit dat die ekonomie in die afgelope vyf jaar nie gegroei het nie, plaas ’n ernstige demper op groei in die vraag na basiese landbouprodukte op die plaaslike mark. Groei in die landbou sal van uitvoer moet kom, anders is die bedryf in ’n pot wat van onder af kook (met stygende koste), maar waarvan die deksel (plaaslike mark) vassit. Die amptelike bevolking het in dié vyf jaar met nagenoeg 7 miljoen gegroei. Daar is dus grootskeepse agteruitgang in ekonomiese produksie per kop. Dit beteken doodgewoon dat al is daar baie meer mense, is daar nie groter ekonomiese produksie nie en word welvaart nie geskep nie. Hoewel die verbruik van witmieliemeel aansienlik gegroei het, is dit omdat mense armer word en goedkoper kos eet.

Outstanding articles of the week. Summary of some news Headlines in the Farming and Agriculture media.

Other major winter crop-producing provinces, such as Free State, Limpopo and the Northern Cape, will likely start around the end of May. The production of winter crops outside the Western Cape has sizable irrigation support. These regions should benefit from the relatively higher dam levels from the early summer rainfall. In major winter grains such as wheat, nearly half of the production in South Africa is produced under irrigation READ MORE 

Overall, an increase in export volume is expected. This is a testament to the resilience of South African citrus growers, producing more citrus under challenging circumstances, such as steep increases in input costs, load shedding and deteriorating public infrastructure. This increase is also a result of younger trees coming into production across a number of regions. READ MORE 

Recent months have witnessed a dramatic surge in cocoa bean prices, hitting twice their previous record, stirring a widespread concern among chocolate manufacturers and consumers alike. This unprecedented increase has significant implications for the global economy, chocolate industry dynamics, and the livelihoods of cocoa farmers, particularly in West Africa.  READ MORE 

The DFFE has set big targets, with plans to grow the game meat industry to 27.6 billion rand ($1.5 billion) by 2036 from 4.6 billion rand in 2020. That compares with about 40 billion rand for the country's beef industry. While exports form a tiny part of that - around 2.5 billion rand in beef exports per year - shipments are made across Africa and the Middle East. About six years ago, South Africa also won access to the Chinese market. READ MORE  

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Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 27th March 2024



CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums.  Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neemOns internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums.  Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme-  Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort.  Ons sal eersdaags ons nuwe Ekonomiese afdeling in plek.

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Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET  - 50 nuus artikels per dag-  VOLG die AGRI NEWS NET hooftrekke op Hier is so paar om te lees.

Volgens AgriSA se verklaring oor die omstrede onteieningswetsontwerp, het “die hoofopposisieparty verklaar dat hy ’n aansoek sal bring om dit ongrondwetlik te verklaar sou die president dit as wet onderteken. Die grondwethofaansoek sal die toepassing van die onteieningswetsontwerp vertraag tot die aansoek aangehoor en die geldigheid van die nulvergoedingsklousule oorweeg word vir nakoming van artikel 25 van die grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika,” luidens die verklaring. Volgens AgriSA is die organisasie besig om regsadvies in te win oor wanneer die regte tyd sal wees om in te gryp vanuit ’n regsperspektief gebaseer op die gebeure wat plaasgevind het. “AgriSA is gereed om die nodige stappe te neem om private eiendomsregte te beskerm.
Dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF Plus, sê die ANC se besluit om die onteieningswetsontwerp finaal goed te keur voorspel rampspoed vir Suid-Afrika en dat dit ’n goeie kans staan om die land se ekonomie te vernietig indien daar geen sekerheid vir enige belegger oor eiendomsreg sal wees nie.



The 2024 citrus export season will begin in earnest this month. In the build-up to the export season, the variety focus groups of the Citrus Growers' Association of Southern Africa (CGA) presented their predicted export volumes for the upcoming season at the Citrus Marketing Forum held last week.


Calls for the UK government to offer financial incentives to producers for the introduction of in-ovo sexing technology have been made by its Animal Welfare Committee as part of recommendations suggesting that it should ban male chick culling.


Die wêreld het inderdaad deurmekaar geraak en die beskouing oor wat reg en verkeerd is daarmee saam. In Europa is daar ’n felle aanslag deur die “groen”-beweging teen landbouers om minder chemiese middels te gebruik, maar voedsel word ingevoer uit lande waar die middels wel gebruik word.Die verskillende konflikte in die wêreld het onder eie geledere ondersteuners vir albei kante.


In addition to massive investments by the private sector over the years, one key catalyst for the agricultural progress South Africa enjoys today and food security is the government’s and regulators’ embrace of science. South Africa’s openness to crop protection, improved seed varieties, and better genetics, among other inputs, has enhanced the yields in our agricultural sector.


Agriculture is facing increasing challenges due to climate change, pests, diseases, and limited resources. To address these challenges, scientists are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance crop productivity and resilience.


Die vlakke van regstreekse buitelandse investering (FDI) in Suid-Afrika word al hoe laer namate internasionale beleggers se aptyt taan om kapitaal hier te belê.Luidens die Reserwebank se jongste kwartaallikse bulletin vir die vierde kwartaal van 2023 het FDI verlede jaar met 36% gekrimp teenoor 2022.


Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been used as a conservation measure for decades, but critics continue to argue that evidence of their economic benefits is weak, particularly with regards to fisheries.


Watergebruik kan nie getransformeer word voordat die landbou nie getransformeer is nie. Só meen prof. Mike Muller, voormalige direkteur-generaal van waterwese en besoekende hoogleraar aan die skool vir regeerkunde aan die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand.

Mieliemeel is besig om onbekostigbaar te word vir die gewone mense op straat- en met sekere meulenaars wat nog steeds hulle pryse lig as dit kom by kleiner verpakkings gaan dit nog duurder word. Weereens is dit die landbouer wat moet terugstaan en die risiko dra terwyl die meulenaar en kleinhandelaar met die wins wegstap.

“Om werklik ’n verskil in jou gemeenskap te sien is om almal wat ook keelvol vir swak dienslewering is te betrek en saam skouer aan die wiel te sit en nie te wag vir iemand om in te gryp nie.“

The farming community has warned that food security is at risk, as farmers struggle to continuously absorb the numerous increase in the cost of food production. Farmers and economists have sounded the alarm on the dire situation facing the sector after Eskom’s electricity tariff increase came into effect on Monday.

Die La Niña-stelsel wat vir die somer van 2024-’25 voorspel word, kan na verwagting sterk wees en moontlik ’n normale tydspatroon volg. Namate die seisoene begin draai, is see-oppervlaktemperature besig om af te koel met die son wat meer noordwaarts skuif en minder energie verskaf. Dit dra daartoe by dat min verdere tropiesestorm-aktiwiteite verwag word rondom of noord van Madagaskar, en dus ook in die Mosambiekkanaal en oor Suid-Afrika.

 We received lots of messages from all over  - enjoying this weekly update of Farming and Agriculture NEWS -Die res van al die stories kan jy lees by   Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar- 

 Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

AMT - South Africa

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

White maize

R 5 350,00

per Metric Ton


3.70 %

R 5 159,00

Yellow maize

R 4 222,00

per Metric Ton


-0.80 %

R 4 256,00


R 8 810,00

per Metric Ton


3.40 %

R 8 520,00

Sunflower seed

R 9 530,00

per Metric Ton


3.70 %

R 9 190,00


R 6 140,00

per Metric Ton


-0.65 %

R 6 180,00

Sorghum (IPP)

R 5 891,00

per Metric Ton


-0.14 %

R 5 899,00

Groundnuts (IPP)

R 31 462,00

per Metric Ton


1.17 %

R 31 097,00


R 13 690,00

per Metric Ton


-0.80 %

R 13 801,00

Soy Meal

R 9 050,00

per Metric Ton


4.62 %

R 8 650,00

Lusern (Grade 1)

R 2 800,00

per Metric Ton


-5.08 %

R 2 950,00

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 9,57

per Kg


-8.25 %

R 10,43


R 8,43

per Kg


0.24 %

R 8,41


R 5,10

per Kg


-6.25 %

R 5,44


R 11,07

per Kg


-11.86 %

R 12,56


R 24,65

per Kg


0.86 %

R 24,44


R 16,75

per Kg


6.82 %

R 15,68


R 8,18

per Kg


-0.37 %

R 8,21


R 15,00

per Kg


1.63 %

R 14,76


R 15,65

per Kg


-4.86 %

R 16,45


R 5,61

per Kg


2.00 %

R 5,50


R 25,35

per Kg


-8.52 %

R 27,71


R 9,97

per Kg


-0.70 %

R 10,04


R 319,28

per Kg


-10.16 %

R 355,38


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 52,68

per 10Kg


13.44 %

R 46,44


R 12,97

per Kg


19.87 %

R 10,82


R 6,62

per Kg


5.92 %

R 6,25


R 8,66

per Kg


1.17 %

R 8,56


R 3,93

per Kg


11.02 %

R 3,54


R 62,18

per Kg


20.48 %

R 51,61


R 4,90

per Kg


-7.72 %

R 5,31

Sweet Potatoes

R 5,97

per Kg


-7.30 %

R 6,44


R 14,67

per Kg


24.01 %

R 11,83


R 9,29

per Kg


8.53 %

R 8,56


R 2,59

per Kg


2.78 %

R 2,52


R 82,99

per Kg


-0.20 %

R 83,16

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Sheep A2/3

R 81,57

per Kg


-0.68 %

R 82,13

Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose)

R 36,18

per Kg


-2.22 %

R 37,00

Sheep AB2/3

R 65,93

per Kg


-0.65 %

R 66,36

Sheep B2/3

R 52,44

per Kg


0.42 %

R 52,22

Sheep C2/3

R 50,16

per Kg


-7.49 %

R 54,22

Ave Wool - Non RWS

R 149,11

per Kg


-1.30 %

R 151,08

Ave Wool - RWS

R 166,79

per Kg


-1.16 %

R 168,74


R 403,04

per Kg


0.00 %

R 403,04


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Beef A2/3

R 54,56

per Kg


0.59 %

R 54,24

Weaners (200-250kg)

R 30,62

per Kg


-2.92 %

R 31,54

Beef AB2/3

R 52,52

per Kg


-0.59 %

R 52,83

Beef B2/3

R 45,47

per Kg


-1.39 %

R 46,11

Beef C2/3

R 42,74

per Kg


-2.89 %

R 44,01

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Kids (under 30kg)

R 48,53

per kg


4.95 %

R 46,24

Medium (30-40kg)

R 41,20

per kg


8.34 %

R 38,03

Large (above 40kg)

R 41,69

per kg


-4.20 %

R 43,52

Ewes (Goats)

R 42,11

per kg


-1.86 %

R 42,91


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Poultry Frozen

R 35,63

per Kg


0.45 %

R 35,47

Poultry fresh

R 35,55

per Kg


-0.70 %

R 35,80

Poultry IQF

R 31,46

per Kg


-0.66 %

R 31,67

Poultry Average

R 34,21

per Kg


-0.29 %

R 34,31

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Pork Porkers

R 32,00

per Kg


-0.40 %

R 32,13

Pork Baconers

R 31,50

per Kg


-1.13 %

R 31,86

Pork Sausage

R 24,31

per Kg


-1.86 %

R 24,77

Pork Average

R 31,75

per Kg


-0.78 %

R 32,00