Nation in Conversation - Nampo 2022 -Comments

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We posted a few Quotes of "Nation in Conversation from Nampo 2022.

You can't build a sustainable business by managing the short term crisis- The problem with growing the agrisector is: if you can't move those products out of the country, you'll need to move them back into our market, which isn't big enough -Theo Vorster.

What we’ve managed to do with NiC2022 is to make agriculture and the agri value chains part of the national conversation - Francios Strydom.

Where business chambers have come together with a common vision, there is a massive visible difference - but there must be a jockey to drive this process - Theo Boshoff,

I want farmers to serve on the council of municipalities. Farmers can fix things that municipalities can't. Single person accountability. Nampo 2022 is in fact a municipality and better ran than most in SA-  Ivan Meyer

If you are a business leader (agri business or commercial farmer) how do you initiate community upliftment as doing it alone will have a low success rate? - Theo Boshoff.

How many trucks does a properly functioning goods train take off the road? A 50 wagon grain train can take up to 4000 tonnes - which translates to 100 trucks off the road - Jan-Louis Spoelstra,

Sometimes you have to use a crisis to be very much successful and we can actually say that a few towns that have had a crisis have the best success stories. Barend la Grange

Only 27 of 257 municipalities received a clean audit from the auditor general for 2021 - we will have to take responsibility and take the country from now on - Barend la Grange

Collaboration between individuals and farming communities, partnerships, and open communication lines are key to short circuit political opportunists - Get community buy-in and vested interests to move forward - Chris Burgess./

It is time to start investing in proactive measures as crises happen spontaneously - Theo Boshoff.

We need to know what amount of tonnes the industry is planning to export through which port so that we can plan ahead - Misumzi Xata.

There are many opportunities to earn foreign income - we can't store all grain we have. Soon we expect to produce surpluses of soya beans - but the infrastructure needs to work - Dr Pieter Taljaard.

We need to bring innovation to South Africa to keep  agriculture competitive. This is from a sustainable and a profitable point of view because the world is not stopping. - Dr Klaus Eckstein.

In terms of the current  exports of grain, we're doing about 350 000 tons a month, which is about 7 vessels of about 55 000 tons. Currently, there's no rail going down because of the floods." - Dr André van der Vyver.

The chemicals we use now to produce food is much safer than the chemicals used in the past. The use of less chemicals is due to the  GMOs available. Jaco Minnaar.

You might have a brilliant technology that is specific for some sort of pest but then 4-5 years into development it shows a spike in the toxicity and it gets taken off completely - Dr Klaus Eckstein.

How did God create the earth to function normally? If there is a problem, we have messed it up in some sort of way. We focus on farming to emulate nature - Egon Zunckel.

We need to give more airtime to the builders of communities. The momentum of success will breed its own sustainability because everybody wants to make a success -Chris Burgess

There is no need for any town in SA to have 1 pothole. Stop blaming the government, they aren't going to do it. It's your town, take ownership. If there is no political will, community will must kick in - Barend la Grange.

We need to create an investment secure environment before we can uplift people out of poverty. Government won't be able to do that alone, but if you create this environment where you have private sector investing, you can pull people out of poverty. - Ferdi Meyer

If you look at South America, you find that when the private sector took over the railways, the volume of grain on rail increased from 3,5 million tons per year to last year, about 250 million tons of grain per year. Jan-Louis Spoelstra

The current legislation doesn't allow farmers or private institutions to work on for example the gravel roads. We need clarity from the state in terms of liability - Dr Pieter Taljaard,

If you want to contribute to the development of data and data platforms, you need a mindset that is more willing to share your data - Alf White

Agriculture was responsible for 75% of the total fixed investment increase (private and government) during last year - A small sector having a massive impact Ferdi Meyer.

60-70% of agricultural exports are pushed to the Durban port, causing a lot of congestion - My question to the industry would be: why don't you look at the opportunities that are available at the other ports? Misumzi Xata,\

I'm taking my hat off to the farmers in Ukraine that are planting now - Their country is at war and the projection is that they are still going to export 10 million tonnes of wheat -Ferdi Meyer

The good news for SA and our consumers is that we are at export parity for most of our staple grains. Ferdi Meyer.

Something that we haven't seen in the last 40 - 50 years and that nobody would have predicted is that America's inflation would be higher than SA's inflation Theo Vorster.

According to Hugo Pienaar the Covid situation in South Africa is normalising and after four major waves of infections, we are learning to live with the pandemic. This means that the economy is on a recovery path. 

There is only a small percentage of people who have the appetite for developing data and applying systems thinking - Gerhard van der Burgh

"Knowledge is power, but we've got to get that power to the farm.- We all have to work together. Your animals have to be tested, you have to know where they come from. We need to work together on the national herd and it starts on the farm, at the auctioneers and where you buy your animals - Dr Faffa

Start doing something and start implementing the plans to go forward - Education can be seen as a good starting point but from there you need to gain practical experience - Johnny van der Merwe 

To be able to adapt, you need current information - agriculture is not a shortterm investment, you won't make money overnight. You need to be in it for the long run .Johnny van der Merwe

Agriculture is good at adapting but we should also amplify the success stories of the past -Tracy Davids.

SA has a high level of unemployment, over 35%, but if you break down the statistics, young people are disproportionally affected - Wandile Sihlobo

Young people must also have a teach able spirit, should they be given the #opportunity to be exposed to this sector.  Sinelizwe Fakade.

It's important as the agriculturalsector to partner with the  government to create more  opportunities for young people.  Jeremia Mathebula

You have to position yourself to be an attractive youngster to be supported. You have to do the hardyards such as not going home on holidays but rather working on the farm, that on-farm experience - Sinelizwe Fakade

We've done well with the plans, now we need to get them implemented and keep each other accountable. The youth to come up with fresh ideas for the implementation - Tracy Davids

It is time for the young generation to step up in agriculture. Ke nako! It is time! - A special message from former - CEO Jannie de Villiers

Produsente ken nou al die tekorte en wagperiodes vir nuwe implemente en toerusting met dié probleem wat waarskynlik 18-20 maande gaan voortduur. Dus is ekstra onderdele-voorsiening van +- R50m reeds gemaak vir strooptyd - Ferdie Pieterse

Wees versigtiger met jou balansstaat – As toerusting nie op die einde van sy leeftyd is nie, moet nie nuwe toerusting koop nie. Dit maak nie sin nie. Doen reservering op jou balansstaat en maak jou besluite op kommersiële terme en nie op belastingsterme nie - Corné Kruger

Wees meer sorgvuldig/konserwatief, beskerm jou kontantvloei. Betaal skuld en skep sodoende spasie. Wanneer meganisasie uitbrei, kry jou rentelas af met meer kontantinvestering – Francois de Kock

Beskikbaarheid van produkte se oorsaak is o.a. weens die sanksies wat op Rusland toegepas word en verhoogde gebruik in Sjina. Bottelnekke gaan kom in planttyd. Jou beplanning moet nou al in plek wees - Kontantvloei en voorsiening/bestelling van insette - Dr Herman van Schalkwyk

Dit is steeds beter om eerder nog grond by te koop as om silo’s op jou plaas op te rig. Paaie word nie beter nie planne moet eerder rondom toegang tot die mark wees - Pieter Malan

Risko bring konsekwentheid en in die landbou verstaan produsente risikobestuur - Chris Koch

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