AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 23th January 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 23th January 2022

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Failure to reach a sensible agreement between South Africa and the EU could severely harm the country's citrus industry. With the start of the new South African citrus season only two months away, there is still no clarity on the negotiations that are destined to put a new legislation in place regarding citrus black spot (CBS) and false codling moth (CDM).

Turning to elephants, there was a well-reported drop in elephant numbers from 1979, when the estimated African elephant population stood at 1,3 million, to 2007 where the population had dropped to between 472,000 and 690,000. At best, the population reduction was 47%, while at worst it was as much as 64%.

The data released by Statistics South Africa shows that consumer food price inflation slowed marginally to 5,9% in December 2021 from 6,0% in November.The product prices underpinning this slight moderation include bread, cereals, and fish.

Stryve, the company that wants to teach Americans about the goodness of biltong, now has another half a billion rand behind its mission. Now it wants to put biltong in more US stores, and possibly build another biltong factory on American soil.

Droogtegeteisterde gebiede in die Noord-Kaap het opvolgreën in Desember en begin Januarie ontvang en die veld is oral besig om nuwe lewe te toon. Die diere kan, met goeie bestuur, die nuwe weiding benut en hul kondisie is aan die verbeter. Volgens Nicol Jansen, president van Agri Noord-Kaap, het reën reeds vanaf 26 Oktober in rampdroogtegebiede van die provinsie voorgekom.

The shortage of locally produced animal disease vaccines in South Africa should be addressed urgently as this might have a devastating effect on the livestock industry. The DA’s Noko Masipa says government needs to address the issue as soon as possible as this is a serious problem for farmers and the livestock industry as a whole.

Climate change’s negative impacts are already being felt on farms, but the problem also works in reverse as agriculture is a major part of the climate problem currently generating over 20% of total greenhouse gas emissions.

‘n Namibiese ekonoom het op die handelstekort van 3,3 miljard Namibiese dollar vir November 2021 gereageer. In dié maand het Namibië se uitvoere op 8,8 miljard Namibiese dollar gestaan, wat ‘n toename van 1,3 persent op ‘n maandelikse basis is. Namibië se invoerrekening het 12,1 miljard dollar beloop wat 22,3 persent laer op ‘n maandelikse basis is.

Cabbage volumes increased in the last week, with the prices dropping very slightly. Strong supply of carrots has negatively impacted the pricing. Onions sold between R35 and R40 per 10 kg bag, with quality remaining good. Volumes were also strong. Consumer demand for onions has remained strong. Potato volumes have been strong which has placed pressure on the price.

The World Bank has approved South Africa’s request for a $750 million (R11.4 billion) development policy loan. This loan will support the government’s efforts to accelerate its Covid-19 response aimed at protecting the poor and vulnerable from the adverse socio-economic impacts of the pandemic and supporting a resilient and sustainable economic recovery.

Many experts believe that climate change will affect more to the northern hemisphere of the earth than the southern hemisphere and reason being that the northern hemisphere is more crowded and polluted than the southern hemisphere. However recent events in southern countries such as South Africa and Australia are proving it wrong.

Dit is kommerwekkend dat Suid-Afrika steeds verskillende landbou-organisasies het wat volgens etnisiteit verdeel is, sê mnr. Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA. Agri SA het tot groot mate daarin geslaag om swart boere te betrek. “Ons het ’n swart visepresident, direksielede en ook komiteelede.

Agricultural activity and food security are likely to present mixed fortunes for the Southern and East Africa regions. Southern Africa will probably be on the more fortunate side because of higher rainfall (even though levels vary across countries). The eastern Horn of Africa could have a poor crop harvest

Now that the ANC’s attempt to rewrite the property clause (Section 25) in the Constitution has been defeated, the ruling party plans to achieve its expropriation-without-compensation (EWC) objectives via the Expropriation Bill of 2020 and the Land Court Bill of 2021.But the ANC’s wants to start by pushing these two bills into law as quickly as possible.

Swart boere se totale aandeel vir plaasuitsette word deur ’n verskeidenheid faktore teruggehou. Dit sluit in die swak en stadige toepassing van grondhervorming, beleid, ondoeltreffende programme, burokratiese vertragings en swak koördinering binne die staat.

As Suid-Afrika se biodiversiteitsektor nie ag slaan op die staat se oproepe tot transformasie nie, kan beroepsjagters hulself later in ’n situasie bevind waar hulle nie meer toegang het tot grond om op te jag nie, het mnr. Jonathan Denga, direkteur van biodiversiteitsbestuur en bewaring in Noordwes, in Johannesburg gewaarsku.

Beesvleispryse kan vanjaar ’n invloed op verbruikersvoedselinflasie hê, maar dit is nog onseker watter rol die ongewoon baie reën in graanpryse kan speel.Mnr. Wandile Sihlobo, hoofekonoom van die landbousakekamer Agbiz, sê in ’n verklaring voedselinflasie kan vanjaar, vergeleke met verlede jaar, matig wees.

Daar word beraam dat tussen 10 000 en 15 000 hektaar landbougrond in die Vrystaat onder water is ná voortdurende swaar reënval. Geaffekteerde boere na verwagting sowat R14 000 per hektaar gaan verloor. Aanhoudende swaar reën het boere verhinder om toegang tot hul lande te kry en hulle sal ook nie weer kan plant nie aangesien die plantseisoen verby is.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf is swaar getref deur die Covid-pandemie en sal nog jare neem om te herstel. Wyn-ondernemings ondergaan tans ‘n kopskuif oor hoe hulle sake doen, wat gebore is uit die noodsaaklikheid om nuwe lewe in die bedryf te blaas.


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