AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 12th November 2021

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Ons het die week die wenners bekend gemaak van ons jaarlikse Junior Landbou Skrywers kompetiesie wat geborg was deur Hollard Insure - Hierdie gewilde kompetiese wat jaarliks aangebied word vir jong voornemende skrywers se standaard word elke jaar nog beter. 

Baie geluk aan almal wat pryse gewen het en ook aan ons Top 4 wat bo aan die wenners lys geeindig het- Lees gerus die wen artikels by die skakel - LEES HIER  - Ons skep hierdeur vir ons jong mense geleenthede om hulleself te ontdek en te verryk en ons meer te vertel van hoe ons jong geslag dink oor landbou en sy mense- 

Ons volgende kompetiese vir 2022 word reedse beplan en ons sal binne die volgende 3 maande die datums bekend maak. Kry solank jou gedagtes in plek en neem deel aan hierdie gewilde kompetiesie -

Ons beplan nog 'n kompetiese vir volgende jaar - wat nog 'n eerste sal wees vir landbou.  Maak en AGRI NEWS NET deel van jou daaglikse nuus em inligting.  Geen medium in Landbou bring jou soveel nuus by een adres 7 dae per week - 365 dae van die jaar.  

This  is AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the news stories of this week-,

Dr Gerhard Verdoorn van CropLife sê ook dit is wonderlik dat die aasvoëls weer begin terugbeweeg na die Karoo. Hy vertel dat daar ’n hele paar dekades gelede heelwat aasvoëls in die Karoo teenwoordig was, maar die getalle het drasties gekrimp.

The farming sector has been one of the key role players in pleading with government to lift the threshold of private power generation. In June we saw the president of the country make an announcement to this effect and, prior to this, the sector has experienced great frustrations that persist

The citrus season in the Southern Hemisphere is coming to an end. The shortage of shipping containers, uncertain shipping times, and strict inspections, all created difficulties for the global trade in citrus fruits.

A spike in tomato and potato prices will force South Africans to reach even deeper into their pockets. Market prices for the two commodities have seen a massive spike due to severe rainfall in major producing regions over the past few months.

The strong and positive agri-story that emerged from the Covid pandemic is a foundation for change, was the message that Syngenta’s managing director, Antonie Delport had for the young agriculturists who had graduated from the Leadership in Agriculture Academy programme in 2020 and 2021.

The collective upsurge in the dam’s levels has a positive impact on the levels of the IVRS as it rises this week -The levels of the Vaal Dam have significantly shot up this week, edging closer to the neutral 100% mark following weeks of stability.

The Valencia fruit quality in 2021 was good, if not slightly compromised due to longer dwell times in ports (due to civil unrest and the Transnet cyber-attack) that persisted right to the end of the season. There was normal sizing (peaked at size 72, 88 and 64) but higher than normal acid levels in the some of the Valencia regions were observed

Thabi Nkosi has been appointed as the new non-executive chairperson of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank. Cabinet on Thursday endorsed the appointment following its meeting.

This whole process came to an end on 7 December 2021 when the amendment did not receive the needed two-thirds majority. But all is not lost. Many lawyers are now admitting that “just and equitable” does not mean “market value” by default. The Bill that makes explicit what is implicit in section 25, as ordinary legislation is meant to do, should be passed within the first quarter of 2022.

The all-new Volkswagen Amarok has been teased with two sketches from the German manufacturer. The new model will be based on the recently revealed Ford Ranger but will possess a design that is in-line with its current language.

Die gemiddelde boer spandeer maklik miljoene rande op nuwe implemente (trekkers, planters, stropers of selflopergifspuite), maar om geld te spandeer aan grondmonsters, op 'n intensiewe skaal, word in baie gevalle nie eers oorweeg nie

Die Internasionale Monetêre Fonds (IMF) het geen oplossings aangebied vir Suid-Afrika se vernietigende ekonomiese agteruitgang en baie ernstige fiskale en sosiale probleme waarvoor die sosialistiese ideologie van die ANC-regering direk verantwoordelik is nie,” sê Fanie Brink, ‘n onafhanklike landbou-ekonoom.

Grain and oilseed plantings in the summer grain production region of South Africa is well underway after the good rainfall that occurred in November and December. According to Petru Fourie, Grain SA economist, the planting season started two to four weeks earlier than usua

Danie Bester demonstrates that no-till is a profitable and sustainable choice for South African farmers. While his neighbors are busy tilling their fields in the spring, It’s because Bester has adopted no-till, a key practice in regenerative agriculture, on his 2,700-acre farm in Balfour, about 55 miles southeast of Johannesburg

Oudpresident Thabo Mbeki het uitgevaar oor die jongste werkloosheidsyfer en sê dit dui op ‘n ekonomie wat in ‘n krisis is. Statistieke Suid-Afrika het die afgelope week bekend gemaak dat werkloosheid in Suid-Afrika van die tweede kwartaal af met ‘n halwe persentasiepunt gestyg het tot die hoogste syfer sedert die eerste kwartaallikse arbeidsmag-opname in 2008.

Wie sou kon dink dat 2021 so ’n groot jaar in ons konteks sou wees? Die meeste dele van die land het rekord-hoë reënval ontvang, rekord-hoë gewasopbrengste, en rekord-hoë melkpryse (selfs al het dit nie so gevoel nie). Dit ly egter geen twyfel nie dat handelsterme steeds uitdagend is, met insetkostes wat die hoogte inskiet.

The cactus fruit is indeed full of valuable substances for our body and exceptionally sweet and tasty. The plant that produces it, is a prolific one that produces many fruits from every single shovel: the Opuntia ficus-indica.

Vanjaar se garsoes is baie kleiner as gevolg van kleiner aanplantings en ongunstige weer. Vanjaar se garsoes kan sowat die helfte kleiner as 2020 se rekordoes van 588 000 ton wees. Volgens die jongste innamesyfers in die droëland- en besproeiingsgebiede is 238 563 ton gars vanjaar nasionaal goes. Dis sowat 120 000 ton laer as AB InBev se mandaat van 359 480 ton. Die jongste oesskatting is 339 800 ton

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE , when you download the APP.

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AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd-  7dae per week- 365 van die jaar-  No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week. 

Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Dis nou vasbyt ten kalm bly

So baklei elkeen vir oorlewing in die natuur

Die Britse boere is kwaad

Hier word nie gestop nie 

So speel die manne

En so gaan ons boer in die jaar 2050 

En so lyk die wereld se nuwe Vragbote