AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News -18th July 2021

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Suikertekorte is waarskynlik verbruikers se voorland nadat suikerriet-lande afgebrand is en suikermeulens in die hartjie van die bedryf moes sluit. Meer as 350 000 ton suikerriet is reeds vernietig weens brandstigting wat sedert die naweek in KwaZulu-Natal en Gauteng deel is van die modus operandi van die opstande en plundering in die twee provinsies.

John Deere- The AutoTrac RowSense system is equipped with feelers mounted inside the front wheels of the sprayer. The system uses voltages produced by the feelers to determine how to steer the sprayers for the best results. The RowSense feelers don’t require the user to calibrate them because they calibrate themselves during operation. 

Cois Harman - He is running WhatsApp groups for Black Farmers all over South Africa and Botswana guiding and advising them about everything they need to know to make a success of their farming. Lukily I have many equiped farmers and well trained people who are helping me to guide about 4000 plus farmers on a daily basis.

Die Wes-Kaapse regering het versoek dat die vlak 4-regulasies aangepas word sodat drank aanlyn gekoop en by verbruikers afgelewer kan word. Dr. Ivan Meyer, Wes-Kaapse LUR vir landbou, het Woensdag in ’n verklaring gesê hy doen ’n beroep op die nasionale regering om toe te laat dat drank aanlyn verkoop en deur vervoer- of koerierdienste by verbruikers se blyplekke afgelewer kan word.

Ons jong geslag Suid Afrikaners het baie ander voorkeure as dit kom by kos, klere en sosiale interaksie- Oral sien jy hoe daar klere reekse eksklusief op sosiale media bemark word en hoe dit lyk of patriotisme 'n groot rol speel in die onderwerp en aanbieding van die klere. Boere en hulle kakieklere met so ietwat van 'n rooi, oranje of groen iewers ingebring is baie gewild.

63% of Africa’s population is under 25. By 2030, 30 million young people are expected to enter the African labour market each year. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, while 18 million new jobs would be needed annually to absorb new entries in the labour market, only three million are currently being created. In South Africa, the second-largest economy on the continent, 55% of young people are jobless.

Allthough South Africans enjoy a braai as much as they can and some of them wondering about the greenest method for cooking up my legendary T-bones and sweet sausages. Should I stick with charcoal, which I’ve used for years, or should I finally make the switch to gas?

Free State Agriculture and the Red Meat Producers Organisation have welcomed arrests made by the Hawks on Wednesday, where five police officers and two animal stock brokers were arrested in Bloemfontein and Ladybrand respectively.

Kenners is dit eens dat oliepryse wel die jaar sal styg en dat dit op die oomblik onmoontlik is om vraag na ru-olie te voorspel. Die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomiese ontleder Chris Bredenhann wat tans in die Midde Ooste vir Deloitte werksaam is het gesê die prys kan tot bo 80 Amerikaanse dollar later vanjaar verhandel.

This comprises maize, sunflower seed, soybeans, groundnuts, sorghum and dry beans. While there remains some uncertainty about the weather conditions for the upcoming summer crop production season, which begins in October, it is fair to say farmers are optimistic and are gearing up for it. The early indicator we have thus far is tractors sales which have remained robust since mid-2020.

Die landbou- en wynbedryf in die Wes-Kaap se vordering met transformasie word telkens ’n harde terugslag toegedien wanneer die regering ’n algehele verbod op drankverkope plaas. “Dit het veral ’n baie groot impak op opkomende swart boere in die provinsie,” sê Andricus van der Westhuizen, die DA se provinsiale woordvoerder oor landbou en omgewingsake.

Die kredietgraderingsmaatskappy, Fitch sê die onrus en geweld in die land hou ‘n risiko in vir maatskaplike- en politieke bestendigheid, wat fiskale beleid kan beïnvloed. Fitch sê egter dit sal nie ‘n wesentlike impak op die plaaslike ekonomie hê nie.

SA’s largest short-term insurer, Santam, scheduled an online media briefing last week about its Covid-19-related business interruption claims, little realising that come Monday, the company would be grappling with a rash of claims stemming from an even more dramatic form of business interruption

Die rooivleisbedryf bly onder skoot — of dit druk van die veganiste is wat ’n volle 0,1% van die wêreldbevolking beslaan of omgewingsaktiviste wat die kweekhuisgaskat aan die stert beet het. Rede is egter besig om te seëvier. Die mensdom se eetlus is besig om die aarde oor sy planetêre grense te druk, terwyl dit terselfdertyd ook ’n gesondheidsrisiko skep.

A Zimbabwean environmental group is suing the government over plans to export elephants to China. The group, Advocates4Earth, accuses China of subjecting elephants to unhealthy conditions. In an application to Zimbabwe’s High Court, Advocates4Earth is seeking to prevent the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority from going through with the export.

'n Deurbraak waarvolgens DNS-ontledings vir onder meer die bepaling van vaderskap, genomiese inligting van eienskappe en genetiese defekte van ’n dier gemaak word, haal vir telers die rompslomp uit die stelsel.

Nature conservation literature and policy instruments mainly focus on the impacts of human development and the benefits of nature conservation for oceans and aboveground terrestrial organisms (e.g., birds and plants) and processes (e.g., food production), but these efforts almost completely ignore the majority of terrestrial biodiversity that is unseen and living in the soil.

Agri SA en sy provinsiale affiliasies het ’n fonds gestig vir humanitêre hulp aan gemeenskappe in KwaZulu-Natal en Gauteng wat deur die burgerlike onrus van die afgelope week geteister word. Mnr. Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA, sê die mikpunt is om R10 miljoen in te samel.

As the table grape harvests kick off in central California, the season is shaping up as expected regarding production but with uncertainty at the retail pricing level. There is unpredictability around how the Covid-19 restrictions and general economic conditions will impact grape consumption, John Pandol, Special Projects Director at Pandol Bros.

By Kasteel in die Wes Kaap staan hierdie Saaduie lowergroen en reg om te blom. Die Wes- Kaap het baie reen gehad die winterseisoen en meeste van die aangeplante groente, vrugte en graan lyk baie goed.

The global chicken egg market continues to expand and is forecast to reach 138 million tons by 2030 thanks to an increase in demand, driven by population growth. This according a new report by IndexBox: ‘World – Hen Eggs – Market Analysis, Forecast, Size, Trends and Insights’. During the pandemic, sales to the hotel/restaurant/catering (HoReCa) sector crashed.

The estimated damage to the trucking industry alone following the violence and looting in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng is R250-R350 million in burnt-out trucks and cargo, says Mike Fitzmaurice, chief executive of the Federation of East and Southern African Road Transport Associations.

‘n Dosent by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, Errol Cason, sê boere en die landboubedryf maak al lank onwetend van biotegnologie gebruik. Vir baie jare al kies mense in die sektor sekere diere vir teeldoeleindes sonder om te besef dat hulle eintlik biotegnologie gebruik. Cason sê biotegnologie is in die alledaagse lewe van toepassing, met iets so eenvoudig soos kruisbestuiwing wat ‘n vorm van biotegnologie is. Hy waarsku egter die enigste gevaar is ‘n gebrek aan inligting vir verbruikers.

Sowat 200 uitstallers van ’n boeremark in Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein, wil eise instel nadat die polisie Saterdag die mark weens Covid-19-inperkingsmaatreëls gesluit het. Die uitstallers sê hulle het duisende rande aan inkomste verloor.

Road Freight Association CEO, Gavin Kelly, has reiterated his appeal that key routes used for supply chain in South Africa’s unrest-affected areas be secured to allow for safe logistical operations.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

So was 'n "girl" 'n trekker skoon 

Dit  is nou produktiwiteit op sy beste

Wiskunde op sy beste 

As die bok ramme se testosterone te veel raak.

So help ons mekaar- 

Moet ons meer bome plant- 

So het die voêls ook hulle dans en sports op die water-

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