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This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, SUNDAY EDITION - ALWAYS ON TIME -
News Comments - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational. News platform of the real commercial farmers of South Africa .
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The global economy is expected to grow solidly in 2025, with a forecasted expansion of 2.7% in worldwide GDP. This growth is anticipated despite trade uncertainty and potential tariffs. The US economy is projected to outperform expectations, growing 2.5% in 2025, while the euro area economy is expected to expand 0.8%. Key Trends to Watch: - Global Growth: Stabilizing but at a weak pace, with global growth expected to reach 3.1% in five years - Inflation: Continued disinflation, with services price inflation remaining elevated in many regions - Trade Policy: Potential tariffs and trade tensions, particularly between the US and China, may impact global growth . Emerging Markets: Strong confidence in the global economy, particularly in Asia, while European countries are more pessimistic Overall, while there are challenges ahead, the global economy is expected to grow solidly in 2025, driven by emerging markets and a stabilizing US economy.
Die jaar 2024 was Suid-Afrika se hersteljaar. “Die jaar 2025 gaan egter ons maak-of-breek-jaar wees- “Die wêreld wil nie sien dat die regering van nasionale eenheid (RNE) gaan ontbind nie. Ons ekonomie wil dit óók nie sien nie. Suid-Afrikaners kan uitsien na tot vier rentekoersverlagings van 25 basispunte elk gedurende die eerste twee kwartale van 2025. Vier verlagings sal die rentekoers van 7,75% tot in die omgewing van 6,85% bring. Landbou het in die derde kwartaal sy tweede agtereenvolgende daling aangeteken; dié keer ʼn daling van 28,8%, wat die ganse Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie geknou het.“Werkskepping is ook nie waar dit moet wees nie. Volgens die huidig beskikbare data vir 2024, wat baie konserwatief bereken is, is Suid-Afrika se werkloosheidsyfer tans sowat 33,2%.
Overall, while expectations for 2025 are favourable, agriculture remains a cyclical game that is vulnerable to numerous external forces. With limited government support, South African producers – and the entire agricultural value chain – need stakeholders such as banks to get involved. Agriculture in 2025 is expected to be shaped by several factors, including climate fluctuations, low commodity prices, and severe soil degradation . In South Africa, the agricultural sector is predicted to experience a turnaround in 2025, with improved sentiment and a positive weather outlook, particularly with the predicted La Niña system.- The use of digital technologies, such as precision agriculture and drone farming, is expected to increase in 2025, improving efficiency and productivity in agriculture. - Export Markets: South Africa's agricultural exports are expected to grow in 2025, with a focus on expanding markets in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
In ʼn onlangse verwikkeling het BFAP bevind dat die BBP-syfers vir landbou gedurende die derde kwartaal van 2024 heelwat beter was as Statistieke SA se aangeduide 28,8%-inkrimping. Ná afloop van die bestudering van gebrekkige vloei van data en datatekortkominge wat dit moeilik maak om die diversiteit van landbou se ekonomiese bydrae te bereken, is daar ooreengekom om ʼn komitee vir die beoordeling van landboutoestande te vorm. Die doel is om insette uit bedryfsgeledere te kry om die statistiese bevindings te staaf. Kortom, die ervaring van boere op grondvlak moet belyn word met dít wat statisties voorgehou word. Die akkuraatheid van landbou-BBP-data is noodsaaklik vir monetêre beleid en diens as maatstaf van landbou se gesondheid en voedselsekerheid.
Wat opval, is georganiseerde landbou en die departement van landbou se beperkte vermoë om tydige, akkurate en geografiese data oor landbou en die voedselsisteem te verskaf. Ons kennis van die bedryf is gefragmenteer, wat ruimte skep vir gevaarlike en subjektiewe menings wat soms lei tot emosionele besluitneming. Die feit dat dieselfde waar is rakende die gebrek aan betroubare data oor arbeid, waterhulpbronne, grondbesit, internasionale handel, siekte-uitbrekings en die toestand van kritieke landbou-infrastruktuur, beklemtoon hoe reaktief en gefragmenteer georganiseerde landbou en die departement geraak het. Ons benodig ʼn gekoördineerde maatstaf om ons eie sukses en gesondheid te evalueer. Johann Kotze AGRI SA
Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal
Fossil elephant tracks can take a number of forms. Sometimes they are familiar depressions; sometimes they appear as natural casts, representing the layer that filled in the tracks and, so, protruding down from the ceilings of overhangs. They can also be seen in profile in cliff outcrops. READ MORE
Droughts come and go – more often and more extreme with the incessant rise of greenhouse gas emissions over the last three decades – but burning fossil fuels is transforming our blue planet. A new report from scientists convened by the United Nations found that an area as large as India has become arid, and it’s probably permanent. READ MORE
The nation consumes more than 12 million tonnes of wheat and wheat-based products per year, more than its national production of roughly 9.5 million tonnes, according to the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture. As a result, Brazil is among the top 10 largest wheat importers in the world, reaching an estimated 5.6 million tonnes in 2024-25. READ MORE
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) today launched the Global Family Farming Forum, celebrating the essential role of family farmers in building sustainable agrifood systems and tackling the impacts of the climate crisis, while identifying ways to better support them. READ MORE
EXCLUSIVE to Farmingportal - Farm FOR SALE -
Type- Wine Farm -Area – Stellenbosch – Western Cape Hectares – 157,27ha + 70ha
One of the biggest Family Farms in Stellenbosch. For sale because the owners have no kids and would like to plan for his retirement. The farm has 3 Title deeds (30.69ha; 66,42ha; 60,16ha) in total 157,27ha. There are 110ha planted with winegrapes (Chenin Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay/Pinotage/Shiraz/Merlot/Cabernet). 30ha are vlei land and can be used for cattle. There is an abundance of water on the farm. Two big dams and two fully equipped boreholes with 39ha Municipality water rights.
Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter. 7 dae per week is ons span werksaam- Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk- Internasionaal is daar groot belangstelling in ons mediums. Our visitors to our mediums increased with 38 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums . No medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address. - 350 "good news " stories per week- Our domains - farmingportal.co.za -agricultureportal.co.za and agrinewsnet.co.za en landbounuusnet.
WOMENS VOICE is AGRICULTURE is open for 2025
Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE
Michelle Marais- Winner of the FIRST Voice of women in Agriculture.
CRA MEDIA - Actions speak louder than words. So, focus on winning through your actions rather than trying to win an argument. Actions speak louder than words. So, focus on winning through your actions rather than trying to win an argument. You need to think long-term if you want to maintain power. Consider all the possible outcomes of your actions and plan accordingly. Don’t accept things that people give to you for free. People will think they have power over you if you do. You won’t be able to exert your authority as easily.
Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year. Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.
South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 25th December 2024
We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world. 18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team. We do not work be rewarded by a organization who we need to pay membership fees. Or to be nominated for excellent work- We know what is dignity and respect. Our mission is Professional and we reward ourselves.
IT'S NEW - take a look - FARMERS- you can have your own workout station on your Farm. The whole Family- in the comfort of your own home. Our revolutionary Flexbox home workout device is designed for busy men & women who crave convenience and modern style.Flexbox is a multi-purpose training platform to maximize your health and fitness potential. It has a stylish and compact design that blends seamlessly with a modern home aesthetic. Flexbox gives you the ability to do resistance training, pilates and yoga exercises without the need for bulky unappealing gym equipment.
Here it is, the ULTIMATE HOME WORKOUT that will revolutionise your life. Imagine a gym that fits YOUR schedule, in the comfort of YOUR home.
Our sleek, compact, aesthetically perfect Flexbox is here to redefine your workout experience.
Q&A with Flexbox Co-Founders and Owners, Van Aarde and Rachel Pretorius READ MORE
OUR AUDIO CAST - Number SEVEN in November 2024 and moving upwards.
READ MORE ( Stats)
WATCH OUT- NEW program on the way - exclusive to CRA MEDIA and the FARMERS of South Africa - 2025
Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year. Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world. Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news - A2B
NEWS on AGRI NEWS NET - For more news visit www.agrinewsnet.co.za - This is just a a summary of a few stories- much more on www.agrinewsnet.co.za
The government owns about 2.4 million hectares that are due to be released to appropriately selected beneficiaries for commercial production. This will be a major step towards eliminating the divide that has burdened South African agriculture historically. It is important that the commercial production of these hectares of land must help boost production and create much-needed job creation in rural South Africa. Overall, while expectations for 2025 are favourable, agriculture remains a cyclical game that is vulnerable to numerous external forces. With limited government support, South African producers – and the entire agricultural value chain – need stakeholders like banks to get involved.
Ná afloop van my eerste kalenderjaar aan stuur van Agri SA, kan ek onomwonde sê dat die passie en vindingrykheid van Suid-Afrikaanse boere die dryfveer agter ons globale mededingendheid is. Ek het tyd bestee met boere in elke uithoek van ons land en het eerstehands die diversiteit en kompleksiteit van ons land se voedselsisteem ervaar.
The agriculture sector is changing, and the revolution is as a result of technological development. The concept of smart farming involving the use of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and big data analytics is defining the future of agricultural practices and is currently generating a tidal wave of opportunities for agritech startups.
Speaking at the Subtrop Marketing Symposium, held in White River, Mpumalanga, Glynnis Branthwaite, founder of Protactic Strategic Communications, said marketers needed to be flexible. “Facts, the situation, and channels change quickly. If you aren’t watching what worked yesterday, today and tomorrow, you risk losing out on market share.”
Watching the intelligent, in so many ways perfectly capable culture of wine grow and evolve is an exercise in (im)patient frustration, akin to watching a fat, grinning baby try to pick up a Cheerio and successfully put it in their gabbering mouth for the first time.
National Grain Co., a joint venture between the Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Co. (SALIC) and Bahri, inaugurated the Yanbu Grain Handling Terminal on Dec. 22 at Yanbu Commercial Port.
Thailand has re-opened its doors to South African apple exports 16 years after an administrative error closed access to one of South Africa's more significant trading partners, hurting the local industry.
Die jaar 2024 was Suid-Afrika se hersteljaar. “Die jaar 2025 gaan egter ons maak-of-breek-jaar wees- “Die wêreld wil nie sien dat die regering van nasionale eenheid (RNE) gaan ontbind nie. Ons ekonomie wil dit óók nie sien nie. Suid-Afrikaners kan uitsien na tot vier rentekoersverlagings van 25 basispunte elk gedurende die eerste twee kwartale van 2025.
Sifiso Mhlaba, the new CEO of the Sugar Association of South Africa (SASA) is hopeful the government will grant a moratorium on the sugar tax until 2030, which he says is necessary for the sustainability of the industry.
Importantly, the government continues to prioritise the diversification of export markets for South African agricultural produce. The South African agricultural sector is heavily reliant on exports, with half (by value) of agriproduce being exported. Our biggest export markets are Africa (40%), the Middle East and Asia (23%), the EU (19%) and the UK (7%). While our export markets are already diverse, agricultural produce will likely expand in the coming years, mainly due to previously under-used land. That’s why it’s vital that the expanded BRICS member nations be pursued as added agricultural export markets – particularly China, India, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
NEWS on AGRI NEWS NET - For more news visit www.agrinewsnet.co.za - This is just a a summary of a few stories- much more on www.agrinewsnet.co.za
If you haven't walked in the worn-out boots of a farmer, you can't begin to comprehend the relentless struggle of living with drought.Have you ever invested your life savings into the earth, only to watch it wither away under the scorching sun? Have you endured the agony of waiting for rain that never comes, clinging to useless weather forecasts that promise hope but deliver nothing?
Have you faced the daunting task of appeasing creditors, who demand payment for seeds, fertilizers, and equipment, even as your crops shrivel and die? Do you know the feeling of desperation that grips your heart as you watch your livelihood disintegrate before your eyes? If not, then you can't truly understand the devastating impact of drought on farmers, their families, and their communities.
Drought is more than just a lack of rain; it's a merciless thief that steals away your income, your security, and your sense of purpose. It's a constant reminder that, no matter how hard you work, you're always at the mercy of forces beyond your control. So, before you offer solutions or sympathies, take a moment to walk in our shoes. Feel the weight of our worries, the depth of our despair, and the resilience of our spirit. Only then can you begin to understand the true meaning of drought and the unyielding determination of those who face it head-on, season after season.
“Cows have a digestion system that emits methane. We need to change cows and work towards artificial meat.”
— James Melville 🚜 (@JamesMelville) December 28, 2024
~ Bill Gates
He fails to point out that methane from cows breaks down into CO2 & water after 10 years. Grass absorbs the CO2 by photosynthesis & the cycle keeps repeating. pic.twitter.com/Y8lPrQSqo1