Taking a look at inflation- May 2022

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BFAP has been contributing to the development of the AAMP since late 2019, by providing research inputs on the general context of the South African agricultural sector and in-depth analysis on 17 specific value chains. Value chains were unpacked with the help of industry role-players and BFAP’s analytical tools, and each industries’ ‘business-as-usual’ baseline up to 2030 was compared to an attainable ‘more ideal state’ projection, where specific and practical required public and private sector interventions and investments would unlock inclusive growth, transformation, increased food security, and employment and livelihood opportunities. 

BFAP looks forward to collaborate further with all role-players to inform decision making towards reaching the attainable and necessary goals set in the AAMP. 

Governments, the private sector, donor organizations and the public worldwide are making firm commitments to accelerate mitigation and adaptation actions to address climate change, and the pressure for South Africa is mounting to firm up our own actions while delaying to address climate change will increase the environmental and societal consequences amid already dire poverty and low adaptive capacity.