Africa should note the move towards GMOs in leading countries

Africa should note the move towards GMOs in leading countries

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The region has long restricted the importation and cultivation of GMO crops, but in 2022 it approved certain varieties of maize, soybeans and rapeseed.

These had not yet gone through the authorisation stages that would open the door for trade in the approved varieties. It was only on February 22 2023 that the EU authorised imports of certain types of GMO soybeans and rapeseed for use in food and animal feed for 10 years. This authorisation does not include cultivation; these will be imports, subject to the EU’s labelling and traceability rules.

Yet, after 25 years of opposition to GMO crops this signals a move within the EU towards broader acceptance of the technology. The change in sentiment is probably underpinned by a growing desire for nations and regions to improve their food security conditions after the Russia-Ukraine war disrupted global grain and oilseed supplies.

The EU is not alone. Last year the Chinese national crop variety approval committee released two standards that clear the path for cultivating GMO crops in the country. This has been the missing piece in the regulations for China’s commercial growth of GMO maize and soybeans. There are two steps in these regulations: a “safety certificate” and a “variety approval” before crops can be commercially cultivated.

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Various GMO maize and soybean varieties have received the safety certificate since 2019. Missing has been the “variety approval”. Now that hurdle has been cleared, commercialisation of GMO crops in China is a real possibility.

Re-evaluate restrictions

Unlike the EU, China now imports GMO maize and soybean but prohibits domestic cultivation of the crops. The regulation change to encourage domestic cultivation could lead to improved yields, which aligns with China’s ambition of becoming self-sufficient in essential grains and oilseeds in the coming years.

African countries should pay close attention to this wave of change in sentiment in key economic regions. Some African countries closely followed the EU’s approach to GMO crops by prohibiting their import and cultivation. With this new development in the EU and the authorisation process completed, these African countries should also re-evaluate restrictions.

Kenya, one such country, aims to clear white maize cultivation. But in February lobby groups took legal action to block GMO white maize seeds the Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organisation planned to release to farmers in March and April.

Kenya is one of the African countries that could benefit from GMO seed cultivation through yield improvement, since it is a major consumer of maize. The country has struggled with poor maize yields recently because of unfavourable weather conditions and crop disease. Kenya’s 2022/2023 maize import forecast is 700,000 tonnes.

Permitting cultivation

Kenyan consumers cannot yet access the abundant GMO maize in the world market, let alone use GMO crop technologies to reduce crop losses. With a change in regulations Kenya would have been able to access more affordable maize from the likes of SA, the US and South American countries, directly benefiting consumers and supporting the struggling animal sector.

Considering recent global grains market changes, the most critical step in GMO regulations, particularly in Africa, would be to permit cultivation. This typically introduces debates about the ownership of seeds and how smallholder farmers could struggle to obtain seeds and support inputs in some developing countries.

These are the realities policymakers in African countries need to manage, including reaching agreements with seed breeders and technology developers, rather than closing off innovation, as is now the case. Technology developers also need to be mindful of these concerns when engaging African governments.

This discussion needs to take place sooner rather than later in Africa, as geopolitical and climate change risks make the exploration of technological solutions to increase each country’s agricultural production increasingly urgent.