Kiwifuit is becoming very popular in the world.

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This figure is slightly higher than the previous estimate of 140,000 metric tons and represents a year-on-year (YOY) increase of 1%.

Europe remained the largest importer of Chilean kiwifruit by week 40, accounting for 52,000 metric tons. Latin America and North America took the second and third spots with total import volumes of 34,500 and 26,600 metric tons, respectively. In terms of countries, the top five overseas markets for Chilean kiwifruit ranked by volume were the United States (23,680 metric tons, +27% YOY), the Netherlands (16,885 metric tons, +51% YOY), India (13,856 metric tons, +26% YOY), Italy (12,297 metric tons, −11% YOY) and Brazil (11,493 metric tons, +6% YOY).

In 2019, Chile’s kiwifruit exports to China set a historical record at 21,355 metric tons. Since then, however, the export volume has displayed a downward trend. As of week 40, China had imported only 4,280 metric tons of Chilean kiwifruit this season, corresponding to a decrease of 56% with respect to the same period of last year. This substantial drop is largely attributable to an increased supply of China’s domestic kiwifruit crop and logistical challenges caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

In terms of varieties, the Hayward cultivar still dominates Chile’s kiwifruit exports. By week 40, the export volume of Hayward kiwifruit had hit 143,000 metric tons, accounting for 98% of total exports. Other exported varieties included Jintao (1,890 metric tons) and Dori (664 metric tons), both of which are golden-fleshed cultivars.

Production volume of kiwis worldwide in 2019, by leading country (in 1,000 metric tons)
Characteristic Production volume in thousand metric tons
China, mainland 2,196.73
New Zealand 558.19
Italy 524.49
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 344.19

Kiwifruit has been grown in South Africa for over 40 years. A recent influx of new varieties of green, gold and red kiwifruit has seen a tremendous growth in the number of growers in the country and a steady increase in the establishment of new orchards. The South African Kiwi Growers NPC was established in 2019 to support and grow the local kiwifruit industry. It brings together a diverse set of growers and other stakeholders from all over South Africa.

The kiwifruit, or Chinese gooseberry, originally grew wild in China. Kiwis are a nutrient-dense food — they are rich in in nutrients and low in calories.
A schoolteacher introduced the fruitTrusted Source to New Zealand in 1904, upon returning from China with seeds. The New Zealanders called it “kiwi” after their national bird.

Kiwi has a reputation as a health food because of its high vitamin C content, but the fruit is also rich in other nutrients. These may help reduce blood pressure, boost wound healing, help maintain bowel health, and more.

Below, learn more about the potential benefits and risks of adding kiwi to the diet.

   GLOBAL OVERVIEW KIWI - September 2021

Possible health benefits
Share on PinterestThe vitamin C in kiwi may improve skin health.
Kiwi and other fruits provide a range of health benefits due to their nutritional contents. Kiwis are a good source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber.

Antioxidants — including vitamin C, choline, lutein, and zeaxanthin — help remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that the body produces during metabolism and other processes.

If too many free radicals build up, they can causeTrusted Source oxidative stress, which can result in cell damage. This damage may lead to issues such as heart disease or cancer. Antioxidants can help protect the body by removing free radicals.

Which other foods are good sources of antioxidants?

The nutrients in kiwi may benefit a person in the following ways.

Healthful skin
Vitamin C contributesTrusted Source to the production of collagen, a key component in cells and organs throughout the body, including the skin. The vitamin also boosts the body’s ability to heal wounds.

A 2019 review of studies found that taking oral collagen supplements may help boost skin elasticity and hydration and reduce wrinkles. Taking supplements is not the same as consuming vitamin C in kiwis, but eating the fruit may still help keep the skin healthy.

One kiwi weighing 69 grams (g)Trusted Source provides 64 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C. This represents 71–85% of an adult’s daily vitamin C requirementTrusted Source.

Kiwifruit also provides vitamin E, or tocopherol. The antioxidant properties of vitamin E and its ability to help protect the skin from sun damage may help prevent skin disorders.

Learn more about skin-friendly foods.

Better sleep
A 2011 study looked at the effects of kiwifruit on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems. The researchers found that eating kiwis improved sleep, according to self-reported measures.

The scientists suggested that this benefit may stem from the antioxidant and serotonin contents of kiwis.

Heart health and blood pressure
Kiwis contain fiber, potassium, and antioxidants, all of which may support heart health.

The American Heart AssociationTrusted Source (AHA) encourage people to increase their potassium intake while reducing their consumption of added salt, or sodium.

Potassium relaxes the blood vessels, which helps manage blood pressure, and people with low blood pressure tend to be less likely to develop cardiovascular disease.

One kiwi contains about 215 mgTrusted Source of potassium, or nearly 5% of an adult’s daily requirementTrusted Source.

Kiwi’s fiber content may also benefit cardiovascular health. A reviewTrusted Source published in 2017 found that people who consume high amounts of fiber have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. They also tend to have less low-density lipoprotein, or “bad,” cholesterol.

One kiwi provides around 2 gTrusted Source of fiber, or 6–9% of an adult’s daily requirementTrusted Source.

Which foods may help manage high blood pressure?

Kidney stone prevention
According to the Office of Dietary SupplementsTrusted Source, a high potassium intake may also help prevent kidney stones from forming.

Cancer prevention
The National Cancer Institute note that high levels of free radicals in the body can cause damage to DNA that can result in various types of cancer.

Kiwis provideTrusted Source a range of antioxidants that help remove free radicals from the body. This is one way in which the fruit may help prevent cancer.

In addition, researchTrusted Source has shown that people who eat plenty of fiber — especially fiber from fruits and cereals — are less likely to develop colorectal cancer than those who eat little fiber.

How may the diet affect cancer? Find out here.

Constipation prevention
A 2019 studyTrusted Source concluded that when healthy people eat kiwis, their small intestines are better able to retain water, leading to greater stool frequency and softer stool consistency.

The study authors suggested that kiwifruit could be a natural alternative to medical laxatives for people with mild constipation.

Which other foods are good for constipation?

Anti-inflammatory effects
Kiwellin and kissper are proteins in kiwifruit that may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Laboratory findingsTrusted Source have indicated that kissper may help manage inflammation in the human intestines.

During pregnancy
Kiwifruit contains folateTrusted Source, which is essential for cell division. During pregnancy, doctors advise women to take additional folate, as it may protect the fetus from developmental problems, such as neural tube abnormalities.

One kiwi provides around 17.2 microgramsTrusted Source (mcg) of folate, or just over 4% of an adult’s daily requirementTrusted Source.

Learn more about the benefits of folate.

Bone health
Kiwi contains vitamin K and traces of calcium and phosphorus, all of which contribute to bone health. An adequate intake of vitamin KTrusted Source

 may help prevent osteoporosis.

Vitamin K also plays an important role in blood clotting.

One kiwi provides 23–30% of an adult’s daily requirementTrusted Source of the vitamin.